
2024-01-23 14:57:20
中国农业科学 2023年24期




7(1215) 导读:水稻穗发育与高产育种 李云峰等

7(1218)、和组合应用调控水稻穗部性状 温一博等

7(1228) 水稻CSSL-Z481代换片段携带的穗部性状QTL分析及次级代换系培育 李儒香等

7(1248) 水稻的突变导致小穗外稃退化 赵梓钧等

7(1260) 水稻短宽粒基因的图位克隆 朱洪慧等

7(1275) 水稻-淀粉酶基因的表达模式与颖花开放的关系 张 绩等


17(3247) 导读:我国耐除草剂棉花研发与育种应用 梁成真等

17(3251) 耐除草剂棉花GGK2的遗传稳定性分析及性状鉴定 梁成真等

17(3261) 转耐草甘膦优异棉花种质系的创制及其特性 王宛如等

17(3277) 转基因抗草甘膦棉花R1-3株系的分子特征鉴定 马燕斌等

17(3285) 后基因组时代发展抗除草剂作物的机遇及挑战 吴元龙等


19(3709) 导读:棉花基因功能研究与育种 郝苗苗等

19(3712) 棉花纤维优势表达基因启动子的克隆和功能分析 刘 芳等

19(3723) 棉花NLP(Nin-Like Protein)基因家族的全基因组鉴定及表达分析 丁国华等

19(3747) 陆地棉的克隆及其在抗病中的功能分析 许福春等

19(3759) 海岛棉CAD和CAD-Like基因家族的鉴定、表达及其对大丽轮枝菌的响应 张钰佳等


23(4561) 导读:棉花纤维发育 李付广

23(4565) 亚洲棉短纤维发育相关长链非编码RNA的鉴定及表达 王晓阳等

23(4585) 棉花β-tubulin基因家族的鉴定及其在纤维发育中的表达 党媛玥等

23(4602) 棉花FLA基因家族的全基因组鉴定及在棉纤维发育中的功能分析 唐丽媛等

23(4621) 棉花EXO70基因家族全基因组的鉴定及种间比较 董琰钰等

23(4635) 棉花功能基因图位克隆的研究进展 臧新山等


1(1) 西北内陆早熟陆地棉品种的综合评价及育种演化 王彩香等

1(17) 干旱胁迫下甘蓝型油菜籽粒含油量和蛋白质含量变化的全基因组关联分析 胡 盛等

2(203) 四倍体小麦胚大小性状QTL定位与分析 陈吉浩等

2(217) 基于转录组SNP构建油茶主要品种资源的分子身份证 林 萍等

3(405) 水稻耐热新种质R203的创制与应用 刘 刚等

3(416) 芸薹属植物MYBL2基因的克隆及其在A、B、C基因组中的PCR鉴别 邹 婷等

4(587) 陆地棉高密度遗传图谱的构建及产量相关性状的QTL定位 贾晓昀等

4(599) 甘蓝型冬油菜气孔特性与抗寒性的关系 范军强等

5(801) 小麦苗期根系性状的全基因组关联分析与优异位点挖掘 王 脉等

5(821) 调控玉米株高和穗位高候选基因的定位 周文期等

6(1019) 小麦源库优异种质的鉴定与源库类型的划分 南 瑞等

6(1035) 玉米耐低氮功能研究 李懿璞等

8(1429) 结合基因关联和转录组分析鉴定小麦成株期抗条锈病位点的候选基因 张 旭等

8(1444) 转基因玉米MON87427梯度含量基体标准物质的研制 李 俊等

9(1617) 全基因组关联分析中混合模型的原理、优化与应用 谭力治等

9(1633) 过量表达小麦增加花器官的大小 彭海霞等

10(1827) 自然衰老棉花种子的生理变化及ATP合成酶亚基mRNA的完整性 宋 词等

10(1838) 基于分子标记技术玉米抗粗缩病种质资源的筛选与应用 王江浩等

11(2035) 贵州香禾糯地方稻种资源表型遗传多样性分析与综合评价 李 欢等

11(2047) 冬小麦籽粒主要品质性状的全基因组关联分析 董一帆等

12(2237) 基于16K SNP芯片的小麦株高QTL鉴定及其遗传分析 姚琦馥等

12(2249) 基于荧光SSR构建中国糜子核心种质DNA分子身份证 薛亚鹏等

13(2431) 小麦类黄酮的遗传基础与功能性小麦育种应用 陈 杰等

13(2443) 抗逆大豆IND-ØØ41Ø-5转化体特异性定量PCR检测方法的建立及其标准化 李允静等

14(2629) 基于毒性表型和基因型的主要冬繁区小麦条锈菌群体遗传分析 高新培等

14(2643) 大豆红色种皮的色素鉴定和基因定位 曹 杰等

15(2837) 基于表型性状的高粱育种材料遗传多样性分析及综合评价 张一中等

15(2854) 我国冬油菜北移的现状、问题与对策 刘自刚等

16(3051) 玉米在调控花期抗旱性中的作用 李 燕等

16(3062) 基于GYT双标图分析对国家糜子区域试验品种的综合评价 马智秀等

16(3077)-CMS烟草不育系的功能分析 望 锦等

18(3487) 新疆冬小麦品种资源主要产量性状全基因组关联分析 马艳明等

18(3500) 甘薯苗期氮高效利用性状的GWAS分析及候选基因的筛选与验证 于永超等

20(3917) 小麦穗长主效QTL的遗传和育种选择效应解析 董继梓等

20(3931) 谷子苗期耐低氮相关性状的QTL分析 秦 娜等

20(3946) 芥菜型油菜苗期氮效率相关性状全基因组关联分析 曾 健等

21(4137) 小麦粒重相关性状的QTL定位及分子标记的开发 张泽源等

21(4150) 棉花苗期耐低磷种质筛选及耐低磷综合评价 米热扎提江·喀由木等

21(4163) 糜子核心种质成株期抗旱性鉴定评价与抗旱种质筛选 王 倩等

22(4359) 籼型血缘渗入对北方粳稻产量和品质的影响 徐 海等

22(4371) 转基因定量检测结果测量不确定度的自上而下评定方法研究及应用 李 俊等

22(4386) 基于转录组分析花生单粒精播与多粒穴播植株荚果产量差异的分子机制 杨 莎等

24(4801) PPR蛋白响应植物非生物胁迫的研究进展 李 程等

24(4814) 小麦穗长QTL鉴定及其遗传分析 姚琦馥等


1(31) 播期对湖南省双季稻产量和光热资源利用效率的影响 张 玮等

1(46) 南方稻区“早籼晚粳”栽培模式晚季灌浆期气象因子对晚粳稻品质的影响 冯向前等

2(236) 水培条件下根际氧环境对水稻幼苗磷吸收的影响及其生理机制 肖德顺等

2(249) 直播栽培对双季早稻生育期、抗倒伏能力及产量效益的影响 张晓丽等

3(430) 花后弱光胁迫对成都平原籼稻米饭食味品质的影响 朱莜芸等

3(441) 西北地区制种玉米产量及氮素吸收对供氮水平的响应 刘 丹等

3(453) 施磷对苜蓿叶片生理参数及抗氧化能力的影响 赵建涛等

4(619) 栽培模式对稻茬小麦籽粒产量、氮素吸收利用和群体质量的影响 丁锦峰等

4(635) 施钾量对花生根系和根瘤特性、养分吸收及产量的影响 刘 娜等

5(838) 干旱灌区春小麦水分利用特征对绿肥与麦秸协同还田的响应 樊志龙等

5(850) 基于无人机影像特征的冬小麦植株氮含量预测及模型迁移能力分析 郭 燕等

6(1045) 水稻分蘖期干物质积累对大气CO2浓度升高和氮素营养的综合响应差异及其生理机制 贺 江等

6(1061) 白粉病对小麦光合特性的影响及病害严重度的定量模拟 常春义等

6(1074) 不同轮作模式下氮肥施用对油菜产量形成及养分利用的影响 李小勇等

7(1283) 绿肥还田结合减量施氮对玉米干物质积累分配及产量的影响 王鹏飞等

7(1295) 外源色氨酸对低氮胁迫下高粱苗期叶片碳氮平衡和衰老特性的影响 谷闻东等

8(1456) 大田不同播种间距单株小麦根长密度动态研究 孙启滨等

8(1471) 高温干旱下缩节胺通过调节碳和氨基酸代谢提高棉杀虫蛋白含量的生理机制 邢羽桐等

9(1646) 增密对春玉米籽粒胚乳淀粉粒度分布与黏度参数的影响 路梦莉等

9(1658) 蕾铃脱落对棉花果枝叶光合产物积累及“源”潜力的影响 阚家强等

9(1670) 基于无人机多光谱影像特征融合的小麦倒伏监测 魏永康等

10(1848) 二氢卟吩铁对小麦渍水胁迫耐性的影响 楚燕蒙等

10(1859) 气候平均态和极端态变化对东北玉米气象产量的影响 张文婧等

10(1871) 覆盖作物对我国粮食作物的产量效应及影响因素的Meta分析 马佳玉等

11(2064) 抗逆广适小麦品种共性特征分析 吕丽华等

11(2078) 垄沟种植对旱地玉-麦轮作体系生产力和土壤硝态氮累积量的影响 吴金芝等

12(2262) 长期定位条件下栽培模式对麦田土壤理化性质和氮素平衡的影响 郭鑫虎等

12(2274) 基于改进的混合蛙跳算法对旱地小麦籽粒生长模型参数的优化 崔炜楠等

13(2461) 绿洲灌区宽幅匀播和传统条播春小麦产量对水氮减量的适应性研究 陈桂平等

13(2474) 协同多源国产高分影像和面向对象方法的南方农作物遥感识别 王佳玥等

14(2660) 水氮减量条件下地膜玉米免耕轮作小麦的水分利用特征 曹永刚等

14(2673) 新疆棉花优质高产关键生产技术分析 娄善伟等

14(2686) 气候变化背景下中国玉米产区开花期高温时空分布特征 付真真等

15(2863) 施氮量和种植密度对两冬小麦品种抗倒性能和籽粒产量的影响 牟海萌等

15(2880) 授粉期高温胁迫下雄穗大小对玉米干物质积累及产量的影响 穆心愿等

15(2895) 中国马铃薯地膜覆盖增产效应及其影响因素的Meta分析 徐菊祯等

16(3088) 绿洲灌区密植减量施氮玉米的水分利用特征 焦智辉等

16(3100) 油菜机栽毯苗培育的适宜供氮量研究 李 静等

17(3302) 不同类型晚稻品种安全齐穗下限温度及湖北双季稻区晚稻安全齐穗期研究 李 仪等

17(3317) 麦后复种绿肥及配施不同水平氮肥对小麦产量、品质及氮素利用的影响 张文霞等

17(3331) 不同油菜品种及栽培措施对收获指数的影响 彭文丽等

18(3511) 不同控释氮素比例对夏玉米叶片衰老和籽粒灌浆特性的影响 于浩东等

18(3530) 未来气候变化对中国马铃薯种植气候适宜性的影响 张志良等

18(3543) 不同耕作措施对宁南地区土壤物理性质及作物产量的影响 李 荣等

19(3772) 基于APSIM模型模拟分析气候变化对不同熟性北方冬小麦生长和产量的影响 史鑫蕊等

19(3788) 通过种植制度改革实现黄淮海北部地区玉米机械籽粒直收 侯梁宇等

20(3960) 机插杂交稻制种异交结实特性研究 黄帮超等

20(3975) 不同降雨年型施氮量对延迟收获夏玉米产量、强弱势粒形态与粒重的影响 刘 梦等

20(3996) 中国玉米百千克籽粒地上部吸氮量的空间差异及驱动因素 王丹丹等

21(4175) 基于固定翼无人机多光谱影像的水稻长势关键指标无损监测 王伟康等

21(4192) 秸秆覆盖与施氮对丘陵旱地小麦根系构型改善及H+、NO3-吸收与利用的影响 艾代龙等

21(4208) 外源海藻糖提高甘蔗幼苗抗旱能力并促进植株生长 罗正英等

22(4403) 基于综合指标协同优化的冬小麦植株水分含量预测 高晨凯等

22(4417) 光强对苗期大豆叶片水力导度及叶脉性状的影响 高 静等

22(4428) 基于图像特征识别的马铃薯薯皮粗糙度分级研究 唐振三等

23(4648) 带状间作不同带间距对玉米光能利用的影响 武 晶等

23(4660) 单粒播种与施磷对间作花生种间竞争和生长的调控效应 姜文洋等

24(4826) 不同抗旱性春小麦根系生长对干旱胁迫的响应及滴灌复水补偿效应 王荣荣等

24(4842) 不同类型地膜对花生生长及根际细菌群落影响的比较分析 于天一等


1(64) 吉林省玉米穗腐病致病镰孢菌的鉴定与部分菌株对杀菌剂的敏感性 柴海燕等

1(79) 小麦吸浆虫小热激蛋白基因的克隆及在滞育过程与温度胁迫下的表达特性 古丽旦等

2(264) 黑龙江省和海南省基因家族在稻瘟病菌中的分布及变异 刘 瑞等

2(275) 杨梅园土壤优势放线菌的分离及其防病促生功能 王炫栋等

3(466) 黑龙江省和海南省稻瘟病菌中家族的分布及变异分析 刘 瑞等

4(649) 拮抗细菌KRS022的鉴定及对大丽轮枝菌的抑制效果 罗万珍等

4(665)转录调控小菜蛾谷胱甘肽S-转移酶代谢氯虫苯甲酰胺的功能 葛天成等

5(866) 小麦条锈菌效应蛋白Hasp83在条锈菌致病性中的功能分析 王建锋等

5(879) 葡萄霜霉菌糖基水解酶基因的表达模式与功能分析 潘凤英等

6(1086) 拟轮枝镰孢与玉米籽粒互作的差异基因筛选及代谢通路分析 渠 清等

6(1102) 渭北旱塬苹果病虫害全程生物防控技术应用效果评价 孙 政等

7(1311) 柑橘大实蝇气味结合蛋白BminOBP6与其气味配体的互作机制 杨 岭等

7(1322) 响应槲皮素诱导的美国白蛾P450基因及功能分析 邵红扬等

8(1484) csi-miR399响应柑橘溃疡病菌侵染的表达模式及其抗病性分析 王兆昊等

8(1494) 基于基因组序列分析的烟草轻绿花叶病毒江苏辣椒分离物侵染性克隆构建 高晓晓等

9(1686) 基于PCR和巢式PCR技术的玉米南方锈病早期检测 马红霞等

9(1696) 表皮蛋白基因参与锈赤扁谷盗磷化氢抗性形成 陈二虎等

10(1881) 利用酵母双杂交系统筛选与柑橘黄化脉明病毒CP互作的寄主因子 宾 羽等

10(1893) 侵染花叶青木的病毒种类鉴定及其基因序列分析 梁海文等

11(2092) 土壤添加西兰花残体对棉花根际土壤酶活性的影响及其与碳代谢特征的关系 赵卫松等

11(2106) 球毛壳菌固态发酵产抗植物病原真菌活性物质的工艺优化 廖宏娟等

12(2288) 香石竹斑驳病毒属简并引物RT-PCR检测方法的建立 廖富荣等

12(2302) 李小食心虫GfunOBP2的原核表达及气味配体结合特性 年和粉等

13(2491) 稻纵卷叶螟转录因子CncC对杆状病毒CnmeGV感染的响应及功能 张 楠等

13(2504) 二化螟味觉受体基因鉴定、克隆与表达模式分析 黄玉萱等

14(2701) 过表达拟南芥增强黄瓜对枯萎病和白粉病的抗性 冯向君等

14(2713) 稻田稗草对五氟磺草胺的抗性机制及其防治药剂筛选 张丽雅等

15(2907) 湿度调控设施黄瓜棒孢叶斑病菌产孢和释放规律及防治技术 柴阿丽等

15(2919) 转录因子NbERF RAP2-1在黄瓜绿斑驳花叶病毒侵染中的功能 于连伟等

16(3110) 基于非靶向代谢组学分析StLAC2和StLAC6差异影响玉米大斑病菌的机制 邹金鹏等

16(3124) 马铃薯基因家族鉴定及其抗晚疫病的功能分析 孔乐辉等

17(3347) 新疆棉田蓟马的捕食性天敌优势种类筛选与控害功能评价 党雯雯等

17(3358) 橘小实蝇对不同品种苹果的选择偏好及适应性 李星星等

18(3556) 拟轮枝镰孢荧光标记与侵染结构观察 哈丹丹等

18(3574) 柑橘黄化花叶病毒的实时定量PCR检测及其在寄主植株中的时空分布规律 曹 鹏等

19(3799) 橘小实蝇产卵抗/感非挥发性决策性状筛选及评价 宫庆涛等

19(3814) 绿豆象热激蛋白超家族基因的鉴定及表达分析 张 昕等

20(4010) 我国甘薯E病毒全基因组序列特征及荧光定量检测技术的建立 唐 伟等

20(4021) 喜旱莲子草AP2/ERF基因家族的鉴定及其在除草剂胁迫下的表达模式 韩晓文等

21(4219) 水稻位点6个稻瘟病抗性基因特异分子标记的开发及应用 杨 好等

21(4234) 沙地葡萄茎痘相关病毒在‘阳光玫瑰’葡萄树不同物候期和不同部位的变化规律 李美璇等

22(4441) 基于稻瘟病菌小种变化的吉林省主要粳稻品种抗性评价及利用价值分析 李 莉等

22(4453) 玉米腐霉茎腐病生防木霉菌株的筛选、鉴定及防治效果分析 郭 宁等

23(4671) 温度对棉花黄萎病发生及寄主防御反应的影响 张亚林等

23(4684) 广东省蒲瓜病毒种类鉴定及多重RT-PCR检测方法的建立 苏 琦等

24(4854) 氧酰基载体蛋白还原酶基因对禾谷镰孢生长、发育和致病的影响 宫安东等

24(4866) 环境胁迫对锈赤扁谷盗呼吸速率及线粒体编码基因表达水平的影响 陈二虎等


1(90) 黄土高原沟壑区沟头植被根系垂直分布及其对土壤抗侵蚀性的影响 娄义宝等

1(104) 未来气候条件下秸秆还田和氮肥种类对夏玉米产量及土壤氨挥发的影响 赵政鑫等

1(118) 白洋淀流域核心区农牧系统未利用氮量及空间分布 赵海璇等

2(287) 葡聚糖改性尿素对冬小麦产量和肥料氮去向的影响 严艳鸽等

2(300) 畜禽有机肥氮在冬小麦季对化肥氮的相对替代当量 徐久凯等

3(481) 油菜与杂草生物量和养分竞争对氮磷钾肥用量的响应 盛倩男等

3(490) 糖蜜发酵工业废液农用的环境安全风险 王小彬等

4(674) 我国水稻的肥料贡献率时空变化及影响因素 李亚贞等

4(686) 添加玉米秸秆和根茬对不同肥力黑土微生物残体碳氮的影响 马 南等

4(697) 垄作直播控制灌溉对水稻产量和温室气体排放的影响 谢 军等

5(892) 深松结合秸秆还田对黑土孔隙结构的影响 杨建君等

5(907) 长期保护性耕作对黄土高原旱作农田土壤碳含量及转化酶活性的影响 董 秀等

5(920) 基于耕地承载力的十堰市畜禽养殖环境风险评价 龚世飞等

6(1113) 不同磷肥对砂姜黑土和红壤磷库转化及冬小麦磷素吸收利用的影响 王箫璇等

6(1127) 典型区域秸秆和有机肥混土填埋后的腐解特征 李德近等

7(1333) 红壤性水稻土有机无机复合体中碳氮特征对长期施肥的响应 李 浩等

7(1344) 秸秆还田量对川中丘陵冬小麦-夏玉米轮作体系土壤物理特性的影响 马胜兰等

8(1503) 长期秸秆配施化肥下土壤团聚体碳氮分布、微生物量与小麦产量的协同效应 韩紫璇等

8(1515) 膜下滴灌与细流沟灌对玉米生长及产量的影响 刘梦洁等

8(1531) 水分亏缺下有机无机肥配施比例对棉花水氮利用效率的影响 王 宁等

9(1708) 长期覆膜和施用有机肥对黄土高原春玉米产量和品质的效应 尉亚囡等

9(1718) 长期施肥对黄泥田土壤团聚体中氮素积累和有机氮组成的影响 王 飞等

9(1729) 生物炭不同添加量对旱作覆膜农田土壤团聚体特性及有机碳含量的影响 庞津雯等

10(1905) 黄河三角洲不同盐渍度土壤有机质含量的高光谱预测研究 侯化刚等

10(1920) 长期施肥棕壤大豆产量的演变及土壤氮素分布特征 刘玉颖等

10(1935) 生物炭和双氰胺对设施蔬菜土壤温室气体排放的影响 宋博影等

11(2118) 不同碳氮比下秸秆腐解与养分释放的动力学特征 李 然等

11(2129) 基于生态和社会效益优化黑土区高产玉米氮肥施用量 郑春雨等

12(2317) 葡聚糖改性磷肥对冬小麦产量和肥料利用率的影响 严艳鸽等

12(2329) 免耕结合覆盖措施对渭北旱塬黑垆土结构与团聚体有机碳含量的影响 周明星等

12(2341) 秸秆隔层结合春灌对河套灌区盐碱地土壤呼吸及其温度敏感性的影响 于 茹等

13(2518) 不同形态秸秆还田下乌栅土耕层土壤有机质含量与组成变化 陈硕桐等

13(2530) 绿色肥料缘起、现状与发展趋势 武志杰等

13(2547) 我国农村能源碳排放时空格局、影响因素及空间溢出效应 田 云等

14(2724) 我国小麦和玉米相对产量差时空变异及其对氮肥的响应 申 哲等

14(2738) 不同秸秆还田方式对玉米农田土壤CO2排放量和碳平衡的影响 李 金等

14(2751) 大豆根瘤菌菌株5873 PCR快速检测方法的建立及应用效果评价 马鸣超等

15(2929) 多样化种植对土壤团聚体组成及其有机碳和全氮含量的影响 孙 涛等

15(2941) 减量施磷对土壤磷库组成及解磷微生物的影响 沈开勤等

15(2954) 海南典型稻菜轮作区和香蕉园氮磷盈余及土壤硝态氮累积 赵永鉴等

16(3140) 近30年来我国小麦和玉米秸秆资源时空变化特征及还田减肥潜力 刘淑军等

16(3156) 有机肥替代化肥对砂姜黑土区小麦-玉米轮作系统N2O排放的影响 刘高远等

17(3372) 长期施氮条件下小麦铁锰累积及其与土壤养分的关系 蔺江韵等

17(3383) 返青后补灌与氮肥用量对旱地小麦产量及水氮利用效率的影响 赵凯男等

17(3399) 河北永定河流域葡萄园土壤硝态氮空间分布特征 李思奇等

18(3585) 紫云英与稻草还田替代部分化肥对双季稻产量和土壤活性有机碳的影响 谢 雪等

18(3599) 秸秆还田与花后灌溉提高春玉米产量及水氮利用效率 王永亮等

18(3615) 长期施有机肥对设施番茄土壤稀有和丰富细菌亚群落的影响 刘 蕾等

19(3829) 双季稻酸紫泥田土壤健康对连续单施有机肥、石灰的响应 尹泽润等

19(3843) 有机物料与化肥长期配施对小麦玉米轮作潮土细菌群落和酶活性的影响 张灵菲等

19(3856) 不同施肥下根际沉积对秸秆碳氮在土壤剖面中固存的影响 梅秀文等

20(4035) 秸秆还田与施氮对耕层土壤有机碳储量、组分和团聚体的影响 郭戎博等

20(4049) 我国农业碳排放的时空演化、脱钩效应及绩效评估 孟庆雷等

20(4067) “稻薯猪”生态循环农业的设想 樊自尧等

21(4245) 西瓜连作根际土壤微生物群落演替特征 郭晗玥等

21(4259) 褐土区典型县域耕地土壤肥力时空演变特征及主控因素 申 桐等

21(4272) 宁夏土壤颗粒组成特点及其影响因素分析 周 雷等

22(4467) 农业温室气体排放统计核算体系的规范化建设 张卫建等

22(4478) 东北黑土区保护性耕作生态补偿机制优化路径 周 颖等

23(4696) 冬油菜主产区近40年土壤基本理化性质变化特征 霍润霞等

23(4706) 东北黑土区长缓坡耕地横坡垄作与地形对土壤可蚀性的交互作用 于博威等

23(4717) 稻田伴生浮萍碳、氮汇及对水稻产量影响的研究进展 景立权等

24(4880) 旱地高产小麦品种籽粒氮含量与产量形成及氮磷钾吸收分配的关系 徐隽峰等

24(4895) 不同含油量油菜品种的养分吸收积累与利用效率特征 胡文诗等


1(129) 灌水量对限根栽培‘阳光玫瑰’葡萄果实发育与香气物质积累的影响 张克坤等

1(144) 葡萄表达特性分析与转录调控预测 李旭飞等

2(333) 柑橘果实囊衣发育与化渣性的形成 李菲菲等

2(345) 中国樱桃正反交F1代果实主要性状的遗传分析 刘针杉等

3(508) 黄瓜果实维生素C合成关键基因克隆与分析 王壮壮等

3(519) 减磷条件下含褪黑素的尿素缓释功能肥对番茄生长、产量、品质和磷素利用效率的影响 刘明慧等

4(711) 黄瓜DIR家族基因的全基因组鉴定及其表达分析 张开京等

4(729) 不同颜色育果袋对‘瑞雪’苹果果实品质的影响 王子盾等

5(935) ‘鲁丽’ב红1#’苹果杂交群体全基因组KASP标记开发及验证 郑文燕等

5(951) 桃果实单果重及可溶性固形物含量的全基因组选择分析 曹 珂等

5(964) ‘仓方早生’桃及其早熟芽变不同发育时期果实的转录组分析 彭佳伟等

6(1139) 基于转录组分析油菜素内酯对高温胁迫下酿酒葡萄花色苷合成及果实品质的调控机制 汪月宁等

6(1154) 采后外源脱落酸处理对雾培微型马铃薯周皮木栓化的影响及其机理 张志鹏等

7(1359) 基于广泛靶向代谢组学的葡萄种子代谢物鉴定与比较分析 生弘杰等

7(1377) 全基因组DNA甲基化和转录组联合分析鉴定杜梨耐盐相关转录因子 李 慧等

8(1547) 基于GBS技术开展柚类资源群体遗传评价并发掘酸含量相关基因 江 东等

8(1561) 葡萄果粒质量相关性状全基因组关联分析 王慧玲等

9(1744) 世界李育种概况 刘 硕等

9(1760) 梅花不同花色品种及开花阶段类黄酮代谢物测定与分析 吴思惠等

10(1949) 不同产区纽荷尔脐橙橘园果实综合品质评价与适宜区域筛选 陈志敏等

10(1966) VvmiR164s-作用模块鉴定及其在葡萄子房发育过程中响应赤霉素的表达分析 王 霏等

11(2141) 行距和灌水量对番茄冠层光截获和光合能力、物质积累及果实品质的影响 常佳悦等

11(2158) 菜心不同器官糖含量比较及代谢相关基因的表达分析 冯献君等

12(2354) 基于品质、产量与水肥利用效率的基质栽培辣椒水肥管理优化 周道明等

12(2367) 189份桃种质肉质性状形成相关位点基因型鉴定及组合分析 王朝晖等

13(2563) 苹果幼树根际和根内细菌丰度及根际酶活性对土壤紧实胁迫的响应特征 李佳琦等

13(2574) 梅花在苯甲醇挥发中的功能分析 郝瑞杰等

14(2761) 磷高效利用型嫁接番茄砧木筛选及综合评价 高梓元等

14(2776) 套袋提升椪柑果实品质的作用机制 石 莹等

15(2966) 通过遗传转化获得青花菜Ogura CMS恢复系 邢苗苗等

15(2977) 葡萄VvGAI1与VvJAZ9蛋白互作及低温下的表达模式分析 刘德帅等

15(2995) 山桃杂交群体抗蚜优系的背景选择与标记优劣比较 刘苏宁等

15(3006) 基于多种方法的菠萝果实质地及食味品质综合评价 付 山等

16(3168) 利用SLAF-seq简化基因组数据挖掘甜橙果实品质性状基因 李仁静等

16(3183) 芍药胼胝质合成酶基因家族鉴定及功能分析 贺 丹等

17(3412) 重茬条件下距原栽植行不同距离对G935自根砧‘宫藤富士’幼树树体生长和果实产量的影响 李民吉等

17(3420) 柚果肉颜色遗传变异分析及候选基因挖掘 程 莉等

18(3629) 葡萄铁蛋白基因的鉴定、克隆及其在果实发育不同时期对氨基酸铁复合肥喷施的响应 宋志忠等

18(3642) 宽皮柑橘褐斑病抗性的全基因组关联分析 杨胜男等

19(3869) 猪粪沼液对设施基质栽培番茄的营养效应 滕云飞等

19(3879) 云南香格里拉不同海拔葡萄果皮酚类物质差异及成因分析 张柯楠等

20(4072) 桃生长势相关基因功能鉴定 杨 丽等

20(4087) 基于转录组测序筛选与柚裂果相关的基因 卢艳清等

21(4288) 开花期番茄circRNA的测序分析及功能分析 殷子贺等

21(4304) 枸橼C-05上游转录因子CmWRKY75的筛选及其抗溃疡病功能分析 颜培涵等

22(4490) 基于转录组数据的芦笋EST-SSR标记的开发及通用性分析 仪泽会等

22(4506) 基于转录组和WGCNA筛选丝瓜果长和果径发育调控相关基因 陈敏氡等

23(4729) 上位基因控制的茄子果色遗传效应解析 陈锦溶等

23(4742) 芍药耐热性评价及其鉴定指标筛选 侯赵玉等

24(4906) 枳启动子的克隆和表达分析 姚利晓等

24(4916) 鼠茅草间作对茶园土壤及茶叶品质成分的影响 陈义勇等


1(156) 肉中猪源性成分Real-time PCR定量检测技术 翟晓虎等

2(357) 杏鲍菇多糖及其消化产物对淀粉消化酶的抑制及相互作用 徐 倩等

3(529) 非酿酒酵母属酵母的葡萄酒发酵应用研究进展 王春晓等

4(741) 分子动力学模拟解析脉冲电场对类PSE鸡肉肌球蛋白凝胶特性作用规律 郭雨晨等

5(981) 荞麦多酚干预对高脂膳食诱导小鼠的降脂作用及其调控机制 姚轶俊等

6(1168) 酿酒酵母多糖对葡萄酒果香酯类物质水解呈香的表观基质效应 孔彩琳等

8(1574) 超声辅助玉米醇溶蛋白基乙烯吸附膜的制备及其香蕉保鲜性能 范 鑫等

9(1775) 魔芋胶对猪肉肌原纤维蛋白凝胶特性和保水特性的调控机制:基于相分离行为和水相稳定 罗 程等

10(1982) 牦牛乳制品加工过程中稳定碳、氮同位素分馏效应 李继荣等

11(2172) 冷藏条件下肉源莓实假单胞菌对其生物被膜形成和细胞代谢的影响 吴亚婕等

12(2380) 黑曲霉改性葛渣膳食纤维的工艺优化及其理化功能特性 符慧珍等

13(2586) SDE-GC-MS结合OPLS-DA分析不同生态区谷子品种香气特征 李少辉等

14(2787) 激光共聚焦显微法测定面团面筋网络结构的影响因素 姜继凯等

16(3199) 椰子汁煮制对文昌鸡食用品质的影响 吴予灿等

17(3435) HS-SPME-GC-MS技术结合电子鼻分析热处理对南京盐水鸭高温蒸煮味的影响 吴世豪等

18(3655) 不同干燥方式对竹叶花椒叶品质的影响 王安娜等

20(4102) 燕麦麸粉和苦荞皮粉的添加对小麦面条结构、蒸煮品质及消化特性的影响 彭 湃等

21(4318) 不同盐离子对藜麦蛋白凝胶特性及分子间作用力的影响 冯 潇等

22(4523) 水合环境/磁场对肌红蛋白氧化稳定性的作用机制 邓雨诗等

24(4930) 加工工序对苦杏仁球蛋白免疫反应性及消化稳定性的影响 龙斐斐等


1(165) m6A甲基化酶相关基因在牛骨骼肌生成中的表达 杨昕冉等

1(179) 猪腹泻病毒一步法多重TaqMan荧光定量RT-PCR检测法的建立及应用 王一丹等

2(368) UPLC-MS/MS代谢组学评价归芪益母口服液对产后奶牛瘤胃的调节作用 唐玉林等

2(379) 基于昼夜节律的牛奶品质研究 杨改青等

2(391) 褪黑素和烟酰胺单核苷酸对鹅骨骼肌卫星细胞增殖的影响 沈龙仙等

3(549) N-乙酰半胱氨酸对双酚A诱导的猪肾细胞凋亡和炎症反应的抑制作用 陶文静等

3(559) 平凉红牛生长性能、胴体及肉质性状分析 王秀娟等

3(572) 龙岩山麻鸭蛋品质性状的全基因组关联研究 孙艳发等

4(754) 白头翁皂苷B4对犊牛生长性能、消化代谢和瘤胃发酵的影响 卢 猛等

4(766) 胍基乙酸和甜菜碱对羔羊生长性能、瘤胃发酵和血液代谢的影响 任国栋等

4(779) TBHQ对鸡舍PM2.5诱导鸡胚肺组织细胞焦亡、坏死和炎症损伤的影响 郗蒙雪等

5(995) 基于智能项圈系统荷斯坦牛发情相关指标的遗传参数估计及全基因组关联分析 杨明路等

6(1177) 里岔黑猪和巴里杂交猪母猪100kg体重日龄校正方法的比较 崔登帅等

6(1189) 牦牛早期胚胎核旁斑点形成及对后续发育的影响 潘阳阳等

6(1204) 内蒙古地区羊源副结核分枝杆菌的分离与基因分型 赵维宏等

7(1391) 间歇温度处理对育成蛋鸡采食及肠道发育的影响 刘增民等

7(1401) 非洲猪瘟病毒MGF110-5L-6L蛋白诱导宿主细胞翻译阻滞和应激颗粒形成的作用机制 樊 帅等

7(1417) 羊腧穴Telocytes形态特征及其与周围结构的关系 张迎鑫等

8(1585) 不同筛选方法的低密度SNP集合填充准确性比较 林雨浓等

8(1594) 基于转录组测序筛选鸡蛋绿壳性状相关基因 肖 涛等

8(1606) 副猪嗜血杆菌间接ELISA抗体检测试剂盒的研制与应用 张鹏云等

9(1787) 运用计算机断层扫描技术活体评估种公猪瘦肉率、脂肪率和肌内脂肪含量 任志强等

9(1800) 马铃薯条加工副产品与稻草混贮对奶公牛育肥性能和血液生化指标的影响 温媛媛等

9(1813) 鸡肉品质分析及关键风味物质和基因的筛选 巨晓军等

10(1994) 基因组分析对猪乳头数相关数量性状基因座鉴定 尹彦镇等

10(2007)对山羊肌内脂肪细胞的促进作用 李 琪等

10(2021) 规模化鹅场主要病毒核酸检测结果与分析 邵 震等

11(2186) Pladienolide B对牛胚胎干细胞多能性相关基因表达及细胞活力的影响 赵 芳等

11(2202) 藏绵羊肺脏结构特点及HIF-1α和AQP1的表达特性 阿依木古丽·阿不都热依木等

11(2212) 非洲猪瘟疫苗的研发策略与应用前景:可行性和可能性 王 涛等

12(2395) 热应激对奶牛启动子区DNA甲基化水平的影响 陈玉梅等

12(2407) 丙戊酸对双峰驼成纤维细胞重编程影响 张启冉等

12(2421) 致马属动物流产沙门氏菌通用型间接ELISA抗体检测方法的建立与应用 郭 奎等

13(2597)介导TGF-β信号通路对绵羊卵泡颗粒细胞增殖的影响 郭泽媛等

13(2609) 不同笼养方式对鸡蛋蛋黄风味的影响 高丽冰等

13(2620) H3N2亚型犬流感病毒实验感染模型的建立 黄 程等

14(2798) 基于全基因组SNPs分析陆丰黄牛和雷琼牛的群体结构与遗传多样性特征 童 雄等

14(2812) 饲喂柠条对滩羊血清指标及瘤胃、结肠菌群结构的影响 韩 晶等

14(2828) 欧亚类禽H1N1猪流感病毒抗原性变异关键氨基酸的鉴定与分析 张乃心等

15(3020) 免疫沉淀联合LC-MS/MS筛选猪肝星状细胞中葡萄糖调节蛋白GRP94的互作蛋白 王枭鸿等

15(3032) 基于芯片和填充测序数据的肉鸡屠宰性状基因组选择准确性评估 尹 畅等

15(3040) 商品疫苗对我国h9.4.2.5分支H9N2亚型禽流感分离株的免疫保护 麻 琦等

16(3213) 新疆阿克苏地区猪场/阳性粪肠球菌的耐药情况及传播特点分析 王 东等

16(3226) 鸡腺病毒血清8a型毒株的分离鉴定及致病特点 李慧昕等

16(3237) 基于单克隆抗体的非洲马瘟病毒间接ELISA抗体检测方法的建立与应用 郭 奎等

17(3452) 略阳乌鸡褐壳蛋壳颜色量化体系的建立和遗传基础分析 陈 球等

17(3461) 猪SsMT-1A和SsMT-2A的原核表达及金属结合特性研究 杨惠珍等

17(3479) 盖塔病毒SC483株cDNA感染性克隆的构建 杜炳辰等

18(3670) CircCEP85L对牛肌肉干细胞增殖、成肌分化的调控 韦 瑶等

18(3682) 机器学习在动物基因组选择中的研究进展 李棉燕等

18(3693) 草甸草原关键物种功能性状对长期放牧和停牧恢复的响应 司雨凡等

19(3894) 全基因组关联分析筛选鹅蛋品质相关分子标记 高广亮等

19(3905) 猪ECR1-Like免疫黏附功能对PAMs捕获GFP-的影响 张 峥等

20(4115) 地塞米松诱导肉鸡脂肪肝模型的构建及效果分析 王超慧等

20(4125) 外源性马立克氏病病毒荧光定量PCR检测方法的建立 苏 佳等

21(4330) NAC通过调控活性氧影响脂肪间充质干细胞增殖和分化 刘裴裴等

21(4344) 维生素A和乙酸交互作用对奶牛乳腺上皮细胞中乳成分合成相关基因表达的影响 郭咏梅等

22(4532) 饲粮纤维水平对猪肠道屏障功能、结肠微生物及代谢产物的影响 刘 畅等

22(4552) 1-60日龄文昌鸡母鸡净能需要量预测模型研究 徐小静等

23(4757) miR-535靶向GAB2基因通过激活PI3K/AKT信号通路促进山羊颗粒细胞增殖 王 鹏等

23(4772) 种鸽饲粮磷水平对乳鸽血清生化指标、非靶向代谢物及组织中磷转运载体基因表达的影响 安 勇等

24(4944) Lnc721靶向调控MMP9对牛骨骼肌卫星细胞增殖分化的影响 郭云鹏等

24(4956) 新型鹅星状病毒ORF2蛋白纳米抗体的筛选及鉴定 王 丹等


1(193) 芒果MiZAT10A和MiZAT10B功能分析 莫文静等

4(788) 壳寡糖浸种对马铃薯微型薯芽生长和内源激素含量的影响 冶 楠等

5(1007) 姜黄素通过SIRT1/FOXO1通路缓解玉米赤霉烯酮诱导的猪肾上皮细胞氧化损伤 崔红杰等

11(2223) 高效GFPuv荧光筛选基因编辑载体的改造及其在马铃薯遗传转化中的应用 杜静雅等

23(4789) 无核葡萄胚珠发育过程中内源激素及多胺含量的变化 朱佩佩等


8(1615) 新发鸽腺病毒A型感染的病理变化 杨志远等




Panicle Development and Yield Breeding in Rice

7(1215) Guidance: Panicle Development and High-Yield Breeding in Rice LI YunFeng,.

7(1218) Combination of,, andregulates the panicle architecture in rice WEN YiBo,.

7(1228) Analysis of QTLs and breeding of secondary substitution lines for panicle traits based on rice chromosome segment substitution line CSSL-Z481 LI RuXiang,.

7(1248) Mutation ofgene causes degeneration of lemma in the spikelet of rice ZHAO ZiJun,.

7(1260) Map-based Cloning of theGenein Rice(L.) Zhu HongHui,.

7(1275) Expression pattern of the rice-amylase genes related with the process of floret opening Zhang Ji,.

Herbicide-tolerance cotton creation by genetic transformation and genome editing

17(3247) Guidance: Advancements in Herbicide-Tolerant Cotton Research and Breeding in China LIANG Chengzhen,.

17(3251) Identification of Target Traits and Genetic Stability of Transgenic Cotton GGK2 LIANG Chengzhen,.

