Instruments Made of Ice冰雪乐器

2023-10-19 14:24:34JaimeJoyce张恒
中学生英语·阅读与写作 2023年9期

Jaime Joyce 张恒

Do you play an instrument? Have you ever made one? TerjeIsungset can answer yes to both questions. He’s a drummer2. Andhe makes instruments out of something pretty cool. Ice!


It’s not just any ice. “You can buy perfect ice fromfactories around the world. But it will  not have any sound,”Isungset said. He gets all of his ice from nature3. “It’s nature thatdecides the sound of the instrument,”he says. Isungset got the idea forice music more than 20 years ago. “I was asked to do a concert in afrozen4 waterfall,”he says. This gave him  the idea to playinstruments that were actually made out of ice.

这不是普通的冰。“你可以从世界各地的工厂买到完美的冰。但它不会发出任何声音。”伊松赛特说。他所有的冰都来自大自然。“是大自然决定了乐器的声音。”他说。20 多年前,伊松赛特就萌生了创作冰乐的想法。他说:“我被邀请在一个冰封的瀑布里举办一场音乐会。”这让他萌生了演奏真正由冰制成的乐器的想法。

As far as he could tell, this hadn’t been done before. “There were nobooks to read about it—nothing on the Internet,”he says. “So I had to makeeverything by myself.”In 2006, Isungset helped start the Ice Music FestivalNorway, in Europe. It is held in February.

據他所知,以前从未有人这样做过。他说:“互联网上没有任何相关的书可以查阅。所以我所有的事都得自己做。”2006 年,伊松赛特在欧洲协助创办了挪威冰雪音乐节,是在二月举行的。

Almost everything at the Ice Music Festival is frozen. “There are a lot oflogistics5 of doing an ice concert,”Isungset says. “We come to a place, we getthe ice, and we build the  place out of snow and ice.”


Instruments include ice chimes6 and horns7. Others are made-up.“For the festival, I have a goal of trying to make a new instrument everyyear,”Isungset says. What happens when the show is over? “We giveeverything back to nature.”At the end of the festival, people help givethe ice instruments back to nature.


Picture yourself playing an ice horn. Would your lips stick to it if it’s verycold?“Many people ask that question,”Isungset says.“If the horn was madeout of metal8, they would get stuck for sure.”How to do with it? Use a smallpiece of leather9. Place it on the horn’s mouthpiece10. “It’s the only part ofmy instrument that is not made of ice.”


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