A very sweet job一份甜蜜的工作

2023-10-31 17:32:54赵海峰
疯狂英语·读写版 2023年3期


A Canadian candy company isoffering a very sweet job. The candycompany, an online retailer from chocolatebars to gums and licorice, is hiring for a$78,000 a year, work?from⁃home employeeas its Chief Candy Officer. Duties include:leading candy board meetings, being thehead taste tester...and all things fun.

Several thousand candidates havealready applied for the position, which wasposted online, said Chief Executive OfficerJamal Hejazi. He noted that hes beensurprised by the number of“golden ticket”themed applications and the videos ofentire families offering to share the tastingduties and salary.

But Hejazi also sees the attraction.“Imagine your best memories aroundcandy, and having that every day at work,”he said. The candy company, based outsideof Toronto, is headed by four siblings (兄弟姐妹) in their 20s and 30s who grew up in the area and whose parents owned donutshops and a local restaurant.“My brotherMo, the head of the company, founded it in2018 and my mother was employee No. 2,”said Hejazi, adding that he and a youngersister and brother later joined the firm.

The company said the Chief CandyOfficer position is open to applicants asyoung as five years old—although parentalpermission would likely be required. Manyparents have filmed their child filling outthe application and posted it online.

Hejazi also noted that reports onsocial media claiming that the ChiefCandy Officer will be required to eat 3,500pieces of candy per month are incorrect.“That would be 117 a day,” Hejazi said.



What are the duties of this sweet job?Do you like it?

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