17(3261) The Creation and Characteristics of Cotton Germplasm Lines TransgenicGene with Excellent Glyphosate Tolerance Wang Wanru,.

17(3277) Identification of Molecular Characterizations for Transgenic Cotton R1-3 Line of Glyphosate Tolerance MA YanBin,.

17(3285) Opportunities and challenges for developing herbicide-resistance crops in the post- genomic era WU YuanLong,.

Gene Function and Breeding in Cotton

19(3709) Guidance: Gene Function and Breeding in Cotton HAO MiaoMiao,.

19(3712) Cloning and functional characterization of the promoter ofgene That predominantly expressed in cotton fiber LIU Fang,.

19(3723) Genome-Wide Identification and Expression Analysis of NLP(Nin-Like Protein) Transcription Factor Gene Family in cotton DING GuoHua,.

19(3747) Cloning and functional characterization ofin disease resistance ofXU FuChun,.

19(3759) Identification and expression of CAD and CAD-Like gene families fromand Their response toZHANG YuJia,.

Fiber Development in Cotton

23(4561) Guidance: Fiber Development in Cotton LI FuGuang

23(4565) Identification and Expression Analysis of Fuzz Fiber Development Related Long Noncoding RNAs inWANG Xiaoyang,.

23(4585) Genome-Wide Identification and Expression Analysis of β-tubulin Family in Cotton fiber development DANG YuanYue,.

23(4602) Genome-Wide Identification of Cotton FLA Gene Family and Functional Analysis ofin Cotton Fiber Development TANG LiYuan,.

23(4621) Genome-wide identification and interspecific comparative analysis of the EXO70 gene family in cotton DONG YanYu,.

23(4635) Research advances of map-based cloning genes in cotton ZANG XinShan,.


1(1) Comprehensive evaluation and breeding evolution of early maturing upland cotton varieties in the northwest inland of China Wang CaiXiang,.

1(17) Genome-Wide association Analysis of the Changes in oil content and protein content under drought Stress inL. HU Sheng,.

2(203) Mapping and Analysis of QTL for Embryo Size-Related Traits in Tetraploid Wheat CHEN JiHao,.

2(217) Development of DNA Molecular ID inGermplasm Based on Transcriptome-wide SNPs Lin Ping,.

3(405) Breeding and Application of a New Thermo-tolerance Rice Germplasm R203 LIU Gang,.

3(416) Cloning of MYBL2 gene fromand its PCR identification in genomes A, B and C ZOU Ting,.

4(587) Construction of a High-Density Genetic Map and QTL Mapping for Yield Related Traits in Upland Cotton JIA XiaoYun,.

4(599) Correlation between stomatal characteristics and cold resistance ofL. FAN Junqiang,.

5(801) Genome-Wide Association Studies and Mining for Favorable Loci of Root Traits at Seedling Stage in Wheat WANG Mai,.

5(821) candidate gene Localization ofgene regulating plant height and ear height in maize ZHOU WenQi,.

6(1019) Identification of Excellent Wheat Germplasms and Classification of Source-sink Types NAN Rui.

6(1035) Investigation of Low Nitrogen Tolerance ofin Maize LI YiPu.

8(1429) Identification of Adult Plant Stripe Rust Resistance Candidate Genes ofby Gene Association and Transciptome Analysis in Wheat(L.) ZHANG Xu,.

8(1444) Development of a set of matrix reference materials in different mass fractions of genetically modified maize MON87427 LI Jun,.

9(1617) Principle, Optimization and Application of Mixed Models in Genome-Wide Association Study TAN Lizhi,.

9(1633) Overexpression of wheatincreases flower organ size Peng HaiXia,.

10(1827) Physiological Changes and Integrity of ATP Synthase Subunits mRNA in Naturally Aged Cotton Seeds Song Ci,.

10(1838) Molecular marker assisted identification and application of maize germplasms for maize rough dwarf disease resistance WANG JiangHao,.

11(2035) Analysis and Comprehensive Evaluation of Phenotype Genetic Diversity in Kam Sweet Rice Germplasm Resources in Guizhou LI Huan,.

11(2047) Genome-wide association study of grain main quality related traits in winter wheat DONG YiFan,.

12(2237) QTL Identification and Genetic Analysis of Plant Height in Wheat Based on 16K SNP array YAO Qifu,.

12(2249) Construction of DNA Molecular Identity Card of Core Germplasm of Broomcorn Millet in China Based on Fluorescence SSR XUE YaPeng,.

13(2431) The genetic basis of flavonoid contents in wheat and its application in functional wheat variety breeding CHEN Jie,.

13(2443) Establishment and standardization of event-Specific real-time quantitative PCR detection method of stress-resistant soybean IND-ØØ41Ø-5 LI YunJing,.

14(2629) Population Genetic Analysis ofin Main Winter-increasing Areas Based on Virulent Phenotypes and Genotypes GAO XinPei,.

14(2643) Pigment Identification and Gene Mapping in Red Seed Coat of Soybean CAO Jie,.

15(2837) Genetic diversity analysis and comprehensive evaluation of sorghum breeding materials based on phenotypic traits ZHANG YiZhong,.

15(2854) Status, Existing Problems and Strategy Discussion on Northward Expansion of Winter Rapeseed in China Liu Zigang,.

16(3051) Function of Maizein Regulating Drought Resistance at Flowering Stage LI Yan,.

16(3062) A Comprehensive Assessment of Proso Millet Varieties Tested in the State Multi-region Trial by GYT Biplot Analysis Ma Zhixiu,.

16(3077)functional analysis in tobacco-CMS line WANG jin,.

18(3487) Genome-wide association analysis of Yield Traits in Xinjiang Winter Wheat Germplasm MA YanMing,.

18(3500) Genome-Wide Association Study of Nitrogen Use Efficient Traits in Sweetpotato Seeding Stage and Screening and Validation of Candidate Genes YU Yongchao,.

