There is a fish called the blackspot angelfish1,which can change from female to male. No, it cannotdo it by simply wishing to become male. The changehappens for a reason.
The angelfish live in groups. And each group hasone male fish, which is blue in colour, and fourfemale fish, which are yellow in colour.
The male angelfish is the strongest and largestmember of the group. He is the one who protects2and looks after the females and he is like their“security guard3”. When the male dies, the groupneeds a “security guard”. This is when the largestfemale fish in the group begins to change its look.
She begins to grow larger in size. After a week,she starts changing colour, from yellow to blue.Slowly, she begins behaving4 like a male. Two weekslater, black stripes5 on her body. This shows that thechange is done. She is now 100% male!
Another interesting fact about angelfish is thatthey have a job in the fish world. Most of them are“cleaners6”for other fish.
The angelfish are one kind of fish with the brightest color in the sea. You canalso see them at home. People like to keep them because of the interesting patterns7on them. These patterns help them to hide from danger. Often the young ones havedifferent colors from the grown-ups.
At night, when these fish become inactive8, their colors may change. They canbe found in the freshwaters9 of South America, in warm seas and coral reefs10.They can grow up to more than 40 cm. They usually swim by themselves or in pairs.
晚上,当这些鱼变得不活跃时,它们的颜色可能会改变。人们可以在南美洲的淡水水域、温暖的海洋和珊瑚礁中找到它们。它们可以长到40 多厘米,通常单独或成对地游动。
1. angelfish 扁鲨;神仙鱼;一种观赏用热带鱼
2. protect 保护;防护
3. security guard 保安人员
4. behave 行为;表现
5. stripe 条纹
6. cleaner 清洁工人
7. pattern 图案;花样
8. inactive 不活动的;不活跃的
9. freshwater 淡水
10. coral reef 珊瑚礁