The proof of Lemma 2.1 is just a repetition of the proof of Lemma 2.5 in Ref. [4], and hence we omit it.
Lemma2.2Supposeα,βare two positive real numbers. For 1≤p<∞, we have
Proof: Applying the Taylor formula yields that
then the desired result follows from the fact that
and some simple calculations.
3 Continuity of the Lp-norm of the truncated maximal operator
Now, we are in the position to give the proof of the continuity ofgwith respect toθ.
For clarity, we will give the proof in three steps.
(i)gis left semi-continuous.
(ii)gis right semi-continuous.
(iii)gis continuous at the infinity.
Step 1.We first prove thatgis left semicontinuous at the pointbsuch thata
For any ε>0, we apply lemma 2.1 to yield that there exists someφ∈Cc(Rn) with‖φ‖p=1, such that
Then we further take
Consequently, we can obtain that
which yields
Sinceb-c<δ, there holdsb/c<1+δ/c.
Observe thatδ(6)
Substitute inequality (6) into formula (4), we can deduce that
where the second inequality holds due to Lemma 2.2, and we use the fact thatδ≤εp/sin the penultimate inequality.
To sum up,
Therefore, for anyε>0, there exists aδ=min{1,εp/s,b-a} wheresis defined as above, such that for all 0ɡ(c)≤g(b)≤g(c)+2ε.
As a result,gis left semicontinuous at the pointb>a.
Step 2. Furthermore, we proceed to prove that the functiongis right semicontinuous at the pointbsuch thata≤b<∞.Let us start by giving some notations that will be used in the proof of this part.
First, we set
that is,Cis theLp-norm of the classical Hardy-Littlewood maximal operator.
Then we define
Now, for anyε>0, take
Using Lemma 2.1, we can reduce our discussion to functionsφinCc(Rn) with ‖φ‖p=1.Supposec![](
which yields
Using Lemma 2.2, it then follows from formula (7) and formula (8) that
Now we give the estimate of the quantities
in formula (9), wherei=1,p. Applying Holder’s inequality to quantity (10), we can calculate that
where the penultimate inequality and the last equality hold because of our choices ofCandφ.
However, our current estimate formula (11) is not sufficient to deduce our desired result. Therefore, to get a much more delicate estimate of formula (10), we should give a precise evaluation of quantities
in formula (11). Letqbe the conjugate exponent ofp,which is,1/p+1/q=1. By once again using Holder’s inequality, we have
Combining the estimates of formula (11) and inequality (12) together, it follows that
By the arbitrariness ofφ, we can reach the conclusion thatg(c)≤g(b)+ε.
Consequently,gis right semicontinuous at the pointb≥a.
Step 3. At last, we provegis continuous at the infinity.
Following from Lemma 2.1 again, for anyε>0,there exists someφ∈Cc(Rn) with ‖φ‖p=1, such that
Suppose thatφis supported in the ballB(0,γ)withγ>0.
Moreover, one can compute that
whereωn-1is the surface area of the unit ball inRn, and the last inequality holds because of our priori choice ofs.
Substitute formula (15) into formula (14), we can further obtain that
LetN=s+γ. Then for anyc>Nand anyx∈{|x|≤s}, we have
As a result, for anyc>N, it follows that
In terms of formula (16), we can deduce that
To sum up, for all ε>0, there existsN=s+γwheresand γ are defined as above, such that for anyc>N, there holds
Consequently,gis continuous at the infinity.
Now, as far as step 1, step 2, and step 3 are completed, our proof is then finished.
We sincerely appreciate Shao Liu for his insightful suggestions on the proof of our main theorem.