20(3917) Analysis of genetic and breeding selection effects of a major QTL-for wheat spike length DONG JiZi,.

20(3931) QTL Analysis for Seeding Traits Related to Low Nitrogen Tolerance in Foxtail Millet QIN Na,.

20(3946) Genome-Wide Association Study of Nitrogen Efficiency Related Traits at Seedling Stage in Brassica juncea ZENG Jian,.

21(4137) QTL Mapping and Molecular Marker Development of traits related to Grain weight in Wheat ZHANG ZeYuan,.

21(4150) Screening of low phosphorus tolerant germplasm in cotton at seedling stage and comprehensive evaluation of low phosphorus tolerance KAYOUMU Mirezhatijiang,.

21(4163) Identification and Evaluation of Drought Tolerance and Screening of Drought-Tolerant Germplasm for Core Germplasms in Proso Millet at Adult Stage WANG Qian,.

22(4359) The effect of/Xian pedigree introgression in/Geng rice breeding in China Xu Hai,.

22(4371) Development and application of top-down approaches for estimating measurement uncertainty of GMO quantitative results LI Jun,.

22(4386) The Molecular Mechanism of Pod Yield Difference between Single- Seeding Precision Sowing and multi-seeds sowing of Peanut Based on Transcriptome Analysis YANG Sha,.

24(4801) Research progress of PPR protein in plant abiotic stress response LI Cheng,.

24(4814) Identification and Genetic Analysis of QTL for Spike Length in Wheat YAO Qifu,.


1(31) Effects of Sowing Date on Yield of double cropping rice and Utilization Efficiency of Light and Heat Energy in Hunan Province ZHANG Wei,.

1(46) Effects of Meteorological Factors on Quality of Late Japonica Rice During Late Season Grain Filling Stage Under ‘early indica and late japonica’ Cultivation Pattern in Southern China FENG XiangQian,.

2(236) Effects of Rhizosphere Oxygen Environment on Phosphorus Uptake of Rice Seedlings and Its Physiological Mechanisms in Hydroponic Condition XIAO DeShun,.

2(249) Effects of direct seeding cultivation method on growth stage, lodging resistance and yield benefit of double- cropping early rice ZHANG XiaoLi,.

3(430) Effect of post-anthesis shading stress on eating quality ofrice in Chengdu Plain ZHU YouYun,.

3(441) Effects of Different Nitrogen Gradients on Yield and Nitrogen Uptake of Hybrid Seed Maize in Northwest China LIU Dan,.

3(453) Effect of phosphorus Application on Physiological Parameters and Antioxidant Capacity in Alfalfa Leaves ZHAO JianTao,.

4(619) Effects of Cultivation Patterns on Grain Yield, Nitrogen Uptake and Utilization, and Population Quality of Wheat Under Rice-Wheat Rotation DING JinFeng,.

4(635) Effects of Potassium Application on Root and Nodule Characteristics, Nutrient Uptake and Yield of Peanut LIU Na,.

5(838) Response of Water Use Characteristics of Spring Wheat to Co- Incorporation of Green Manure and Wheat Straw in Arid Irrigation Region FAN ZhiLong,.

5(850) UAV multispectral Image-Based Nitrogen Content Prediction and the Transferability Analysis of the Models in Winter Wheat Plant GUO Yan,.

6(1045) Difference in the comprehensive response of dry matter accumulation of rice at tillering stage to rising atmospheric CO2concentration and nitrogen nutrition and its physiological mechanism HE Jiang,.

6(1061) Effects of Powdery Mildew on Photosynthetic Characteristics and Quantitative Simulation of Disease Severity in Winter Wheat CHANG ChunYi,.

6(1074) Effect of nitrogen rates on yield formation and nitrogen use efficiency in oilseed under different cropping systems LI Xiaoyong,.

7(1283) Effects of Returning Green Manure to Field Combined with Reducing Nitrogen Application on the Dry Matter Accumulation, Distribution and Yield of Maize WANG PengFei,.

7(1295) Effects of Exogenous Tryptophan on C/N Balance and Senescence Characteristics of Sorghum Seedlings Under Low Nitrogen Stress GU WenDong,.

8(1456) Study on the dynamics of root length density in soil layers of single plant wheat under controlled seed-to- seed distance SUN QiBin,.

8(1471) Mepiquat Chloride Increases theProtein Content Through Regulating Carbon and Amino Acid Metabolism ofCotton Under High Temperature and Drought Stress XING YuTong,.

9(1646) Effects of Increasing Density on the Granule Size Distribution and Viscosity Parameters of Endosperm Starch in Spring Maize Kernel LU MengLi,.

9(1658) Effects of Squares and Bolls Abscission on Photosynthate Accumulation and Its Strength as an Auxiliary Source of Cotton Sympodial Leaves KAN JiaQiang,.

9(1670) Monitoring wheat lodging based on UAV multi-spectral image feature fusion WEI YongKang,.

10(1848) Effect of Phytochlorin Iron on Stress Tolerance to Waterlogging in Wheat CHU YanMeng,.

10(1859) Effects of changing normal and extreme climate states on maize meteorological yield in Northeast China ZHANG WenJing,.

10(1871) Meta-Analysis of Yield Effects and Influencing Factors of Cover Crops on Main Grain Crops in China MA JiaYu,.

11(2064) Analysis of common Characteristics of Widely Adaptation Wheat Cultivars LÜ LiHua,.

11(2078) Effects of Ridge and Furrow Planting Patterns on Crop Productivity and Soil Nitrate-N Accumulation in Dryland Summer maize and winter wheat Rotation System WU JinZhi,.

12(2262) Effects of Cultivation Modes on Soil physicochemical Properties and Nitrogen Balance in Wheat Fields under Long-Term Positioning Conditions GUO XinHu,.

12(2274) Optimization of Dryland Wheat Grain Growth Model Parameters Based on an improved Shuffled Frog Leaping Algorithm CUI WeiNan,.

13(2461) Study on Adaptability of Spring Wheat Yield to Water and Nitrogen Reduction Under Wide-Width Uniform Sowing and Conventional Strip Sowing in Oasis Irrigated Regions CHEN GuiPing,.

13(2474) Integrating multi-Source Gaofen images and object-Based methods for crop type identification in south China WANG JiaYue,.

14(2660) Water use characteristics of wheat rotated after no tillage plastic film mulching maize with reduced water and nitrogen CAO YongGang,.

14(2673) Analysis on Key Production Techniques of Cotton with Good Quality and High Yield in Xinjiang Lou ShanWei,.

14(2686) Spatial-Temporal Variations of High Temperature During Flowering Period in Maize-Producing Areas of China Under Climate Change FU ZhenZhen,.

15(2863) Effect of nitrogen application rate and planting density on the lodging resistance and grain yield of two winter wheat varieties MU HaiMeng,.

15(2880) Effects of tassel sizes on post-flowering dry matter accumulation and yield of different maize varieties under high temperature stress during pollination MU XinYuan,.

15(2895) Yield-increasing effects under plastic film mulching of potato in China based on meta-analysis Xu Juzhen,.

16(3088) Water Use Characteristics of Increased Plant Density and Reduced Nitrogen Application maize in Oasis Irrigated Area JIAO ZhiHui,.

16(3100) Studies on the Suitable Nitrogen Supply Level of Rapeseed Blanket Seedling for Mechanized Transplanting LI Jing,.

17(3302) Critical lowest temperature for the safe heading of various types of late-season rice cultivars and the safe dates for their full heading in different double-season rice cropping regions of Hubei Province LI Yi,.

17(3317) Effects of multiple green manure After wheat combined with different levels of nitrogen fertilization on wheat yield, grain quality, and nitrogen utilization ZHANG WenXia,.

17(3331) Effects of Varied Rapeseed Varieties and Cultivation Measures on Harvest Index PENG WenLi,.

18(3511) Effects of Different Controlled Nitrogen Ratios on Leaf Senescence and Grain Filling Characteristics of Summer Maize YU HaoDong,.

18(3530) Influence of Future Climate Change on the Climate Suitability of Potato Cultivation in China ZHANG ZhiLiang,.

18(3543) Effects of Different Tillage Practices on Soil Physical Properties and Crop Yield in the Region of Southern Ningxia LI Rong,.

19(3772) Investigation on the Effects of Climate Change on the Growth and Yield of Different Maturity Winter Wheat Varieties in Northern China Based on the APSIM Model SHI XinRui,.

19(3788) Reforming the Cropping System to Achieve Maize Mechanical Grain Harvesting in Northern Huang-Huai-Hai Area of China HOU LiangYu,.

20(3960) Investigation on outcrossing Seed-Setting characteristics of Machine- Transplanted hybrid rice seed production HUANG BangChao,.

20(3975) Effects of Nitrogen Application on Delayed Harvest Summer Maize Grain Yield, Superior and Inferior Grains Morphology and Weight under Different Rainfall Years LIU Meng,.

20(3996) Spatial Differences and Driving Factors of Aboveground Nitrogen Uptake in per Hundred Kilograms Grain of Maize in China WANG DanDan,.

21(4175) Non-destructive monitoring of rice growth Key indicators based on fixed-wing UAV multispectral images Wang WeiKang,.

21(4192) Effects of Straw Mulching and Nitrogen Application on the Improvement of Wheat Root Architecture and the Absorption and Utilization of H+and NO3-in Hilly Dry Land AI DaiLong,.

21(4208) Application of trehalose enhances drought resistance in sugarcane seedlings and Promotes plant growth LUO ZhengYing,.

22(4403) Prediction of water content of winter wheat plant based on comprehensive index synergetic optimization GAO ChenKai,.

22(4417) Effect of Light Intensity on Leaf Hydraulic Conductivity and Vein Traits of Soybean at Seedling Stage GAO Jing,.

22(4428) Potato Tuber Skin Roughness Classification Analysis Based on Image Characteristics Recognition TANG ZhenSan,.

23(4648) Effect of different strip distances on light energy utilization in strip intercropping maize WU Jing,.

23(4660) Regulation of Single-seed Sowing and Phosphorus Application on Interspecific Competition and Growth of Intercropping Peanut JIANG WenYang,.

24(4826) Response and Drip irrigation Re-watering Compensation Effect of spring wheat roots to drought stress with different drought tolerance varieties WANG RongRong,.

24(4842) Comparative analysis of the effects of different types of plastic film on peanut growth and rhizobacterial community YU Tianyi,.


1(64) Identification of pathogenicspp. causing maize ear rot and susceptibility of some strains to fungicides in Jilin Province CHAI HaiYan,.

1(79) Cloning of Small Heat Shock ProteinGeneinand its Expression Characteristics during Diapause and Under Temperature Stresses GU LiDan,.

2(264) Distribution and Variation ofGene Family in Ricefrom Heilongjiang Province and Hainan Province Liu RUI, ZHAO.

2(275) Isolation of Dominant Actinomycetes from Soil of Waxberry Orchards and Its Disease Prevention and Growth- Promotion Function WANG XuanDong,.

3(466) Distribution and Variation Analysis offamily infrom Heilongjiang Province and Hainan Province Liu RUI, ZHAO.

4(649) Identification of Antagonistic BacteriumStrain KRS022 and Its Inhibition Effect onLUO WanZhen,.

4(665) Function oftranscriptionally regulating glutathione S-transferase metabolizing chlorantraniliprole inGE TianCheng,.

5(866) Functional Analysis of Effector Hasp83 in the Pathogenicity off. sp.WANG JianFeng,.

5(879) Expression and Functional Analysis of Glycosyl Hydrolase Genes fromPAN FengYing,.

6(1086) Screening of Differential Genes and Analysis of Metabolic Pathways in the Interaction betweenand Maize Kernels QU Qing,.

6(1102) Application Evaluation of the whole-process biological management scheme for apple pests in the Weibei Dry Highland SUN Zheng,.

7(1311) Interaction Mechanisms BetweenOdorant-Binding Protein BminOBP6 and Its Ligands YANG Ling,.

