薇拉·凯瑟/文 曹明伦/译析
Mary sat watching him intently, trying to find any change in his face. It is hard to see anyone who has become like your own body to you. Yes, his hair had got thin, and his high forehead had deep lines running from left to right. But his neck, always clean-shaved except in the busiest seasons, was not loose or baggy. It was burned a dark reddish brown, and there were deep creases in it, but it looked firm and full of blood. His cheeks had a good col- our. On either side of his mouth there was a half-moon down the length of his cheek, not wrinkles, but two lines that had come there from his habitual expression. He was shorter and broader than when she married him; his back had grown broad and curved, a good deal like the shell on an old turtle, and his arms and legs were short.
He was fifteen years older than Mary, but she had hardly ever thought about it before. He was her man, and the kind of man she liked. She was rough, and he was gentle, —city-bred, as she always said. They had been shipmates on a rough voyage and had stood by each other in trying times. Life had gone well with them because, at bottom, they had the same ideas about life. They agreed, without discussion, as to what was most important and what was secondary. They didnt often exchange opinions, even in Czech—it was as if they had thought the same thought together. A good deal had to be sacrificed and thrown overboard in a hard life like theirs, and they had never disagreed as to the things that could go. It had been a hard life, and a soft life, too. There wasnt anything brutal in the short, broad-backed man with the three-cornered eyes and the forehead that went on to the top of his skull. He was a city man, a gentle man, and though he had married a rough farm girl, he had never touched her without gentleness.
They had been at one accord not to hurry through life, not to be always skimping and saving. They saw their neighbours buy more land and feed more stock than they did, without discontent. Once when the creamery agent came to the Rosickys to persuade them to sell him their cream, he told them how much money the Fasslers, their nearest neighbours, had made on their cream last year.
“Yes,” said Mary, “and look at them Fassler children! Pale, pinched little things, they look like skimmed milk. I had rather put some colour into my childrens faces than put money into the bank.”
The agent shrugged and turned to Anton.
“I guess well do like she says,” said Rosicky.
【第1段】注意参考译文把第四句中的neck译作“颈部”,但把第五句中指代neck的代词it翻译成了“脖子”。这种处理方法叫作“单词分译”。“单词分译”由来已久,西塞罗在谈及他翻译狄摩西尼等人的演说词时就曾说:“当我没法用一个拉丁词翻译一个希腊词时,我就用几个拉丁词去翻译。”“单词分译”分为“必须的单词分译”和“非必须的单词分译”两类:前者是由于原文的某个词语在译文语言中没有完全对应的词语,只好用多个词语去表达,例如杨必把Vanity Fair(《名利场》)第十章第一段中的has ten thousand pounds and an establishment secure译成了“有一万镑财产,住宅家具奴仆一应俱全”(把establishment分译成了“住宅家具奴仆”);后者则是译者出于修辞目的或译文语言习惯的考虑,此处将neck分别译作“颈部”和“脖子”就属于这种情况。(另请参阅拙文《〈英汉互译实用教程〉“单词分译法”补遗》,《中国翻译》2018年第3期,第115—118页。)
【第3段】正因为讲究斟词酌句,参考译文才把not to hurry through life译成了“过日子不能敷衍马虎”,把not to be always skimping and saving译成了“不能一味精打细算”,以及把第二句中的discontent译成了“眼馋”。
【第4—6段】注意再现原文的口语语体,别把日常对话翻译得文绉绉的。一般人很容易把put money into the bank翻译成“把钱存进银行”,可“宁愿咱家孩子脸上有血色,也不愿银行里有存款”这样的句式显然使说话的语气更为连贯流畅。