何坤 郭洋俊骁 赵世莲
摘 要:最优性条件在优化问题中起着重要的作用,它为优化算法的研究提供了重要的理论依据。众所周知,凸规划方面最优性条件已比较完善。然而,由于拟凸函数性质的特殊性,对于拟凸规划问题解的Karush-Kuhn-Tucker(KKT)类型最优性条件的研究相对较少。本文利用半拟可微刻画了拟凸规划的最优性条件,同时研究了可行集法锥与带半拟可微性质的约束函数之间的关系,并证明了上述两个结果与Greenberg-Pierskalla次微分的关系。
中图分类号:O224 文献标志码:A文章编号:1673-5072(2024)02-0150-05
1 预备知识
2 一些引理
3 主要结果
证明 首先证明
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Karush-Kuhn-Tucker Type Optimality Conditionsfor Semi-quasi-differentiable Quasi-convex Programming
Abstract:As optimality condition plays an important role in the optimization problem,it provides an important theoretical basis for the study of optimization algorithm.It is well known that the optimality condition of convex programming has been relatively perfect.However,there are only few studies on Karush-Kuhn-Tucker type optimality conditions for the solutions of quasi-convex programming problems due to the special nature of quasi-convex functions.In this paper,the optimality conditions of quasi-convex programming are characterized by semi-quasi-differentiable,and the relationship between the feasible set normal cone and the constraint function with semi-quasi-differentiable properties is studied as well.In addition,the relationship between the above two results and Greenberg-Pierskalla subdifferential is proved.
Keywords:semi-quasi-differentiable;subdifferential;quasi-convex programming;optimality conditions;normal cone