7(1322) Analysis of Cytochrome P450 Genes in Response to Quercetin and Function ofinSHAO HongYang,.

8(1484) Expression pattern of csi-miR399 in response tosubsp.infection and its disease resistance analysis WANG ZhaoHao,.

8(1494) Construction of an infectious clone of Tobacco mild green mosaic virus isolate infecting pepper from Jiangsu based on genomic clone Gao XiaoXiao,.

9(1686) Early Molecular Diagnosis of Southern Corn Rust Based on Conventional PCR and Nested PCR Assays MA HongXia,.

9(1696) Cuticle Protein Genes are Involved in Phosphine Resistance ofCHEH ErHu,.

10(1881) Screening of the Host Factors Interacting with CP of Citrus yellow vein clearing virus by Yeast Two-Hybrid System BIN Yu,.

10(1893) Viruses Identification and Their Gene Sequences Analysis Infectingvar.LIANG HaiWen,.

11(2092) Effect of Broccoli Residues on Enzyme Activity of Cotton Rhizosphere Soil and Relationships Between Enzyme Activity and Carbon Metabolism Characteristics ZHAO Weisong,.

11(2106) Optimization of solid state fermentation for production of active substances against plant pathogenic fungi fromLIAO HongJuan,.

12(2288) Development of a degenerate primer RT-PCR assay for detection ofLIAO FuRong,.

12(2302) Expression and ligand binding characteristics of GfunOBP2 fromNIAN HeFen,.

13(2491) Response and function of the transcription factor CncC ininfected with baculovirus CnmeGV ZHANG Nan,.

13(2504) Identification, cloning and expression profiles of gustatory receptor genes inHUANG YuXuan,.

14(2701) Overexpressingfromenhanced resistance to Fusarium wilt and Powdery mildew inFeng XiangJun,.

14(2713) Resistance Mechanism of Barnyard Grass() to Penoxsulam and Screening Herbicides for Its Control in Rice Fields ZHANG LiYa,.

15(2907) Effect of humidity on sporulation and release ofand control technology CHAI ALi,.

15(2919) Function of Transcription Factor NbERF RAP2-1 in Cucumber Green Mottle Mosaic Virus Infection YU LianWei,.

16(3110) Mechanism of StLAC2 and StLAC6 differentially affectingbased on non-targeted metabonomics analysis ZOU JinPeng,.

16(3124) Identification ofGene Family in Potato and Analysis of its Function in Resistance against Late Blight KONG LeHui,.

17(3347) Dominated Species and the Predation Assessment of Natural Enemies on Thrips in Cotton Fields in Xinjiang DANG WenWen,.

17(3358) selection preference and adaptability ofto different varieties ofLI XingXing,.

17(3372) The Accumulation of Iron and Manganese in Wheat and Its Relationship with Soil Nutrients Under Long-Term Application of Nitrogen Fertilizer LIN JiangYun,.

17(3383) Effects of Supplemental Irrigation After Regreening and Nitrogen Fertilizer Application Rates on Wheat Yield, Water and Nitrogen Use Efficiency in Dryland ZHAO KaiNan,.

17(3399) Spatial Distribution of Nitrate in Vineyards Soils in Yongding River Basin, Hebei Province LI SiQi,.

18(3556) Fluorescent labeling and observation of infection structure ofHa DanDan,.

18(3574) Real-time quantitative PCR detection of citrus yellow mosaic virus and its spatial and temporal distribution in host plants Cao Peng,.

19(3799) Screening and evaluation of non-volatile decision-making traits of oviposition resistance and susceptibility ofGONG QingTao,.

19(3814) Identification and expression analysis of heat shock protein superfamily genes inZHANG Xin,.

20(4010) Complete Genomic Sequence Characteristics and Establishment of qPCR Detection Technique of Sweet Potato Virus E in China TANG Wei,.

20(4021) Genome-wide identification of AP2/ERF gene family inand Its expression patterns under herbicide stresses HAN XiaoWen,.

21(4219) Development and application of specific molecular markers for six homologous rice blast resistance genes inLocus of rice YANG Hao,.

21(4234) The Variation of GRSPaV in Different Parts of Shine Muscat Grapevines During Their Phenological Periods LI MeiXuan,.

22(4441) Evaluation of Resistance and Analysis of Utilization Value of the MajorRice Varieties in Jilin Province Based on the Physiological Race Variation ofLi li,.

22(4453) Screening, identification and control efficacy analysis ofstrains against Maize Pythium stalk rot GUO Ning,.

23(4671) Effect of Temperature on the Occurrence of Cotton Verticillium Wilt and Host Defense Response ZHANG YaLin,.

23(4684) Identification of viruses infecting Bottle gourd in Guangdong Province and establishment of multiplex RT-PCR Detection method SU Qi,.

24(4854) The effect of 3-oxyacyl ACP reductase geneon the growth, development and pathogenicity ofGONG AnDong,.

24(4866) The Effect of Environmental Stress on Respiratory Rate and Expression Level of Mitochondrial Protein-Coding Genes inCHEH ErHu,.


1(90) Vertical Distribution of Vegetation Roots and Its Influence on Soil Erosion Resistance of Gully Heads on the Gullied Loess Plateau LOU YiBao,.

1(104) Effects of Straw Returning and Nitrogen Fertilizer Types on Summer Maize Yield and Soil Ammonia Volatilization Under Future Climate Change ZHAO ZhengXin,.

1(118) Spatial Characteristic and Its Factors of Nitrogen Surplus of Crop and Livestock Production in the Core Area of the Baiyangdian Basin ZHAO HaiXuan,.

2(287) Effects of Dextran Modified Urea on Winter Wheat Yield and Fate of Nitrogen Fertilizer YAN YanGe,.

2(300) Nitrogen Fertilizer Replacement Value of Livestock Manure in the Winter Wheat Growing Season XU JiuKai,.

2(314) Accounting Framework of Carbon Footprint on Integrated Cropping- Breeding Farming System: A Case on Maize-Cow-Recycling Manure Model CHEN XiaoWei,.

3(481) Response of Biomass and Nutrient Competition Between Oilseed Rape and Weed to the Rate of N, P and K Fertilizer SHENG QianNan,.

3(490) Environmental Safety Risks in Agricultural Application of Effluents from Sugar Molasses-Based Fermentation Industries WANG XiaoBin,.

4(674) Spatio-Temporal Variations of Fertilizer Contribution Rate for Rice in China and Its Influencing Factors LI YaZhen,.

4(686) Effects of Maize Shoot and Root Residues Added on Microbial Residue Carbon and Nitrogen in Different Fertility Levels of Black Soil MA Nan,.

4(697) Effects of Control Irrigation on Grain Yield and Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Ridge Cultivation Direct-Seeding Paddy Field XIE Jun,.

5(892) Effect of Subsoiling Combined with Straw Returning Measure on Pore Structure of Black Soil YANG JianJun,.

5(907) Effects of Long-Term Conservation Tillage on Soil Carbon Content and Invertase Activity in Dry Farmland on the Loess Plateau DONG Xiu,.

5(920) Environmental Risks Assessment of Livestock and Poultry Non-Point Source Pollution in Shiyan City Based on Arable Land Carrying Capacity GONG ShiFei,.

6(1113) Effects of Different Varieties of Phosphate Fertilizer Application on Soil Phosphorus Transformation and Phosphorus Uptake and Utilization of Winter Wheat WANG XiaoXuan,.

6(1127) Decomposition Characteristics of Straw and Organic Fertilizer Mixed Soil After Landfill in Typical Area LI DeJin,.

7(1333) Response of Carbon and Nitrogen Distribution in Organo-Mineral Complexes of Red Paddy Soil to Long-Term Fertilization LI Hao,.

7(1344) Effects of Straw Incorporation Quantity on Soil Physical Characteristics of Winter Wheat-Summer Maize Rotation System in the Central Hilly Area of Sichuan Basin MA ShengLan,.

8(1503) Synergistic Effects of Organic Carbon and Nitrogen Content in Water-Stable Aggregates as well as Microbial Biomass on Crop Yield Under Long-Term Straw Combined Chemical Fertilizers Application HAN ZiXuan,.

8(1515) Effects of Drip Irrigation Under Film and Trickle Furrow Irrigation on Maize Growth and Yield LIU MengJie,.

8(1531) Effects of Combined Application of Organic Manure and Chemical Fertilizer Ratio on Water and Nitrogen Use Efficiency of Cotton Under Water Deficit WANG Ning,.

9(1708) Effects of Long-Term Film Mulching and Application of Organic Fertilizer on Yield and Quality of Spring Maize on the Loess Plateau WEI YaNan,.

9(1718) Effects of Long-Term Fertilization on Nitrogen Accumulations and Organic Nitrogen Components in Soil Aggregates in Yellow-Mud Paddy Soil WANG Fei,.

9(1729) Effects of Different Biochar Application Rates on Soil Aggregate Characteristics and Organic Carbon Contents for Film-Mulching Field in Semiarid Areas PANG JinWen,.

10(1905) Hyperspectral Prediction of Organic Matter in Soils of Different Salinity Levels in the Yellow River Delta HOU HuaGang,.

10(1920) Variation Characteristics of Soybean Yield and Soil Nitrogen Distribution in Brown Soil Under Long-Term Fertilization LIU YuYing,.

10(1935) Effects of Biochar Combined with Dicyandiamide on Greenhouse Gases Emissions from Facility Vegetable Soil SONG BoYing,.

11(2118) Dynamics Characteristic of Straw Decomposition and Nutrient Release Under Different C/N Ratio LI Ran,.

11(2129) Optimizing Nitrogen Fertilizer Rate for High-Yield Maize in Black Soil Region Based on Ecological and Social Benefits ZHENG ChunYu,.

12(2317) Effect of Dextran Modified Phosphate Fertilizer on the Winter Wheat Yield and Fertilizer Utilization Rate YAN YanGe,.

12(2329) Effect of No-Tillage Combined with Mulching on the Structure and Organic Carbon Content of Aggregates in Heilu Soil of the Weibei Dry Plateau ZHOU MingXing,.

12(2341) Effects of Straw Interlayer Combined with Spring Irrigation on Saline- Alkali Soil Respiration and Its Temperature Sensitivity in Hetao Irrigation District YU Ru,.

13(2518) Changes in Topsoil Organic Matter Content and Composition of a Gleyic Stagnic Anthrosol Amended with Maize Residue in Different Forms from the Tai Lake Plain, China CHEN ShuoTong,.

13(2530) Origin, Present Situation and Development Trend of Green Fertilizer WU ZhiJie,.

13(2547) Spatial-Temporal Pattern, Influencing Factors and Spatial Spillover Effect of Rural Energy Carbon Emissions in China TIAN Yun,.

14(2724) Spatial-Temporal Variation of Relative Yield Gap of Wheat and Maize and Its Response to Nitrogen Fertilizer in China SHEN Zhe,.

14(2738) Effects of Different Straw Returning Patterns on Soil CO2Emission and Carbon Balance in Maize Field LI Jin,.

14(2751) Rapid identification for5873 by PCR and its evaluation in application MA MingChao,.

15(2929) Effects of Diversified Cropping on the Soil Aggregate Composition and Organic Carbon and Total Nitrogen Content SUN Tao,.

15(2941) Effects of Phosphorus Reduction on Soil Phosphorus Pool Composition and Phosphorus Solubilizing Microorganisms SHEN KaiQin,.

15(2954) Nitrogen and Phosphorus Surplus and Soil Nitrate Nitrogen Accumulation in Typical Rice-Vegetable Rotation and Banana Garden in Hainan ZHAO YongJian,.

16(3140) Spatial-Temporal Variation Characteristics of Wheat and Maize Stalk Resources and Chemical Fertilizer Reduction Potential of Returning to Farmland in Recent 30 Years in China LIU ShuJun,.

