“Deep Sleep” hotel

2023-12-02 23:21:26AliceGiddings
疯狂英语·新读写 2023年9期

Alice Giddings


We're constantly told how important a good sleep is for our well-being, but for whatever reason—work stresses, or otherwise—it's sometimes a bit of a challenge to get your full eight hours in.Well, a new hotel is taking the meaning of “deep sleep”to a whole other level, offering the chance to spend the night 419 meters underground.

Deep Sleep in Snowdonia, Wales,invites guests to snooze under a Welsh mountain in the largest abandoned Victorian slate mine (板岩矿山) in the world,making it the deepest underground bed there.The hotel has four private twin-bed cabins, with basic single beds, a table and a lamp.There's also a romantic rock grotto available with a double bed and fairy-like lanterns.

As nice as this all sounds, if you're looking for a relaxing getaway (短假), you might want to look elsewhere.Guests will need to endure a 45-minute mountain walk with a guide, before wearing a helmet and harnesses (安全带) to descend into the mine, encountering crumbling bridges and old miner stairs.

After all of that, guests will be rewarded with an expedition-style meal before bed and will be woken with a cup of coffee the following morning before heading back up to Earth.An instructor and another member of staff will also be sleeping in the hotel for the night, so you won't ever have to worry about being left alone.

Operations manager Mike Morris said, “Guests who have stayed there would absolutely love it.They like its uniqueness and the sense of being away from civilization.”

Reading Check

What do you think is special about Deep Sleep in Snowdonia, Wales?


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