A Craving for Adventure1渴望冒险

2023-09-19 12:49沙博理任东升/译
英语世界 2023年9期

沙博理 任东升/译

In 1941 I was one of a crew of nursemaids to a 40-mm Bofors anti-aircraft gun. We were stationed in a swamp euphemistically known as the Jersey Meadows, guarding Westinghouse and General Electric plants from attack by German bombers. There were about a dozen of us. We served in shifts—two hours on, four hours off, around the clock2 —waiting for the raids which fortunately, considering our marksmanship, never came.


Then word spread that an Army Specialized Training Program3 had been established. Men were being sent to the universities, in uniform, to learn foreign languages for possible future assignment abroad.


Why not? I had had a few years of French in high school and college. At least it would get me out of the swamp. I applied. Spruce and polished, I stood smartly at attention before the board.


They informed me I had passed the French tests. However, they said, they had more French students than they could use. How would I like to study Chinese?


I stood goggle-eyed, gaping like a cod.4


A major oiled in smoothly with a soft sell.5


“You live in New York City6, dont you?”

“你家在纽约,对不? ”

“Yes sir.”


“Well, while Im not at liberty to divulge the details, I can tell you this—the college we are planning to send you to is in New York State. Youll be able to get home fairly often.”


I still hesitated. Chinese? Id never given it a thought. The major threw in the clincher.


“Its co-ed.”


“Ill take it!”

“那成! ”

Little did I know, as they say in the Victorian novels, that the decision I had made was the first step along the road to a life and a career in China.


To keep ourselves busy and because we were interested, a few of us sat in on Chinese language courses at the University of Hawaii in our spare time. By that time I was really hooked on Chinese.


The end of 1946 found me back in New York, a civilian again. Under the G.I. Bill7—a veteran was entitled to paid tuition in a university plus subsistence allowance for roughly as many years as he had served in the armed forces. I decided to use some of that time studying more Chinese, until I could make up my mind what I wanted to do with my life. I enrolled at Columbia, taking nothing but Chinese language courses. I did two terms there, then transferred to Yale where I did a third.

1946年底,我返回纽约,又成了平头百姓一个。根据《退伍军人权利法案》, 退伍兵可以免学费进高校学习,且有与当兵年限相匹配的生活津贴。于是我就决定好好利用这段时间接着深造汉语,等弄明白过怎样的生活再说别的。我进了哥伦比亚大学,不学别的,只学汉语。在那学了两个学期后转入耶鲁大学,学了第三学期。

Wandering amid Yales ivy-clad towers was pleasant enough, but I couldnt go on being a schoolboy indefinitely. To what use could I put the Chinese which so intrigued me? A few of the Chinese students I had met at Columbia and Yale suggested that I go to China. They said an American lawyer who spoke Chinese would certainly do well. I wasnt so sure, but the idea appealed to me. After hitch-hiking and riding freight across America during the depression, why not a trip across the Pacific? I still had a craving for adventure.


My total finances consisted of US$500—my army discharge bonus. I spent US$300 of it for a ticket on a small freighter which had passenger accommodations for four, traveling from New York to Shanghai via the Panama Canal.


I was sick as a dog from the time we passed Cape Hatteras, off the Carolinas. What is it they say about seasickness? “First youre afraid youll die, then youre afraid you wont!” Miraculously, from the Panama Canal on, I was cured. I began to enjoy the beauty of the sea, its changing shades of blue and gray and green. We saw porpoises and whales. We came quite close to one great cow of a mother whale and her baby. They lay meditating, placidly unconcerned.


The ocean began turning yellow when we were still three days from land. We were approaching the estuary of the Yangtze running from the far west across Chinas middle, past Chongqing, Wuhan and Nanjing to the bustling eastern port of Shanghai, which means literally “on the sea.” The yellow tinge deepened to brown. A hazy blur grew on the horizon.




1原文选自沙博理的英文自传My China: The Metamorphosis of a Country and a Man(Beijing: New World Press, 1997)第24—29页,选文有所删减,标题为译者所加。  2原文多介词,on和off译为动词“上”和“休”,更符合汉语习惯,两个介词词组around the clock和in shifts,分别译为“轮流值守”和“全天候警戒”,译文基本和原文保持相宜的长度和基本一致的断句,使得译文在节奏感上与原文取得一致。  3简称ASTP,美國陆军专业训练计划。1941年太平洋战争爆发后,美军需要大量具备专业素质的军官,因而与哈佛、芝加哥大学等多所高校合作,设立ASTP项目培训人才,在当时被译为“陆部特训科”,特训科目主要有工程、医疗和外语三大类。

4 goggle-eyed和gaping like a cod运用四字格“目瞪口呆”来表达,同时stood译为“杵”更进一步表达出惊呆的状态,增加画面感。  5 oiled一词应有“花言巧语”的意思,但考虑到讲话人陆军少校的身份,翻译为“不失时机”较为妥当。soft sell本意为销售领域的一种温和推销策略,此处意指少校从侧面提示学汉语的好处,劝说沙博理接受汉语培训。  6如果将本句简单地译为“你住在纽约”,容易造成歧义,因为沙博理此时住在军队,而非纽约,因此将其翻译为“你家在纽约”更加准确。同时可以与下文中的home相呼应。

7全称Servicemens Readjustment Act of 1944,《退伍军人权利法案》,简称G. I.  Bill,是美国国会于1944年颁布的旨在帮助退伍军人在二战后更好适应平民生活的法案。基本内容有:美国国会授权联邦政府,对在二战中服兵役超过90天的美国公民提供医疗、卫生、住房等方面的优惠政策;对因战争中断深造机会的美国公民提供资助,让他们有机会接受适当的教育或训练。

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