Being online could help the mental3 health of older people. Researchersfound that using Internet often could cut the risk of dementia in over-50s.Researchers looked at the data4 from 18,000 people over 50. They were alldementia-free at the start of the 16-year research. Everyone was asked every twoyears about their mental health and Internet use. Those who were online for twohours a day were half as likely to have signs of dementia. But people who usedthe Internet for 6 to 8 hours a day may have greater risk of getting dementia.
上網可以有利于老年人的心理健康。研究人员发现,经常使用互联网可以降低50 岁以上人群患痴呆症的风险。研究人员研究了18000 名50 岁以上人群的数据。在这项为期16 年的研究开始时,他们都没有患痴呆症。每个人每两年被询问他们的心理健康和互联网使用情况。那些每天上网两个小时的人患痴呆症的可能性是其他人的一半。但每天使用互联网6 到8 小时的人患痴呆症的风险可能会更大。
Discussion 议一议:
1. How long do you use the Internet every day? 你每天使用多久互联网?
2. What should we do to lower the risk of dementia? 我们应该怎么做才能降低患痴呆症的风险呢?
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