Daqing Oilfield

2024-01-16 10:55郑佳涵
疯狂英语·双语世界 2023年4期


Have you ever heard of DaqingOilfield? Situated in Heilongjiang Province,China, this remarkable oilfield stretchesapproximately 140 kilometers from north tosouth and covers an extensive area of about70 kilometers from east to west, totaling5,470 square kilometers. Daqing Oilfield isrenowned for its production of various high-quality petroleumproducts, including diesel oil, kerosene, and other essentialsubstances that play pivotal roles in our daily lives.

Daqing Oilfields reputation for superior product quality hasearned its recognition among many people. Its fascinating to notethat this oilfields story began in 1959 when its vast reserves werefirst discovered. Since then, it has yielded an astonishing 25 billiontons of oil, with an annual production rate of about 50 milliontons. This remarkable achievement has made Daqing Oilfield themost famous of its kind in China.

Today, Daqing Oilfield boasts not only its economicsignificance but also its picturesque beauty. It has evolved intoa scenic area that attracts numerous visitors. Interestingly, the discovery of Daqing Oilfield can be credited to the renownedscientist Qian Xuesen, a figure of great significance in our country.

Daqing Oilfield comprises 48 distinct oil and gas fieldsof varying sizes, including Sarthou, Xingshugang, Lamadian,Chaoyanggou, and Hailaer, which are known far and wide.While three primary oil fields have been extensively explored,preparations are underway for the development of several new oilfields.

The existence of Daqing Oilfield has played a pivotal role inelevating Chinas economy and helping the nation overcome thechallenges of poverty. After learning about the remarkable story ofDaqing Oilfield, one cannot help but be intrigued and inspired byits significance.


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