禹方方 张颖 姜建福 孙磊 刘崇怀 樊秀彩
摘 要:【目的】炭疽病是葡萄的主要病害之一,極易造成大规模的病害流行,严重影响葡萄产量及品质,筛选抗病种质及挖掘抗病基因有利于葡萄抗病机制研究及抗病育种的开展。【方法】利用室内离体叶片接种法,对60份中国野生葡萄种质、122份欧亚种质、76份欧美杂种以及美人指×刺葡萄0940的F1代杂交群体进行炭疽病抗性鉴定与评价,并利用SNP标记构建的遗传图谱对炭疽病抗性进行QTL定位。【结果】经抗性鉴定,共筛选出1份高抗、43份抗病和75份中抗种质,分别占总鉴定种质的0.39%、16.67%和29.07%。以筛选出的抗病种质刺葡萄0940和感病种质美人指的杂交后代为分离群体进行QTL定位,在第8号连锁群上检测到一个与抗炭疽病相关的QTL位点,可解释14.7%的表型变异。根据QTL定位区间基因注释结果,筛选出15个抗病相关基因,推测它们在葡萄抗炭疽病中发挥一定作用。【结论】明确了不同葡萄种质的炭疽病抗性水平,定位到1个抗炭疽病QTL位点并筛选出15个抗病相关基因。
中图分类号:S663.1 A436.631 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1009-9980(2023)11-2325-15
Identification of resistance to anthracnose in leaves of grape resources and QTL localization of disease resistance genes
YU Fangfang, ZHANG Ying, JIANG Jianfu, SUN Lei, LIU Chonghuai, FAN Xiucai*
(Zhengzhou Fruit Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Zhengzhou 450009, Henan, China)
Abstract: 【Objective】 Grape anthracnose is one of the main diseases of grape, which mainly infects the fruits, young leaves and new branches of grape, causing fruit rot, shedding, or water loss and shrinkage into stiff fruits. Breeding disease-resistant grape varieties is the most economical, effective, and environmentally friendly long-term control strategy for the prevention of the anthracnose disease. There have been a few studies on the identification of the resistance to anthracnose and the QTL localization of relative disease resistant genes so far. The study aimed to identify the resistance to the anthracnose disease of different grape germplasms and seek for new QTL locus for the resistance and provide germplasm materials and basis for the breeding and research on the disease resistance mechanism. 【Methods】 The indoor ex vivo leaf inoculation method was used to identify and evaluate the resistance to anthracnose in 60 strains of Chinese wild grapes, 122 accessions of V. vinifera and 76 accessions of V. vinifera-V. labrusca, and the hybrid offsprings of Manicure Finger (susceptible)×Ciputao0940 (resistant), and the QTL localization of grape anthracnose resistance was carried out using the genetic map constructed by SNP markers. 【Results】 A total of 1 germplasm with high resistance, 43 germplasms with resistance and 75 germplasms with medium resistance were screened out, accounting for 0.39%, 16.67% and 29.07% of the total identified accessions, respectively. There were great differences in the resistance to anthracnose in different germplasm populations. 63.34% of the East Asian population 56.57% of the V. vinifera-V. labrusca population, and 31.15% of the Eurasian population had the resistance to anthracnose. In the identification of anthracnose resistance in Chinese wild grape germplasms, it was found that the resistance of different strains in the same population varied greatly, and the species with strong resistance on the whole included V. davidii, V. pseudoreticulata, V. amurensis, and V. piasezkii. The strong resistance of the strains include Shanputao♀, Longyuwanfuye1♀, Duolieye-yingyu♂, Shanputao-shanyang1807, Mianmaoputao-chayu1955, and Ciputao0940. The resistance of the hybrid offsprings of Manicure Finger (susceptible)×Ciputao0940 (resistant) were distributed in five grades. According to the normality test and single-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test based on the resistance level distribution of the F1 population, it was found that the hybrid offsprings of Finger (susceptible) × Ciputao0940 (resistant) showed continuous variation in anthracnose resistance, which was a typical quantitative trait controlled by polygens, and the phenotypic distribution of disease resistance identification results showed a trend of partial normal distribution, which could be analyzed by QTL localization. In the positioning of QTL related to grape resistance to anthracnose, the interval or site of LOD≥3.0 was used as the threshold value for QTL, and when the above conditions were met, the site corresponding to the highest LOD value in the interval was considered to be one QTL of grape anti-anthracnose. In this experiment, a QTL interval associated with grape anthracnose resistance was detected on the 8th linkage group, and the locus with the highest LOD value in this interval was located at 140.682 cM, and the tightly linked label was Maker1675910, which could explain the 14.7% of the phenotypic variation. Based on the gene annotation results of the QTL locus interval, 15 resistance-related genes were screened out, and they were hypothesized to play a role in grape anthracnose resistance. 【Conclusion】 The resistance level of different grape germplasms to anthracnose was clarified, one QTL site against anthracnose was located and 15 resistant-related genes were screened.
