The yurt is a unique sight on the InnerMongolian grasslands, its white felt shimmering inthe golden sunlight and creating a stunning pastoralscene against the surrounding green grass. The yurtis not only a shelter from the wind and rain but alsoa distinctive symbol of pastoral culture with a longhistory.
In ancient times, yurts were referred to asqionglu, zhanbao, or zhanzhang in Chinese. TheMongolian term that refers to yurt means “home.”The overall structure of a yurt is spherical, practicaland aesthetically pleasing, simple yet full-featured.From a practical standpoint, the spherical shapeprovides a larger living space and helps distributeexternal pressures. The door of the yurt facessoutheast, following the Mongolian tradition ofassociating the rising sun with good fortune, whichnot only helps herders estimate time but also preventsstrong cold winds from entering directly.
The white exterior of the yurt is closely tied tothe Mongolian’s appreciation for the color white. Intheir view, white symbolizes beauty, safety, and purity.Thus, among various colors, the Mongolian peoplechose white for the yurt’s exterior, often adorned withintricate embroidery patterns, blending practicalitywith aesthetic value. From far away, the white yurtresembles clouds reflected on the grassland, forminga beautiful picture alongside thelush greenery and herds of cattleand sheep.
When building a yurt, the Mongolian peopletypically use locally sourced materials with minimalprocessing. This approach not only conservesresources but also reduces labor demands. Thisenvironmentally conscious approach of designreflects the Mongolian people’s respect for andadaptability to nature.
Choosing the right site for a traditional yurt iscrucial, though the construction process is relativelystraightforward. Herders would select a flat arearich in water and grass, and mark a circular outlinebased on the desired size of the yurt to determine itslocation. Once the location is decided, they find thecenter point within the circle and secure a centralpole, and determine the locations for doors andwindows at the outer edge. Aftercompleting these steps, they canbegin constructing the yurt’sframe.
The frame is typically made of wood to providestructural support and consists of three main parts:hana, uni and tonao. The first part to be constructed isthe hana, meaning the outer wall, made of uniformlysized red willow branches, which are woven intoa diamond-shaped lattice and secured with ropes.The hana not only supports the structure but alsodetermines its size. Once the hana is fixed, the uniconnects it to the tonao. The length and angle of theuni determine the yurt’s height. The tonao serves asa skylight, made primarily from sandalwood or elm,allowing for ventilation and light. In the grasslands,when someone says, “The sun has reached the tonaoring,” it means the sun has risen; if they say, “The sunhas reached the middle of the uni,” it indicates that it’stime to bring back those who went out to herd sheep.Thus, the Mongolian people also refer to the sun atthis time as “the sun welcoming the herders.”
After the frame is complete, the yurt is coveredwith shanzhan, a felt layer made from sheep woolthat plays a vital role in wind proofing and insulation.Depending on the actual place of installment,shanzhan can be divided into four types: coveringfelt, top felt, wall felt, and ground felt. Herders add orremove layers of felt based on temperature changes,adding more for warmth in colder weather andreducing them for ventilation in warmer conditions.Once the shanzhan is secured, the chimney isinstalled for smoke ventilation. At this point, the yurtis fully assembled, and the interior decorations aredesigned according to the owner’s preferences.
The grassland climate is dry with unevenprecipitation, and the growing season and quality ofpasture vary across regions, which has led herdersto live a water-centric lifestyle. Yurts are easy to setup and dismantle, often requiring just a few horsesor camels for moving, making them more suited fora nomadic way of life than other types of buildings.Consequently, yurts have become invaluablecompanions for the nomadic Mongolian people.
Today, yurts, with their beautiful design and rich cultural connotations, are becoming one of themost iconic cultural symbols of the grasslands, attracting countless tourists from near and far each year.To overcome the shortcomings of traditional yurts, many young herders are dedicated to researchingmodern yurts, including low-energy and prefabricated models. These innovations not only merge moderntechnology with Mongolian culture, providing warmth in winter and coolness in summer, but alsosignificantly enhance the yurt’s environmental friendliness, economy, practicality, and aesthetic appeal.
The yurt is the culmination of thousands of years of nomadic wisdom, accompanying herders throughlong years and forming an indispensable part of their lives. Across the vast grasslands, yurts resemble a fleet ofmoving “white trains,” carrying the hopes of herders toward happiness and the future.