To Bee or Not to Bee蜜蜂的故事

2023-12-14 19:16:31MaryOves
中学生英语·中考指导版 2023年9期

Mary Oves

In 2021, I received a phone callwhich told me that I had been chosen asone of three 2022 Grand Prize winners of“A Hotel Room of One’s Own: The ErmaBombeck/Anna Lefler Humorist-in-ResidenceProgram”.

In October 2022, I would be luckyto meet and attend workshops1 withsome famous comedy writers. I waslooking forward to finishing my bookproject during the two-week stay.

But, on the first Saturday, I discovereda bee in my hotel room.

I immediately FaceTimed my oldest son.

“Honey, there’s a bee in my room.”

“A bee? What floor are you on?”


“How did a bee get into your room?”

“I left the window cracked2.”

“Your hotel-room window on the third floor opens?”




“Then, how did the bee get into awindow that doesn’t open?”

“I opened it. I needed fresh air. I usedmy eyelash curler3 to unclench4 the metalpiece that prevents the window fromopening.

“Can you put it back in when you leave?”

“I’m not sure. The metal kind of broke off.”

“I see.”

“So, what should I do about the bee?”

“Um, kill it?”

“What if it doesn’t die and then seeksrevenge5 on me while I sleep?”

“Insects don’t seek revenge. So, catchit and release6 it.”

“I can’t catch it. What if it stings7 me?”

“Jeez. Where is it?”

“Here in the room.”

“No, what part of the room?”

“Oh. On the glass part of the window.”

“So, catch it in a cup. Do you have a plastic cup?”

“Yes.”I looked around and saw twoplastic coffee cups.

“Slide8 it into the coffee cup, put thelid9 on it, and then release it out thewindow.”


I put the phone on the coffee machinefacing the window, grabbed10 one of thetwo plastic cups, and managed to trap11the bee in it. But each time I slid the cupto the open window and lifted it from thewindow surface, I couldn’t get the lid onbefore the bee flew out, angrier each time.

Finally, I had the bee trapped, lid on,and released it out of the cracked window.It flew back in, and I screamed as it divebombed12me. In my terror13, I droppedthe cup without thinking and ran screamingto the bathroom. I could hear loudlaughter coming from the phone.

Of course, I felt shame sitting inthe bathroom.

After a while, I walked back into theroom and saw that the bee had once againtaken up residence14 on the window.

To the sound of my son yelling15through the phone,“You got this, Mom! ”I grabbed the second coffee cup andtrapped the bee. Not willing to take anyrisks—and not really thinking it through—I threw the entire16 cup out the windowand watched as it flew three stories down,and at the feet of a couple who were tryingto enjoy a glass of wine on the hotelpatio17.

“What the hell! ”The man jumpedup and stared toward my window.

I yelled down to him, “Look, I’mreally sorry. But would you mind lettingthe bee out of that cup? He’s beenthrough a lot, so be careful as yourelease him.”

They looked at me, back at thecup, and then back at me. I heard himsaid to his wife,“Is she kidding?”

I turned to see my son and his friendlaughing and staring from the screen.

My son’s friend turned to him.“Howlong is your mom writing in Dayton?”

“Two weeks,”my son replied.

His friend shook his head.“She’snot gonna make it.”

2021 年,我接到一个电话,说我被选为2022 年“自己的酒店房间:埃尔玛·邦贝克/ 安娜·勒弗莱常驻幽默作家项目”的三名大奖得主之一。

2022 年10 月,我有幸与一些有名的喜剧作家见面并参加研讨会。我期待着在两周的逗留期间完成我的新书计划。













































1. workshop 研讨会

2. cracked 破裂的;有裂纹的

3. eyelash curler 睫毛夹

4. unclench 撬开

5. revenge 报复;报仇

6. release 釋放

7. sting 昆虫、动植物叮、刺、蜇

8. slide 滑行;滑动

9. lid 容器的盖、盖子

10. grab 攫取、抓住

11. trap 设陷阱捕捉、把……困在

12. dive-bomb 俯冲轰炸

13. terror 惊恐;恐惧

14. residence 住宅;住所;居住;定居

15. yell 叫喊;大喊

16. entire 全部的;整个的

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