16(3156) Effect of Organic Fertilizer Replacing Chemical Fertilizer on Nitrous Oxide Emission from Wheat-Maize Rotation System in Lime Concretion Black Soil LIU GaoYuan,.

18(3585) Effects of Returning Chinese Milk Vetch and Rice Straw to Replace Partial Fertilizers on Double Season Rice Yield and Soil Labile Organic Carbon XIE Xue,.

18(3599) Straw Returning and Post-Silking Irrigating Improve the Grain Yield and Utilization of Water and Nitrogen of Spring Maize WANG YongLiang,.

18(3615) Effects of Long-Term Application of Organic Fertilizer on Rare and Abundant Bacterial Sub-Communities in Greenhouse Tomato Soil LIU Lei,.

19(3829) Response of Paddy Soil Health to Continuous Amendments of Organic Fertilizer and Lime Separately Under Double-Cropping Rice Fields YIN ZeRun,.

19(3843) Effects of Long-Term Synergistic Application of Organic Materials and Chemical Fertilizers on Bacterial Community and Enzyme Activity in Wheat-Maize Rotation Fluvo-Aquic Soil ZHANG LingFei,.

19(3856) Effects of Rhizodeposition on Straw Carbon and Nitrogen Sequestration in Soil Profile Under Different Fertilization Conditions MEI XiuWen,.

20(4035) Effects of Long-Term Straw Return and Nitrogen Application Rate on Organic Carbon Storage, Components and Aggregates in Cultivated Layers GUO RongBo,.

20(4049) Spatial-Temporal Evolution, Decoupling Effect and Performance Evaluation of China’s Agricultural Carbon Emissions MENG QingLei,.

20(4067) The Conception of Eco-circular Agriculture of "Rice-Potato-Pig" FAN ZiYao,.

21(4245) Characteristics and Succession of Rhizosphere Soil Microbial Communities in Continuous Cropping Watermelon GUO HanYue,.

21(4259) Spatial-Temporal Variability Characteristics and Main Controlling Factors of Soil Fertility in Shouyang County of Cinnamon Soil Area SHEN Tong,.

21(4272) Analysis of the Characteristics and Influencing Factors of Soil Particle Composition in Ningxia ZHOU Lei,.

22(4467) Standardized Establishment and Improvement of Accounting System of Agriculture Greenhouse Gas Emission ZHANG WeiJian,.

22(4478) Optimization Path of the Ecological Compensation Mechanism for Conservation Tillage in the Northeast Black Soil Region ZHOU Ying,.

23(4696) 40 Years’ Change Characteristics of Soil Basic Properties in the Main Planting Area of Winter Oilseed Rape HUO RunXia,.

23(4706) Interaction Between Transverse Ridge Tillage and Topography on Soil Erodibility Along the Long Gentle Slope in a Typical Black Soil Region of Northeast China YU BoWei,.

23(4717) Research Progress on the Carbon and Nitrogen Sink of Duckweed Growing in Paddy and Its Effects on Rice Yield JING LiQuan,.

24(4880) Relationship Between Grain Nitrogen Content and Yield Formation, Uptake and Partitioning of NPK of High-Yielding Wheat Cultivars in Drylands XU JunFeng,.

24(4895) Characteristics of Oilseed Rape Cultivar with Different Oil Content in Nutrient Dynamitic Accumulation Rates and Utilization Efficiency HU WenShi,.


1(129) Effects of Irrigation Amount on Berry Development and Aroma Components Accumulation of Shine Muscat Grape in Root-Restricted Cultivation ZHANG KeKun,.

1(144) Analysis ofExpression Characteristics and Prediction of Transcriptional Regulation in Grape LI XuFei,.

2(333) The Relationship Between Mastication and Development of Segment Membranes in Citrus Fruits LI FeiFei,.

2(345) Genetic Analysis of Fruits Characters in Reciprocal Cross Progenies of Chinese Cherry LIU ZhenShan,.

3(508) Cloning and Analysis of Key Genes for Vitamin C Synthesis in Cucumber Fruit WANG ZhuangZhuang,.

3(519) Effects of Urea Slow-Release Functional Fertilizer Containing Melatonin on Growth, Yield and Phosphorus Use Efficiency of Tomato Under Reduced Phosphorus Application Conditions LIU MingHui,.

4(711) Genome-Wide Identification and Expression Analysis of DIR Gene Family in Cucumber ZHANG KaiJing,.

4(729) Effects of Different Color Fruit Bags on Quality of Ruixue Apple Fruits WANG ZiDun,.

5(935) Development and Validation of KASP Markers Based on a Whole- Genome Resequencing Approach in a Hybrid Population of Luli × Red No. 1 ZHENG WenYan,.

5(951) Genomic Selection for Fruit Weight and Soluble Solid Contents in Peach CAO Ke,.

5(964) Transcriptome Analysis of Peach Fruits at Different Developmental Stages in Peach Kurakato Wase and Early-Ripening Mutant PENG JiaWei,.

6(1139) Regulation Mechanism of Brassinolide on Anthocyanins Synthesis and Fruit Quality in Wine Grapes Under High Temperature Stress Based on Transcriptome Analysis WANG YueNing,.

6(1154) Effects of Exogenous Abscisic Acid Treatment on Periderm Suberification of Postharvest Mini-Tuber Potato from Aeroponic System and Its Possible Mechanisms ZHANG ZhiPeng,.

7(1359) Identification and Comparative Analysis of Metabolites in Grape Seed Based on Widely Targeted Metabolomics SHENG HongJie,.

7(1377) Identification of Salt-Tolerant Transcription Factors in the Roots ofby the Association Analysis ofGenome-Wide DNA Methylation and Transcriptome LI Hui,.

8(1547) Population Genomic Structure of Pomelo Germplasm and Fruit Acidity Associated Genes Identification by Genotyping-by-Sequencing Technology JIANG Dong,.

8(1561) Genome-Wide Association Studies for Grape Berry Weight Related Traits WANG HuiLing,.

9(1744) An Overview of the Worldwide Plum Breeding LIU Shuo,.

9(1760) Determination and Analysis of Flavonoids Metabolites in Different Colors Cultivars and Blooming Stages ofWU SiHui,.

10(1949) Comprehensive Fruit Quality Evaluation and Suitable Areas Selection of Newhall Navel Orange in China CHEN ZhiMin,.

10(1966) Identification of the VvmiR164s-Action Module and Analysis of Their Expressions Responsive to Exogenous GA During Grape Ovary Development WANG Fei,.

11(2141) Effects of Row Spacing and Irrigation Amount on Canopy Light Interception and Photosynthetic Capacity, Matter Accumulation and Fruit Quality of Tomato CHANG JiaYue,.

11(2158) Comparison of Sugar Content and Expression Analysis of Genes Related to Sugar Metabolism in Different Parts of Chinese Flowering Cabbage FENG XianJun,.

12(2354) Optimization of Water and Fertilizer Management of Substrate Cultivated Peppers Based on Quality, Yield, and Water and Fertilizer Use Efficiency ZHOU DaoMing,.

12(2367) Genotype Identification and Combination Analysis of Loci Related to the Peach Flesh Texture Trait via 189 Peach Accessions WANG ZhaoHui,.

13(2563) Response Characteristics of Rhizosphere and Root Endosphere Bacteria and Rhizosphere Enzyme Activities to Soil Compaction Stress in Young Apple Tree LI JiaQi,.

13(2274) The Function ofTransporter Related to the Volatilization of Benzyl Alcohol inHAO RuiJie,.

14(2761) Screening and Comprehensive Evaluation of Tomato Rootstocks with High Efficiency of Phosphorus Utilization GAO ZiYuan,.

14(2776) Mechanism Underlying the Improved Quality of Bagged Fruits in Ponkan SHI Ying,.

15(2966) Development of Ogura CMS Restorers of Broccoli via Genetic Transformation ofXING MiaoMiao,.

15(2977) Analysis of the Interaction Between VvGAI1 and VvJAZ9 Proteins in Grape and Its Expression Pattern Under Low Temperature LIU DeShuai,.

15(2995) Background Selection and Comparison of Marker Superiority and Inferiority of Aphid-Resistant Seedlings in an Interspecific Cross Peach Population LIU SuNing,.

15(3006) Comprehensive Evaluation of Fruit Texture and Taste Quality of Pineapple Based on Multiple Methods FU Shan,.

16(3168) Mining Genes Related to Fruit Quality in Sweet Oranges Based on Specific Locus Amplified Fragment Sequencing LI RenJing,.

16(3183) Identification of Callose Synthetase Gene Family and Functional Analysis ofinHE Dan,.

17(3412) Effects of Different Distances from Original Planting Row on Tree Growth and Fruit Yield of Young Trees of G935 Dwarf Rootstock Miyato Fuji Under Continuous Cropping LI MinJi,.

17(3420) Genetic Variation Analysis and Candidate Genes Mining of Regulating Flesh Color in Pomelo CHENG Li,.

18(3629) Identification and Cloning ofFerritinFamily Genes in Grape and Response to Compound Amino Acid-Iron Spraying During Different Fruit Developmental Stages SONG ZhiZhong,.

18(3642) Genome Wide Association Study for Resistance to Citrus Brown Spot Disease YANG ShengNan,.

19(3869) Nutritional Effects of Liquid Digestate on Tomatoes Grown in Facility Substrates TENG YunFei,.

19(3879) Differences and Genesis of Grape Phenolic Compounds Among Different Altitudes in Yunnan Shangri-la ZHANG KeNan,.

20(4072) Functional Identification of Peach GeneYANG Li,.

20(4087) A Transcriptome Analysis Identifies Candidate Genes Related to Fruit Cracking in Pomelo Fruits LU YanQing,.

21(4288) Sequencing and Functional Analysis of Tomato circRNA During Flowering Stage YIN ZiHe,.

21(4304) Identification of the Transcription Factor WRKY75 ofin Citron C-05 and Its Function Analysis in Resistance to Citrus Canker Disease YAN PeiHan,.

22(4490) Development and Transferability of EST-SSR Markers Based on Transcriptome Data fromYi ZeHui,.

22(4506) Screening Regulatory Genes Related to Luffa Fruit Length and Diameter Development Based on Transcriptome and WGCNA CHEN MinDong,.

23(4729) Analysis of Genetic Effect of Fruit Color Controlled by Epistatic Genes in Eggplant CHEN JinRong,.

23(4742) Evaluation of Heat Tolerance of Herbaceous Peony and Screening of Its Identification Indices HOU ZhaoYu,.

24(4906) Cloning and Expression Analysis ofPromoter inYAO LiXiao,.

24(4916) Effects of Intercropping within Tea Plantation on Soil and Tea Quality Components CHEN YiYong,.

Food Science and engineering

1(156) Quantitative Detection Technology of Porcine-Derived Materials in Meat by Real-time PCR ZHAI XiaoHu,.

2(357) Inhibition and Interaction ofPolysaccharide and Its Digestion Products on Starch Digestive Enzymes XU Qian,.

3(529) Research Progress on the Application of Non-During Wine Fermentation WANG ChunXiao,.

4(741) Effects of Pulsed Electric Field on Gelation Properties of PSE-Like Chicken Myosin: A Molecular Dynamics Simulation Analysis GUO YuChen,.

5(981) Lipid-Lowering Effects and Its Regulation Mechanism of Buckwheat Polyphenols in High-Fat Diet-Induced Obese Mice YAO YiJun,.

6(1168) Apparent Matrix Effect of Yeast Polysaccharides fromon the Hydrolysis of Wine Fruity Esters KONG CaiLin,.

8(1574) Preparation of Ultrasound-Assisted Zein Ethylene Scavenger Film and Its Preservation Property of Bananas FAN Xin,.

9(1775) The Mechanism of Effects of Konjac Gum on the Gel Property and Water Holding Property of Pork Myofibrillar Protein Based on Phase Separation Behavior and Moisture Stabilization LUO Cheng,.

