Salt Superstition1与盐有关的迷信

2023-12-14 19:16:31张宁
中学生英语·中考指导版 2023年9期


Humans and animals need salt to survive2. There are a lot of differentsuperstitions naturally involves3 salt around the world.


Spilling4 the Salt


Spilling the salt has through out history been considered very bad luck. Itpredicts something bad is going to happen to someone closest to the spill.


So, what can you do if you accidentally spill some salt? No fear, there is asimple cure5. What you need to do is to take a pinch of salt and throw it over yourleft shoulder. Problem solved and the spell is broken.


Notice that we wrote the salt has to be thrown over the left shoulder. There is anexplanation for this rule. People of the past believed that your guardian6 angel wasbehind you and always on your right. If you throw the pinch of salt over your rightshoulder you risked harming your guardian angel. That would only make things worse.


Passing the Salt


We have all experienced sitting around the dinner table when someone asksus to pass the salt please. Naturally most of us pick up the salt and hand it tothe person.


According to this superstition that is something you never want to do again. Itbrings very bad luck. Remember the old sayings, “Pass the salt, pass the sorrow7”and“Help me to salt, help me to sorrow”.


The next time you are asked to pass the salt, you certainly want to help. This ishow you should do it from now on to avoid bad luck: You pick up the salt cellar8and place it on the table close to the person who requested it. That person needs topick up the salt from the table. Now all is fine. Just remember to place the salt cellaron the table, never hand it over directly to another person.


Salt and a New Home


Many people believed that evil spirits could be lurking9 around just aboutanywhere in England in 19th century. They could never be quite sure if evil spirits hadtaken residence10 in any empty house or even been left there by the previous11 owners.

在19 世纪的英国,许多人认为恶灵可能潜伏在任何地方。他们无法确定是否有恶灵占据了任何空房子,或者是否有恶灵被前房主留下。

The method they used to prevent evil spirits from taking residence involved saltnaturally. When the house was completely empty and no furniture was brought intothe house, they would walk around in the house and sprinkle12 a little salt on thefloor of every room.


Salt and Money


Do you know the old saying “Short of salt, short of money”? Never, ever putyourself in the situation that you have no salt in your home. That would be reallybad news concerning13 your finances14. Make sure you always have some salt inyour home. It is a sorrowful15 situation if you run out of salt.


Should someone you know run out of salt and ask to borrow some salt, say no.Never ever lend anyone salt. It is pure bad luck.


So how do you help the person in need? Simply, you give them the salt as agift. They must not return any salt to you. That is bad luck, that would bring both ofyou bad luck.


It is perfectly fine to gift someone salt. Actually, that is a wonderful thing to do,wishing them prosperity16.


Babies and Salt


In 19th century England a baby was considered especially vulnerable17 frombirth and until the baby was baptized18. These were critical19 days and people woulddo something to protect the baby from evil happenings.

在19 世纪的英国,婴儿从出生到受洗期间都被认为是特别脆弱的。这些日子非常关键,人们会做一些事情来保护婴儿免受邪恶事件的伤害。

One of these protective objects was a tiny bag of salt. They wrapped20 it in apiece of cloth and hid it in the cradle21. The cloth containing salt was also hidden ina pocket of the baby’s clothes as extra protection when they carried the baby outsideof their home for the first time.



1. superstition 迷信

2. survive 存活

3. involve 牵涉,涉及

4. spill 洒出,泼出,溢出. 洒出(量),溢出(量)

5. cure 对策,措施

6. guardian 守护的

7. sorrow 悲伤,悲痛

8. cellar 地下室,地窖salt cellar 盐瓶,盐罐

9. lurk  潜伏;潜藏

10. residence 居住,定居

11. previous 以前的,先前的

12. sprinkle 撒,洒

13. concern 关于;涉及

14. finance 资金,财源;经济情况

15. sorrowful 悲伤的,悲痛的

16. prosperity 繁荣,成功

17. vulnerable 脆弱的,易受伤的

18. baptized 受洗礼的

19. critical 极其重要的,关键的

20. wrap 包,裹

21. cradle 摇篮

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