Key words: Grape anthracnose; Identification of ex vivo leaf inoculation; QTL localization; Candidate genes
收稿日期:2023-05-15 接受日期:2023-08-17
*通信作者Author for correspondence. Tel:13676997369,E-mail:fanxiucai@caas.cn
葡萄炭疽病又名葡萄晚腐病,是葡萄真菌性病害之一,主要侵染葡萄的果实、幼叶和新枝,表现为局部出现病斑、果粒腐烂、脱落、或失水干缩为僵果,造成果实减产最高可达20%[1]。我国各地区引起葡萄炭疽病的致病菌种类并不完全相同,新疆、辽宁、云南、福建、贵州、浙江等葡萄产区的病原菌经鉴定为胶孢炭疽菌(Colletotrichum gloeosporioides)[2-8],广西、台湾等地分离菌株后发现病原菌为葡萄炭疽菌(C. viniferum)[9-10]。
为深入挖掘葡萄种质对炭疽病的抗性基因,可利用QTL定位技术进行候选基因筛选。迄今为止,有关葡萄抗炭疽病的QTL定位研究较少,高晓铭等[11]以感病的欧亚种质里扎马特为母本、高抗的中国野生种质黑珍珠为父本进行杂交,鉴定F1代群体对炭疽病抗性并利用SSR和SRAP分子标记构建遗传图谱,最后采用区间作图法在12号染色体上检测到一个主效QTL,可解释37.07%的表型变异。Fu等[12]利用Cabernet Sauvignon和Shuang Hong杂交的F1代群体通过3 a(年)炭疽病抗性鉴定,最终在14号染色体上得到一个与抗病相关的QTL位点Cgr1,该位点解释了19.9%的表型变异,富含NBS-LRR基因,并鉴定出了一個与Cgr1的峰值密切相关的分子标记np19345。笔者通过对自然群体内不同葡萄种质的炭疽病抗性进行鉴定,筛选出抗炭疽病的优异种质,同时利用杂交群体抗炭疽病鉴定结果结合已构建的遗传图谱,开展葡萄抗炭疽病相关QTL分析,挖掘葡萄炭疽病抗性基因。
1 材料和方法
1.1 试验材料
杂交群体:母本美人指(V. vinifera,感病)和父本刺葡萄0940(V. davidii,抗病)种植于国家葡萄种质资源圃(郑州),于2015年在国家葡萄种质资源圃(郑州)进行杂交试验,同年10月从果实中收集种子,并采用层积法对种子进行保存。2016年春季将保存的种子进行催芽以及播种,随后将存活的101株实生苗定植于田间并进行管理。
1.2 病菌培养
试验所用葡萄炭疽病病原菌来自中国农业科学院郑州果树研究所新乡基地葡萄园,从表现炭疽病症状的葡萄果实上分离、纯化得到。通过测序,得到试验菌株的ACT、GAPDH和ITS区段碱基编码序列,将测序结果进行Blast比对,结果显示该病原菌为葡萄炭疽菌(C. viniferum),是炭疽菌属胶胞炭疽菌复合种(C. gloeosporioides species complex)。将供试菌株菌丝体挑至于马铃薯葡萄糖琼脂培养基(Potato Dextrose Agar,PDA)上,28 ℃黑暗条件下倒置培养5 d,待菌丝体布满平板后,使用5 mm打孔器在菌落边缘打孔备用。
1.3 叶片抗性鉴定
选取1年生枝条上第6至第9片成龄叶,用75%乙醇清洗1 min,再用10%次氯酸钠清洗1 min,最后用无菌水清洗3次进行表面灭菌。使用无菌针头对叶片的上下左右进行针刺以损伤叶片的上表皮层,随后将含有真菌菌丝体的PDA菌块(直径5 mm)放置在伤口上,无菌PDA块(直径5 mm)放置在被刺破的叶片上作为对照处理,最后将叶片放在培养皿内的湿滤纸上,在28 °C下进行培育。每份种质处理12枚叶片,每片叶根据面积大小接种2~4处,7 d后采用十字交叉法测量病斑大小。
1.4 统计及分析方法
