
2023-09-13 06:17刘红锐李海瑞韦向阳
电工技术学报 2023年17期

刘红锐 李海瑞 韦向阳 钱 晶


刘红锐1李海瑞1韦向阳1钱 晶2

(1. 昆明理工大学电力工程学院 昆明 650500 2. 昆明理工大学冶金与能源工程学院 昆明 650093)


蓄电池 均衡器性能 均衡速度 均衡效率 模块化

0 引言

随着“碳达峰”、“碳中和”战略目标的提出,人类需要构建清洁低碳、安全有效的能源体系,实现能源的可持续发展,以风能、太阳能为代表的新型可再生能源得到了迅速发展。风能、太阳能发电存在间歇和随机性,直接大规模接入电网会给电网调度带来很大的困难,同时影响电网的安全稳定运行,蓄电池储能技术在间歇性新能源开发和利用中发挥着重要的作用。锂离子电池具有标称电压高、质量比功率高、自放电系数小、循环寿命长、无记忆效应等优点,在蓄电池储能系统上有良好的发展前景。锂离子单体电池标称电压在3.6 V左右,为满足不同规模储能系统的电压需求,需要几十个、甚至上百个单体电池串并联使用[1]。单体锂离子电池间存在性能差异,使串联使用的各个单体电池间出现端电压或能量不一致的问题,而在使用过程中需要保证串联的每个单体电池均不能出现过充电和过放电的情况,因此蓄电池系统的充放电容量受限于各单体电池,随着充放电循环次数的增加,串联单体电池间能量的不一致性加剧,蓄电池系统的充放电容量越来越低,循环使用寿命也随之缩短[2-3]。因此,必须采取有效的能量均衡措施提高蓄电池系统的充放电容量,延长循环寿命。







表1 几种均衡器性能参数对比

Tab.1 Comparison of performance parameters of several equalizers




1 均衡器拓扑结构与均衡原理

1.1 均衡器拓扑结构

图1 均衡器拓扑结构及工作原理

1.2 均衡器工作原理

1.2.1 第一层均衡工作原理


1.2.2 第二层均衡工作原理


图3 多目标并行放电均衡模式

图4 多目标并行充电均衡模式


图5 多目标并行放电和并行充电均衡模式


2 均衡器特点分析及参数计算

2.1 均衡器特点分析





2.2 均衡器参数计算

2.2.1 第一层均衡模块参数计算



2.2.2 第二层均衡模块参数计算








3 均衡实验

3.1 均衡器硬件参数

表2 均衡器硬件参数

Tab.2 Equalizer hardware parameters

3.2 实验平台与参数

本文搭建了8个磷酸铁锂电池(4个电池单元)的实验平台,如图6所示。单体电池的额定电压为3.2 V,额定容量21 A·h。8个单体电池的初始电压分别是3.306 V、3.262 V,3.239 V、3.285 V,3.120 V、3.152 V,3.136 V和3.084 V,单体电池间的最大电压差为222 mV。与荷电状态(State of Charge, SOC)和容量相比,单体电池的电压可以直接检测,因此本文采用电压作为均衡变量。

图6 实验平台


表3 均衡实验参数

Tab.3 Balance experimental parameters

3.3 第一层均衡实验


第一层均衡过程中各单体电池的电压变化曲线如图8所示,从图8中可以看出,各电池单元内部电压高的单体电池释放能量,电压低的单体电池吸收能量,最终两个电池之间的能量达到平衡。4个均衡模块的均衡时间分别是18 min、18 min、12 min和18 min,因此,第一层均衡时间为18 min。均衡结束后各单体电池的电压分别是3.281 V、3.282 V,3.261 V、3.260 V,3.135 V、3.134 V,3.109 V和3.109 V。

图8 第一层均衡各单体电池的电压变化曲线

3.4 第二层均衡实验



图9 均衡放电电流波形

图10 均衡充电电流波形

图11 BU2二次和BU4一次电流波形

第二层均衡过程中4个电池单元的电压变化曲线如图12所示,电池单元BU1和BU2并行放电,BU3和BU4并行充电,最终电压趋于一致。4个均衡模块的均衡时间分别是138 min、108 min、108 min、138 min、因此第二层均衡的均衡时间为138 min。均衡实验结束后,测得各单体电池电压分别是3.193 V, 3.194 V, 3.195 V, 3.194 V, 3.193 V, 3.195 V, 3.194 V和3.193 V,此时单体电池间的最大电压差为2 mV。

