My Northern Lights tourism我的北极光之旅

2024-05-14 16:29侯昌玮
疯狂英语·读写版 2024年3期


主题语境:旅行 篇幅:351词 建议用时:7分钟

1 It's getting close to mid?night, and close to my destination—mile marker 133 on Alaska'sGlenn Highway, where I'm on theroad to fulfilling a lifelong dream.I'm going to see the NorthernLights.

2 I am Scott's only client to?night who is a professional photographer and videographer interested to come out here towitness one of nature's most spectacular shows and to share it with others.“ I can't tell youhow much joy I get from seeing the smile on people's faces. That's worth it right there.That's the reason I do tours,” he says.

3 I emerge from the van into minus 6 degrees. A bazillion stars sparkle (闪烁), and theMilky Way pours overhead. What looks like a gray stream of cloud arcs low over thehorizon.“ That's it!” says Scott. Really? That's it? I spent 13 hours in planes and airports,and then drove 2.5 hours to see a gray streak?“ Patience,” he says.“ It will get better. Waittill 2 am. That's usually the best time.”

4 Aurora tourism is combined with winter activities like ice fishing, snow machinerides, and hot springs. As aurora guides and scientists will tell you, there's no guarantee of a sighting. But Fairbanks is a statistically good bet because of its northern location andfreedom from coastal clouds, which can be a challenge for Anchorage. Travelers are recom?mended to put aside at least three nights to improve their chances of viewing, with the ideathat they'll be up much of the night each time.

5 Each time Scott wakes me and I step outside, it appears more glorious. At first, ahoneydew fuzz skitters along the horizon. Another time, a broad green line stretches acrossthe sky, anchored by a short tail.“ Do you see the red?” Scott asks. He has me look throughhis camera. It can see more color than the naked eyes (肉眼). Finally, as if playing a visualsymphonic tune, a giant line of phosphorous (发磷光的) green seems to swoop down to thetreetops and dollop them with a curlicue swirl. I'm smiling inside and out. We can go now.



1. What makes Scott like to do aurora tourism?

A. The good income.

B. The happiness of tourists.

C. The joy of enjoying the Northern Lights.

D. The chance to meet foreign visitors.

2. What can we infer about the author from paragraph 3?

A. He/She feels very angry.

B. He/She is very doubtful.

C. He/She is a little disappointed.

D. He/She loses his/her patience.

3. Why is Fairbanks an ideal place to enjoy the Northern Lights?

A. It is located in the Arctic Circle.

B. It offers visitors three nights for free.

C. It has winter activities for travelers.

D. It is really free from coastal clouds.

4. What is the last paragraph mainly about?

A. The beauty of the Northern Lights.

B. The cause of the Northern Lights.

C. The shapes of the Northern Lights.

D. The disappearance of the Northern Lights.



Ⅰ. Difficult sentence in the text

As aurora guides and scientists will tell you, theres no guarantee of a sighting. 正如极光向导和科学家会告诉你的那样,不能保证看到极光。


Ⅱ. Fill in the blanks.

The trip to see the Northern Lights came highly 1.__________(recommend) by travelersand nature lovers. I packed my warmest clothes, a mix of excitement and anticipation2.__________me. As night descended upon the frozen landscape, I set my sights skywards,3.__________(hope) to witness the spectacular light show I 4. __________(dream) of.

Along with a guide 5.__________knew the land like the back of his hand, we posi?tioned ourselves in a clearing, our eyes scanning the vast expanse above. We were told tolook 6.__________our cameras and capture the moment the heavens decided to displaytheir beauty. The waiting game tested our patience, but we knew the reward would beunparalleled.

And then, as if nature sensed our 7.__________(eager), the auroras began their dance.Beams of green and purple light swooped down, pouring out across the sky like ribbons ofcolor, and 8.__________(paint) the darkness with colorful lights. It was an inspiring sight,wherein the sky things 9.__________(combine) with the earthly in a display of the art of theuniverse. 10.__________(stand) beneath the swirling lights, I felt an infinite sense of won?der, and that moment forever etched in my memory.

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