10(1982) Fractionation Effect of Stable Carbon and Nitrogen Isotope Ratios in Yak Dairy Products Processing LI JiRong,.

11(2172) Effects ofon the Biofilm Formation and Cellular Metabolism of Meat-BorneDuring Chilled Storage WU YaJie,.

12(2380) The Optimal Fermentation Technique ofResidues byfor Dietary Fiber Modification and the Consequent Changes of Physicochemical and Functional Properties of Dietary Fibers FU HuiZhen,.

13(2586) Aroma Characteristics of Foxtail Millet Varieties from Different Ecological Regions by Analysis of SDE-GC-MS Combined with OPLS-DA LI ShaoHui,.

14(2787) Influencing Factors of Gluten Network Structure Analysis Using Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy JIANG JiKai,.

16(3199) Effect of Boiling Coconut Water on Flavor Formation of Wenchang Chicken WU YuCan.

17(3435) Effect of Heat Treatment on the Warmed-Over Flavor of Nanjing Water-Boiled Salted Duck Detected by HS-SPME- GC-MS Technology and Electronic Nose WU ShiHao,.

18(3655) Effects of Different Drying Methods on the Quality Characteristics of DriedLeaves WANG AnNa,.

20(4102) Effects of Oat Bran Flour and Tartary Buckwheat Bran Flour on Structure, Cooking Quality and Digestive Characteristics of Wheat Noodles PENG Pai,.

21(4318) Effects of Different Salt Ions on the Gel Properties and Molecular Interactions of Quinoa Protein FENG Xiao,.

22(4523) Mechanism of Hydration Environment/Magnetic Field Effects on the Oxidative Stability of Myoglobin DENG YuShi,.

24(4930) Effects of Processing Technology on the Amandin Immunoreactivity and Digestive Stability of Apricot Kernel LONG FeiFei,.


1(165) Expression Pattern of m6A Methylase-Related Genes in Bovine Skeletal Muscle Myogenesis YANG XinRan,.

1(179) One-Step Multiple TaqMan Real-time RT-PCR for Simultaneous Detection of Swine Diarrhea Viruses WANG YiDan,.

2(368) Evaluation of Regulatory Effect of Guiqi Yimu Oral Liquid on Rumen of Postpartum Dairy Cows Based on UPLC-MS/MS Metabolomics Technology TANG YuLin,.

2(379) Study on Milk Quality Based on Circadian Rhythm YANG GaiQing,.

2(391) Effects of Melatonin and Nicotinamide Mononucleotides on Proliferation of Skeletal Muscle Satellite Cells in Goose SHEN LongXian,.

3(549) Inhibitory Effect of N-acetylcysteine on Bisphenol A-Induced Apoptosis and Inflammatory Response in Porcine Kidney Cells TAO WenJing,.

3(559) Analysis of Growth Performance as well as Carcass and Meat Quality Traits in Pingliang Red Cattle WANG XiuJuan,.

3(572) Genome-Wide Association Study of Egg Quality Traits in Longyan Shan-Ma Duck SUN YanFa,.

4(754) Effects of AnemosideB4 on Growth Performance, Nutrition Digestion and Rumen Fermentation of Calves LU Meng,.

4(766) Effects of Guanidinoacetic Acid and Betaine Supplementation on Growth Performance, Rumen Fermentation and Blood Metabolites in Lambs Ren GuoDong,.

4(779) Effects of TBHQ on Pyroptosis, Necroptosis and Inflammatory Damage of Chicken Embryonic Lung Tissues Induced by PM2.5from Chicken Houses XI MengXue,.

5(995) Estimation of Genetic Parameters and Genome-Wide Association Study of Heat Indicators in Holstein Cattle Based on Collar-Mounted Device YANG MingLu,.

6(1177) Comparing Methods for Correcting Days to 100 kg of Sows in Licha Black Pig and Its Intercross with Berkshire CUI DengShuai,.

6(1189) Formation and Function of Paraspeckle During Pre-implantation Embryos Development in Yak PAN YangYang,.

6(1204) Isolation and Genotyping ofsubsp.from Sheep in Inner Mongolia ZHAO WeiHong,.

7(1391) Effects of Intermittent Different Temperature on Feeding and Intestinal Development of Growing Laying Hens LIU ZengMin,.

7(1401) African Swine Fever Virus Mgf110-5l-6l Induces Host Cell Translation Arrest and Stress Granule Formation by Activating the Perk/Pkr-eif2α Pathway FAN Shuai,.

7(1417) Morphological Characteristics of Telocytes at Sheep Acupoints and Its Relationship with Surrounding Structures ZHANG YingXin,.

8(1585) Comparison of Imputation Accuracy for Different Low-Density SNP Selection Strategies LIN YuNong,.

8(1594) Screening of Candidate Genes for Green Shell Egg Shell Color Traits in Chishui Black Bone Chicken Based on Transcriptome Sequencing XIAO Tao,.

8(1606) Development and Application of Indirect ELISA Kits for Antibody Detection ofZHANG PengYun,.

9(1787)Estimation of Lean Percentage, Fat Percentage, and Intramuscular Fat Content of Boars by Computed Tomography REN ZhiQiang,.

9(1800) Effects of Holstein Bulls Fed Mixed Silage of Potato Chips Processing by Product with Rice Straw on Fattening Performance and Blood Biochemical Indexes WEN YuanYuan,.

9(1813) Chicken Quality Analysis and Screening of Key Flavor Substances and Genes JU XiaoJun,.

10(1994) Identifying Quantitative Trait Loci Associated with Teat Number of Pig by Genomic Analysis YIN YanZhen,.

10(2007) Role ofin Promoting Lipid Deposition in Goat Intramuscular Adipocytes LI Qi,.

10(2021) Investigation and Analysis of Nucleic Acid Detection Results of Viral Viruses in Large-Scale Goose Farms SHAO Zhen,.

11(2186) Effects of Pladienolide B on Expression of Pluripotency Related Genes and Cell Viability of Bovine Embryonic Stem Cells ZHAO Fang,.

11(2202) The Micro-Structure of Tibetan Sheep Lung and Its HIF-1α and AQP1 Expression Characteristics Ayimuguli Abudureyimu,.

11(2212) Development Strategies and Application Prospects of African Swine Fever Vaccines: Feasibility and Probability Wang Tao,.

12(2395) Effect of Heat Stress on DNA Methylation ofPromoter Region in Dairy Cows CHEN YuMei,.

12(2407) Effect of Valproic Acid on Reprogramming of Bactrian Camel Fibroblasts ZHANG QiRan,.

12(2421) Development and Application of a Universal iELISA Antibody Assay for Abortion-Causingin Equidae GUO Kui,.

13(2597) Effects of Smad7-Mediated TGF-β Signaling Pathway on Proliferation of Sheep Granulosa Cells GUO ZeYuan,.

13(2609) Effects of Different Caging Regimes on Egg Yolk Flavor of Laying Hens GAO LiBing,.

13(2620) Establishment of a Canine Experimental Infection Model with a H3N2 Subtype Canine Influenza Virus HUANG Cheng,.

14(2798) Population Structure and Genetic Diversity of Lufeng Cattle and Leiqiong Cattle Based on Genome-Wide SNPs TONG Xiong,.

14(2812) Effects ofKom. on Serum Indexes, Rumen and Colon Microbiota of Tan Sheep HAN Jing,.

14(2828) Identification of Key Amino Acids in the Antigenic Variation of Eurasian Avian-Like H1N1 Swine Influenza Viruses ZHANG NaiXin,.

15(3020) Screening of Anti-Apoptotic Protein GRP94 Interaction Proteins in Porcine Hepatic Stellate Cells by Immunoprecipitation Combined with LC-MS/MS WANG XiaoHong,.

15(3032) Assessment of Genomic Selection Accuracy for Slaughter Traits in Broilers Based on Microarray and Imputed Sequencing Data YIN Chang,.

15(3040) The Protective Efficacy of Commercial Vaccines Against H9N2 Avian Influenza Virus of Branch h9.4.2.5 Isolated in China MA Qi,.

16(3213) Analysis of Drug Resistance and Epidemic Characteristics of/infrom Pig Farms in Aksu Area of Xinjiang WANG Dong,.

16(3226) Isolation and Pathogenicity of Fowl Adenovirus Serotype 8a Strain LI HuiXin,.

16(3237) Development and Application of a Mab-Based iELISA for the Detection of Antibodies Against African Horse Fever Virus GUO Kui,.

17(3452) Establishment of Quantization Method and Genetic Basis Analysis of Brown Eggshell Color in the Lüeyang Black-Boned Chicken CHEN Qiu,.

17(3461) Prokaryotic Expression and Metal Binding Characterization of Metallothionein 1A and 2A ofYANG HuiZhen,.

17(3479) Construction of Infectious cDNA Clone of GETV SC483 Strain DU BingChen,.

18(3670) CircCEP85L Regulates the Proliferation and Myogenic Differentiation of Bovine MuSCs WEI Yao,.

18(3682) Research Progress on Machine Learning for Genomic Selection in Animals LI MianYan,.

18(3693) Response of Functional Traits of Key Species in Meadow Steppe to Long-Term Grazing and Grazing Exclusion SI YuFan,.

19(3894) Identification of Molecular Markers Associated with Goose Egg Quality Through Genome-Wide Association Analysis GAO GuangLiang,.

19(3905) Effect of Porcine ECR1-Like Immune Adhesion on PAMs Capturing GFP-ZHANG Zheng,.

20(4115) Fatty Liver Model Construction and Its Effectiveness Evaluation Induced by Dexamethasone in Broilers WANG ChaoHui,.

20(4125) Establishment of Real-Time PCR Method for Detection of Extraneous Marek’s Disease Virus SU Jia,.

21(4330) NAC Affects Proliferation and Differentiation of Adipose-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells by Regulating Reactive Oxygen Species LIU PeiPei,.

21(4344) Effect of Interaction Between Vitamin A and Acetic Acid on the Expression of Genes Related to Milk Composition Synthesis in Bovine Mammary Epithelial Cells GUO YongMei,.

22(4532) Effects of Dietary Fiber Level on Intestinal Barrier Function, Colonic Microbiota and Metabolites in Pigs LIU Chang,.

22(4552) Modeling Net Energy Requirement of 1-60 Days Old Wenchang Hen XU XiaoJing,.

23(4757) miR-535 Targets the GAB2 Gene to Promote Goat Granulosa Cell Proliferation Through Activation of the PI3K/AKT Signaling Pathway WANG Peng,.

23(4772) Influences ofPhosphorus Level in Diet of Parent Pigeons on Biochemical Index, Untargeted Metabolomics Profile of Serum, and Gene Expression of Phosphate Transporters in Squabs AN Yong,.

24(4944) LNC721 Targeted Regulation MMP9 Affects Bovineskeletal Muscle Satellite Cell Proliferation and Differentiation GUO YunPeng,.

24(4956) Screening and Identification of Nanobodies Against Novel Goose Astrovirus ORF2 Protein WANG Dan,.


1(193) Functional Analysis ofandGenes in Mango MO WenJing,.

4(788) Effects of Seed Soaking with Chitooligosaccharide on the Growth of Sprout and Endogenous Phytohormone Content in Potato Minitubers YE Nan,.

5(1007) Curcumin Alleviates Zearalenone-Induced Oxidative Damage in Porcine Renal Epithelial Cells via SIRT1/FOXO1 Pathway CUI HongJie,.

11(2223) The Modification of Gene Editing Vector for Efficient GFPuv Fluorescence Screening and Its Application in Potato Genetic Transformation Du Jingya,.

23(4789) Changes of Endogenous Hormones and Polyamines During Ovule Development of Stenospermocarpic Seedless Grape ZHU PeiPei,.


8(1615) Pathological Changes of a Novel Pigeon Adenovirus Type A Infection Yang ZhiYuan,.

(The end)

Frog whisperer
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