Meetings and Courses

2024-01-21 13:50:48Shui-YingLei

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EASL liver cancer summit 2024

February 22-24,2024;Rotterdam,Netherlands

Focusing on primary liver tumors like hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC) and biliary tract cancer (BTC),the summit explores their connection to viral infections,alcohol misuse,and metabolic disorders among other fantastic programme highlights.Clinicians,researchers,nurses,patient advocates,and industry professionals are meeting together to address these challenges in practice.By spotlighting recent insights into tumor origins and the latest in diagnostic and treatment strategies,the EASL liver cancer summit 2024 aims to contribute significantly to the advancement of liver cancer care.For more information,please visit:


Interpretation of liver biopsies for young hepatologists

April 12-13,2024;EASL Schools &Masterclasses |


Target audiences are young hepatologists with interest in learning how to interpret liver biopsies.Learning objectives are to help clinical hepatologists to interpret a liver biopsy,by reviewing the most frequent situations in which a liver biopsy is indicated.Top 3 reasons to attend: 1) the very practical orientation of the school,which is based on real cases;2) the presence of a group of experts covering the full range of situations in which a liver biopsy is indicated;and 3) the variety of selected topics,that cover most aspects of liver diseases.For more information,please visit:

Steatotic liver disease–from pathogenesis to treatment

April 26-27,2024;EASL Schools &Masterclasses | Aarhus,


The school will provide state of the art presentations by experts in the field and with strong interactions by participants.The participants are expected to be able to implement their new knowledge in order to improve the care of patients with steatotic liver disease.This EASL School will provide knowledge and a better understanding of: 1) steatotic liver disease pathogenesis;2) steatotic liver disease treatments;and 3) steatotic liver disease follow-up including co-morbidites.For more information,please visit:

Personalized medicine in hepatobiliary malignancies

April 26-27,2024;EASL Schools &Masterclasses |


The EASL school on “Personalized medicine in hepatobiliary malignancies” transitions fluently between molecular pathology diagnostics and clinical translation and provides room and space to foster interdisciplinary exchange.Under the guidance of experts in the field(liver pathologists,clinical and basic hepato-oncologists),students will gain confidence in the interpretation of molecular diagnostics reports and perform group work to build innovative treatment concepts for patients with hepatobiliary cancers.In addition to short lectures,panel discussions and a “live microscopy session”,the school features thought-provoking discourses on the diagnostic and therapeutic future of hepato-oncology.For more information,please visit:


16th IHPBA world congress

May 15-18,2024;Cape Town,South Africa

Sponsored by the International Hepato-Pancreatico-Biliary Association (IHPBA) and Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association of Southern Africa (HPBASA),the 16th IHPBA world congress is to be held on May 15-18,2024 in Cape Town,South Africa.Apart from topical updates,symposia and state of the art presentations,the congress will also focus on HPB conditions and challenges faced by lowand middle-income countries.For more information,please visit:

Digestive disease week (DDW) 2024

May 18-21,2024;Washington,DC,USA

DDW 2024 will take place on May 18-21,2024,in Washington,D.C.,at the Walter E.Washington Convention Center,and online.DDW is the premier meeting for professionals working in gastroenterology,hepatology,GI endoscopy,gastrointestinal surgery and related fields.For more information,please visit: