
2023-10-15 02:14:38卓鹏伟
质量与标准化 2023年7期



The river flows around the village and everything is quiet in long summer.Lunar Calendar June was called"long summer" in ancient times.The weather is rainy and humid, thus people with spleen deficiency are easily trapped by pathogenic dampness, leading to chest tightness, vomiting, diarrhea and other diseases.


邋遢和尚传良方Sloppy monk presenting a good prescription


In Ming Dynasty during Jiajing period, in Pinghe County of Fujian Province, court music official Li Wencha' wife suddenly suffered from an acute illness with symptom of chest tightness and abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhea.Many doctors tried but failed.In a pinch, Li Wencha had to post a list to offer a reward for therapy.One day at dusk, a oneeyed monk unveiled the list.Li Wencha almost lost the confidence due to the monk's ragged clothes.Eventually, he reluctantly gave it a try.The monk took the pulse to diagnose and confirmed that the cause of the disease was dampness invading the spleen.He treated the patient with homemade “Shenling Baizhu San”.The patient had the medicine with remarkable effect and come to recovery.

此后,该方慢慢为民间所用,逐步推广开来。到了宋代,由官方出版的《太平惠民和剂局方》收录了此方,使其成为健脾祛湿的千古名方。Since then, the prescription has been slowly used by the people and gradually popularized.In the Song Dynasty, the prescription was recorded in He Ji Ju Fang, which became a famous prescription for strengthening spleen and dispelling dampness.

补气健脾阻湿邪Reinforcing qi; strengthening spleen and blocking dampness

参苓白术散是中医治疗脾虚腹泻的代表方剂,由10味药组成:人参、白术、茯苓益气健脾,共为君药;山药、莲子、薏苡仁、白扁豆止泻,共为臣药;砂仁芳香醒脾、行气化滞,为佐药;炒甘草和胃、调和诸药,桔梗载药上行,共为使药。全方合用,能补气健脾、渗湿止泻,可从根本上阻断湿邪入侵,且药性非常平和,几乎适合所有人。Shenling Baizhu San is a typical prescription for the treatment of diarrhea of spleen deficiency in TCM.The prescription consists of 10 herbs.Radix Ginseng, Atractylodis Macrocephalae Rhizoma and Poria cocos Reinforce qi and invigorate spleen, which are regarded as the monarch medicine.Dioscoreae Rhizoma;Andrographis Herba;Coicis Semen and Lablab Semen Album relieve diarrhea, which are regarded as the minister medicine.Amomum villosum Lour is used to invigorate the spleen and remove stagnation with its aroma and is regarded as the assistant medicine.Radix Glycyrrhizae Preparate regulates the stomach and harmonizes all medicines.Platycodon grandiflorum is used to lead drugs upward.The two herbs are regarded as the guide medicine.The whole prescription can enhance qi, strengthen the spleen, dissolve dampness for relieve diarrhea and fundamentally block the invasion of dampness.Furthermore, the prescription is almost suitable for everyone,thanks to its mild medicinal properties.

在现代临床医学实践中,参苓白术散是治疗慢性胃肠炎、消化性溃疡等病的良药。此外,该方还可用于治疗贫血、低血压、慢性肾炎、妇女带下病等症。In modern clinical medical practice, Shenling Baizhu San is a good medicine to chronic gastroenteritis, peptic ulcer and other diseases.In addition, the prescription can also be used to treat anemia, low blood pressure, chronic nephritis and leukorrheal diseases.

培土生金相生理Theory of reinforcing earth to generate metal

中医理论认为,人体水液代谢需要脾运化和肺通调共同作用。脾脏五行属土,肺脏五行属金,参苓白术散在配伍和功效上皆有“培土生金”的功效,蕴含五行相生之理。According to TCM theory, water metabolism in human body requires the transportation by the spleen and regulation by the lungs.According to the five elements theory, the spleen belongs to the earth element while the lung belongs to the gold element.The prescription of Shenling Baizhu San reflects the theory of mutual growth of the five elements, namely reinforcing earth to generate metal.


Radix Ginseng, Atractylodis Macrocephalae Rhizoma and Poria cocos in Shenling Baizhu San can strengthen the spleen in order to transport and transform dampness.Platycodon grandiflorum and other herbs can regulate the water channel and promote the lung's vitality to generate the gold element in order to activate the functions of the spleen and lung with the power of herbs and trees and ultimately achieve the purpose of eliminating excess dampness and restoring the body's health.

结 语Conclusion

“脾喜燥而恶湿”。参苓白术散的标准密码在于“健脾渗湿”四个字,其中“健脾”是恢复脾脏运化湿气功能,“渗湿”则是中医疗法中的水液排泄。湿气的运化和排泄同时进行,使参苓白术散成为夏日不可或缺的保健良方。"The spleen is in favor of dryness and sick of dampness." The standard code of Shenling Baizhu San lies in the words "strengthening t h e s p l e e n a n d e l i m i n a t i n g d a m p n e s s"."Strengthening the spleen" means restoring the spleen's function of transporting and transforming dampness."Eliminating dampness"means drainage in TCM.Shenling Baizhu San achieves simultaneous transportation and excretion of dampness.As a result, the prescription is known as an indispensable health remedy in summer.

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