If you could be any bird, real or not, which would you choose? fansmay say that one bird rises above the rest: the phoenix.
The phoenix is a mythical2 bird. It has been around since the time of the ancient3 Egyptians. It was first described in writings by the ancient Greeks. Thestories about phoenix moved on to the Romans then. It’s been passed along fromone generation4 to the next.
The phoenix has been differently described over time. Many believe thisspecial bird looks like some bird. But others think it looks like other birds. Manypeople describe a picture of a beautiful bird with red and gold feathers5. Others sayits feathers are purple or bear all the colors of the peacock.
All pictures agree on one thing: a golden halo6. The phoenix reflects7 so muchlight like the Sun. People have always thought the phoenix has something to do withthe Sun. According to mythical stories, only one phoenix lives at a time. It lives forabout 500 years.
所有的描述都有一个共同点:金色的光晕。凤凰像太阳一样反射很多光芒。人们一直认为凤凰与太阳有关。根据神话故事,一个时间段只存在一只凤凰,它的寿命约为500 年。
At the end of its life, the phoenix builds a nest. It then sets the nest on fire andpasses away in the fire. Out of the ashes8, a new phoenix comes to life. When it’sstrong enough, it flies the last phoenix’s ashes to Heliopolis in Egypt.
Birds like the phoenix can be found in the mythical stories of many cultures. Itincludes stories from China, Japan, Russia, and American Indian nations. Today, thephoenix is still seen as a symbol of getting back to life after a setback9 by risingfrom the ashes.
Do you know any stories about this special bird? After all these years, thephoenix is still a popular topic in stories today.
1. phoenix 凤凰,不死鸟
2. mythical 神话的,神话中的,想象的,虚构的
3. ancient 古代的,远古的
4. generation 一代人
5. feather 羽毛
6. halo 日,月或其他发光体的光晕
7. reflect 反射,光,热或声音
8. ash 灰,灰烬,废墟,骨灰
9. setback 挫折,阻碍