This JWST infrared imageshows the Orion Bar, whichseparates parts of the OrionNebula containing cool molecularg a s ( l o w e r l e f t ) f r om t h o s econtaining hot plasma (upperright). The latter are ionized byultraviolet radiation from massivestars (located beyond the image).The strong ultraviolet radiationfield heats protoplanetary disksa r o u n d y o u n g s t a r s i n t h i sregion, dispersing the gas neededfor planet formation.
封面图展示的是一条粗鲨(粗皮棘鲛科),它属于深海鲨鱼的一个小科,只有5 个物种。其中3 个物种因过度捕捞而面临灭绝的威胁。由于它们生长缓慢、幼仔很少,再加上以鲨鱼卵为食的特殊饮食习惯,使得这群深海鲨鱼很容易受到过度捕捞的影响,因而非常有必要为它们提供躲避人类活动的庇护所。
Rough sharks (Oxynotidae)are a small family of deepwatersharks consisting of five species.Three species are threatened withextinction from overfishing. Theirslow growth and few young,combined with an unusual dietof shark eggs, make this groupof deepwater sharks susceptibleto overfishing, which highlightsthe need to provide refuge fromhuman activities.
封面展示的是在2024年2 月8 日, 熔巖流的前缘摧毁了冰岛格林达维克镇附近的一条道路。该地区一系列破坏性的火山喷发和地面破裂事件造成了重大社会问题。超快速岩浆流可以在地下发生而无须喷发, 就像2023 年11月10 日影响格林达维克的第一起事件一样。
T h e l e a d i n g e d g e o f alava flow destroys a road on 8February 2024 near the town ofGrindavík, Iceland. A series ofdamaging eruptions and groundfracturingepisodes in the areaprovide a major societal challenge.Ultrarapid magma flow can occurin the subsurface without aneruption, as in the first of theevents that influenced Grindavíkon 10 November 2023.
T r o p i c a l H e l i c o n i u sbutterflies display a diversityof warning patterns that theyalso use during mate choice.Researchers have now linkedbehavioral preferences for the redcolors of Heliconius Melpomene(shown here) to a specific gene,which has been shared with otherspecies with similar colors throughhybridization.
(陶 陶 编译)