Dolphin and her baby海豚和她的孩子

2023-11-27 20:27:30朱山林
疯狂英语·读写版 2023年10期



A pond near Grand Isle, Louisiana,has seen some unusual marine life sinceHurricane Ida struck in 2021. Specifically,the body of water became home to amother dolphin and her baby shortly afterthe storm. Wildlife experts believe that thepair were displaced by flooding, thentrapped once the excess water retreated.Thankfully, a rescue team working withthe Audubon Coastal Wildlife Networkand a number of other organizations werefinally able to return the dolphins to theocean last June.

In order to relocate the mother andchild, team members had to drive them tothe Gulf of Mexico. That meant that thetwo had to be carried ashore and placed inthe back of a van. Wildlife rescuers stayedwith the creatures throughout the drive,using sponges to pour water on them.

According to a post from the AudubonNature Institute, the dolphins couldn't bemoved any earlier. The non?profit explained that they had been waiting for the calf tobe old enough to move to an area withaccess to open water. They also said thatcases like this aren't unusual.

“It is common for storm surges andincreased coastal flooding associated withhurricanes to cause marine mammals andsea turtles to strand on land or be washedinto inland waterways,” they wrote.“ Ani?mals may be found in these areas for weeksto months following the hurricane, re?quiring rescue by trained and authorizedresponders to return them to their naturalhabitat.” Once the van arrived at itsdestination, the dolphins were carried intothe water the same way theyd been carriedout.

Reading Check

How were the dolphins transported to the Gulf of Mexico?


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