In many villages, towns and cities around the world, people get together tocelebrate the culture and history of their country or area. Some of the festivals arevery crazy.
Crying Baby Festival 哭婴节
At the Crying Baby Festival in Tokyo (Japan), sumo wrestlers1 do what they canto bring babies to tears. It’s a 400-year-old tradition based on a Japanese saying. Itsays that crying babies grow the fastest and parents believe that it brings good healthto their children.
在(日本)东京的哭婴节上,相扑选手们竭尽所能让婴儿们哭泣。这是一个有400 年历史的来源于日本谚语的传统。据说爱哭的婴儿长得最快,父母们相信这会给他们的孩子带来身体健康。
Roswell UFO Festival 罗斯威尔飞碟节
In the summer of 1947, a flying saucer2 crashed3 on a large farm outside thetown of Roswell, New Mexico. The government4 says it didn’t come from outer5space, but many top UFO researchers believe it did. Knowing a good thing when itcrashes in their backyard, people in Roswell celebrate the event every July with athree-day festival.
1947 年夏,一艘飞碟坠毁在新墨西哥州罗斯威尔镇外的一个大农场里。政府说它不是来自外太空,但是许多顶尖的不明飞行物研究者相信它就是来自外太空。当它在罗斯威尔人的后院坠毁时,他们认为这是件好事,所以每年7 月都会举行为期三天的节日来庆祝这一事件。
World's Largest Rattlesnake6 Roundup7 世界上最大的响尾蛇围捕节
The rattlesnake is a poisonous8 American snake. When their numbersgrow too large, they can cause serious problems for farmers. That’s why everyMarch the people in Sweetwater, Texas, hold a three-day festival to catch thetown’s rattlesnakes. Visitors can learn about rattlesnakes, take a bus tour oftheir natural home, join in a rattlesnake eating contest and so on.
Mighty Mud9 疯狂泥浆节
Children’s dreams really do come true in the City of Scottsdale. Childrenaged 1 to 13 can join in a mud race. During the running, there are wet anddirty obstacles10 as kids compete for the fastest time. There are also mud poolsfor the little kids, and a mini mud course for those six and younger.
在斯科茨代尔市,孩子们梦想成真了。1 到13 岁的孩子可以参加泥浆赛跑。在跑步过程中,孩子们会比赛用最快的时间来通过又湿又脏的障碍物。这里也有供小孩子玩的泥巴池,还有供六岁及以下儿童玩的小型泥巴赛道。
1. sumo wrestler 相扑选手
2. saucer 碟状物
3. crash 撞车,坠毁;猛撞,发出巨响
4. government 政府
5. outer 外面的,外部的;天外的
6. rattlesnake 响尾蛇
7. roundup 围捕
8. poisonous 有毒的
9. Mighty Mud 疯狂泥浆节mighty" 强大的,巨大的
10. obstacle 障碍,阻碍;障碍物