Portrait of a Roman Lady《罗马妇人像》

2023-09-19 12:31爱艺/译
英语世界 2023年9期


This portrait is one of several that Frederic Leighton created of the Italian model Nanna Risi, mistress and muse of the artist Anselm Feuerbach1. She is shown dressed in a variety of flowing fabrics, positioned against a background of blue-grey wallpaper and stuccoed Neoclassical ornamentation.


The high neckline, fabrics whose billowing obscures any bodily silhouette, and arms clasped around the body, seem to deny the viewer the kind of erotic frisson which the beauty of her face might imply, and yet Risis expression makes it very clear that this is not done out of defensiveness or weakness, but as a gesture of control. The strong features and almost imperceptible, subtly disdainful smile, combine with the downward angle of the gaze to create a sense of imperiousness. Similarly, the dramatic contrasts of coloring in hair and skin compliment the use of sfumato2, or smokiness, in the eyes, which at once beautifies and shrouds them in mystery.


The contemporary reviewer F.G. Stephens wrote in The Athenaeum3 that the figure of Risi was “worthy of Lucrezia Borgia”, the noblewoman and reputed femme fatale of the Florentine Renaissance. Certainly, Leightons model seems to embody the seductiveness and ruthlessness associated with this historical figure, but the connotations of her expression and appearance also make other nods to Italian art history. The critic Richard Dorment notes that “the sfumato [...] and her thin smile evoke Leonardo4, while the lush, scumbled colors and luxurious fabrics recall Veronese5”. The latter was a comparison that Queen Victoria herself made with reference to Leightons style while describing her purchase of Cimabues Celebrated Madonna6.

同時代的评论家F. G. 史蒂芬斯在周刊《雅典娜》撰文表示,画中里西的形象“堪比卢克雷齐娅·波吉亚”,后者是文艺复兴时期佛罗伦萨的贵妇和人所共知的蛇蝎美人。确实,莱顿此画的模特看似表现出了那个历史人物所带的诱惑和无情的标签,但她的表情和仪容还暗含了向意大利艺术史再致敬的意味。艺术评论家理查德·多蒙特指出,“这幅画采用的晕涂法……和她淡淡的笑容让人想到达·芬奇,华丽、薄涂的色彩和奢华的面料则让人想起委罗内塞”。维多利亚女王在讲述自己购买莱顿的画作《奇马布埃的圣母》时,曾将莱顿的绘画风格与后者作比。


2 sfumato〈意大利〉晕涂法,渐隐法,朦胧法。文艺复兴四大绘画技法之一(其他三个为换色法、明暗对照法和统合法),由达·芬奇所创,拉斐尔继承并发展,具有圆润柔和的独特风格。  3 1828年至1920年发行的英国文学周刊,由英国作家、记者和旅行家詹姆斯·西尔克·白金汉(1786—1855)创办。  4指Leonardo da Vinci列奥纳多·达·芬奇(1452—1519),意大利画家、自然科学家、工程师,欧洲文艺复兴时期的杰出代表,与米开朗基罗、拉斐尔并称“文艺复兴后三杰”(又称“美术三杰”)。  5指Paolo Veronese保罗·委罗内塞(1528—1588),意大利画家,与提香、丁托列托并称文艺复兴晚期威尼斯画派“三杰”。  6奇马布埃(约1240—1302),意大利画家,13世纪后半期率先进行风格革新,是乔托的老师,被奉为文艺复兴新艺术先锋。

培养“硅谷三杰” 她是美国最酷、最美的母亲