A chance encounter

2023-11-13 09:23江西孙朝岚
疯狂英语·新读写 2023年9期

江西 孙朝岚


主题语境:好人好事 篇幅:323词 建议用时:7分钟

1You never know when a chance encounter will change your life.Sahil Singh certainly didn't expect anything to come from yet another delivery he was set to make less than a week ago with Swiggy, a food delivering service in India.

2Years ago,this well-educated young man had a job that gave him a good salary,but his circumstances since the move have changed drastically.With no other job prospects, he began working for Swiggy, where he was barely making ends meet.In fact, he found himself in debt and without a car, a scooter, or even a bike.

3Then, on the day of his chance encounter, Sahil found himself completely out of money.To make matters worse, he was given an order to deliver what would take him nearly two miles, all on foot.As he worked hard to get the food delivered as soon as possible,the customer,Priyanshi Chandel,was waiting patiently for her ice cream.After 30 to 40 minutes, Sahil finally rang her doorbell.The state he was in left her shocked.

4“I opened the door to see a young man panting for breath, sitting on the staircase outside my flat,” Priyanshi said.“I asked him what happened.” When given the opportunity to share his story, Sahil recounted how he got to where he's at today.“I am not asking for anything, please if you can find me a job,” Priyanshi recalled him telling her.

5Wanting to help, Priyanshi thought of one more thing she could do that might help.On the Internet, Priyanshi made a post all about Sahil and her encounter with him.She emphasized that he is more than qualified to do great work for someone, even going so far as to share images of his degree and other certificates.“If someone has any opening for an office boy, customer support, etc., please help the fellow out!” she wrote.Her post got over 12,000 reactions and Sahil got a job finally.

Reading Check

Inference1.What's the purpose of paragraph 1?

A.To introduce a lucky man.

B.To share a chance encounter.

C.To lead in the topic of the text.

D.To show the importance of work.

Detail2.What made Priyanshi shocked when she first met Sahil?

A.Sahil's work.

B.Sahil's story.

C.Sahil's situation.

D.Sahil's appearance.

Detail3.How did Priyanshi help Sahil out of trouble?

A.By making a post on the Internet.

B.By providing him with enough tips.

C.By sharing Sahil's story with netizens.

D.By helping Sahil find a job on the Internet.

Inference 4.In which column of a newspaper can we read this text?





Language Study

Difficult sentences in the text

1.Years ago, this well-educated young man had a job that gave him a good salary, but his circumstances since the move have changed drastically.几年前,这个受过良好教育的年轻人有一份薪水不错的工作,但自从搬家以来,他的情况发生了巨大的变化。

【点石成金】本句中,that引导定语从句,在从句中作主语,从句修饰先行词a job。

2.As he worked hard to get the food delivered as soon as possible, the customer,Priyanshi Chandel, was waiting patiently for her ice cream.当他努力工作以尽快送到食物时,顾客普里扬什·钱德尔正耐心地等着她的冰激凌。

【点石成金】本句中,第一个as 引导时间状语从句,意为“当……时”;get the food delivered是“get+宾语+宾语补足语”的结构。

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