1.5 QTL定位
基于课题组已构建出的一张葡萄分子遗传图谱[14],结合杂交后代对葡萄炭疽病的抗性表型分析,选择MQM mapping进行葡萄抗炭疽病相关QTL定位分析。以图中LOD≥3.0的区间或位点作为QTL的入选临界值,当某区间LOD≥3.0时,认为该区间最高处对应的位点为该性状的1个QTL。利用定位区间所对应的物理位置,参考葡萄基因组PN40024(https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genome/401)找到对应区间,结合基因功能注释筛选与炭疽病抗性相关的候选基因。
2 结果与分析
2.1 不同葡萄种质炭疽病抗性鉴定
2.2 不同种群葡萄种质炭疽病抗性鉴定
2.3 中国野生葡萄种质炭疽病抗性鉴定结果
2.4 QTL定位分析
利用整合的遗传图谱,结合F1代分离群体葡萄抗炭疽病鉴定结果,在第8号连锁群上检测到1个与葡萄抗炭疽病相关的QTL(表5),LOD值所对应的峰位为140.682 cM处,可解释14.7%的表型变异。
2.5 抗病候选基因筛选
根据QTL定位结果,在抗性区间内注释到了244个基因,结合基因功能注释,筛选出15个抗病候选基因(表6)。其中100243697和100256914为MYB(V-myb avian myeloblastosis viral)基因家族转录因子,100259062、100259037、104880030、100253914和100260239为转录因子,100852650、100248811、100247292、100243128、100258428、100248331均属于Leucine-rich repeat receptor-like kinases(LRR-RLKs)基因家族,109123048和100255013均属于WRKY基因家族,该家族是抗病基因家族中的一员。
3 讨 论
近年来,有关葡萄抗病性状的QTL定位研究迅速发展,已有多个抗病的QTL位点被报道。Merdinoglu等[19]通过区间作图发现了一个位于抗病亲本28-8-78的12号染色体上的抗霜霉病的QTL位点并将其命名为Rpv1,该位点可解释F1代73%的表型变异。在后续的研究中,又于4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、14、15、18号染色体上鉴定出了27个与葡萄抗霜霉病有关的QTL位点,命名为Rpv2-28[20-30]。此外,Rpv1还被证明与抗白粉病的显性基因Run1紧密相连。Run或Ren均为葡萄抗白粉病的QTL位点,除位于12号染色体上的Rpv1外,还发现11个白粉病抗性QTL位点,分别被命名为Ren1-10、Run2.2和Run2.3,分布于2、13、14、15、16、18、19号染色体上[31-39]。为进一步研究与葡萄炭疽病抗性相关的基因,笔者利用课题组已构建的美人指与刺葡萄0940杂交群体遗传图谱,进行葡萄炭疽病抗性QTL定位,仅在8号连锁群上定位到一个与葡萄抗炭疽病相关的QTL位点,可解释14.7%的表型变异。目前,国内外有关葡萄对炭疽病抗性QTL定位的研究较少,仅在12和14两个连锁群上定位到有关葡萄抗炭疽病的QTL位点,而在其他连锁群上尚未明确报道。使用不同的群体往往会定位到不同的QTL位点,例如在葡萄抗霜霉病QTL定位中,亲本为Syrah和28-8-78时定位到了12号染色体10.3 Mb处,当亲本为Cabernet Sauvignon和Gloire De Montpellie时则定位到了9号染色体4.0 Mb处[40]。
4 结 论
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