Fighting fruit flies with fruit flies
In October, 2023, Mediterranean fruit flies were discovered in an area of LosAngeles. The local government dropped millions of the male flies to solve theproblem. All of the male flies have been treated so that they can’t help produce newfruit flies.
2023 年10 月,在洛杉矶的一个地区发现了地中海果蝇。当地政府释放了数百万只雄果蝇来解决这个问题。所有雄果蝇都经过了处理,它们不能帮忙繁殖新的果蝇。
New Zealand U-turns on planned smoking ban1
New Zealand became the first country to pass laws to reduce the sale ofcigarettes. However, they have done a U-turn and junked the plans because thecountry needed the tax revenues2.
新西兰成为第一个通过法律减少香烟销售的国家。然而,他们来了个180 度大转弯,放弃了这些计划,因为国家需要税收。
Documents recorded on bamboo slips3 dating back to the WarringStates period deciphered4
China’s Tsinghua University’s have newly deciphered five documents recordedon bamboo slips dating back to the Warring States period more than 2,000 years ago.The university’s research team has studied the ancient documents and have released5their research results every year since 2011.
中国清华大学新破译出2000 多年前战国竹简上记录的五篇文献。自2011年以来,该大学的研究团队一直在研究这些古代文献,并且每年都会发布他们的研究结果。