图12 第二层均衡各电池单元的电压变化曲线

3.5 实验结果分析

3.5.1 均衡器的模块化分析

现有其他均衡器,如文献[16-18]等涉及的均衡器,其开关器件的额定电压与电池系统电压等级相关,当串联单体电池数量增加时,所需开关器件的额定电压也要增加。而文献[18]涉及的均衡器,在3个串联锂离子电池均衡实验中,使用额定电压为100 V的MOSFET,当串联蓄电池数量增多时,其所用的MOSFET的额定电压将进一步增加。开关器件的额定电压与电池系统电压等级相关的均衡器,一方面当需要扩展使用时,均衡器硬件及参数需重新选择和计算;另一方面蓄电池系统规模越大,所需开关器件的额定电压越高,开关器件的价格和损耗也会相应增加。本文提出的均衡器真正实现了模块化,开关器件的额定电压低且固定不变,因此,均衡器易扩展,更适用于大规模蓄电池系统。

3.5.2 均衡器的均衡速度分析


3.5.3 均衡器的均衡效率分析




4 结论

本文提出的模块化高性能均衡器:①采用分层并行均衡,均衡目标数量达到最大,从而摆脱了串联单体电池数量的影响,均衡速度快。均衡实验证明了在第一层和第二层均衡中,其并行均衡目标数量已达最大。②每层均衡的各均衡模块结构相同且相互独立,并且能量路径最短,均衡效率与串联蓄电池数量无关,均衡效率高且稳定。均衡实验中,第一层、第二层均衡效率分别达到97%和95%。③采用模块化设计,功率开关器件的额定电压低,均衡器硬件一经确定将保持不变,实现了均衡器硬件的模块化。实验中选择的开关器件的额定电压为20 V和40 V,额定电压低,且与串联蓄电池数量无关。本文真正实现了模块化的高性能均衡器,当蓄电池系统规模变化时,只需增减均衡模块的数量,均衡器硬件保持不变,同时均衡器兼顾高的均衡效率和快的均衡速度。

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Research on a Modular High Performance Battery Equalizer

Liu Hongrui1Li Hairui1Wei Xiangyang1Qian Jing2

(1. Faculty of Electric Power Engineering Kunming University of Science and Technology Kunming 650500 China 2. Faculty of Metallurgical and Energy Power Engineering Kunming University of Science and Technology Kunming 650093 China)

At present, the performance of battery equalizer is uneven in balance speed, balance efficiency and scalability, and often attends one thing and loses another. Although the peak of the balance efficiency reached 94.5%, the value was obtained under certain experimental conditions. When the experimental conditions changed, the value would decrease. The balance speed slows down with the increase of the number of series batteries because it is seriously affected by the number of series batteries. In addition, the hardware and parameters of the equalizer are heavily dependent on the voltage level of the battery system. When the number of series batteries changes, the hardware and parameters need to be re selected and calculated, which limits the scope of application of the equalizer. In view of the problems existing in the current equalizer, a modular high-performance equalizer while taking into account the high balance efficiency and fast balance speed is proposed in this work. When the number of series batteries increases, only the number of equalizer modules needs to be increased, the hardware and parameters of the equalizer remain unchanged, and the equalizer still has high balance efficiency and fast balance speed.

The following measures are taken to improve the balance efficiency: First, the shortest energy path is realized, that is, an energy path contains only one switching device, and the energy path is the shortest. Second, a new balance object with high voltage value is constructed, so that the proportion of the turn-on voltage drop of the switching device is reduced. To sum up, a layered balance strategy for different balance objects is proposed in this work. The first layer balance takes single battery as the balance object, and uses the shortest energy path. The second layer balance takes the battery unit as the new balance object, and uses the shortest energy path. In addition, the first layer balance adopts complementary PWM control with dead zone, which further improves the balance efficiency.

A multi-objective parallel balancing strategy is proposed on the base of the layered balance in order to effectively improve the balance speed. The number of parallel balancing targets directly determines the balance speed. The number of parallel balance targets reaches the maximum, that is, the number of balance targets is equal to the number of series balance objects. The number of parallel balance targets in the first layer balance, reaches the number of single batteries in series. The number of parallel balance targets in the second layer reaches the number of battery units in series. The balance speed is fast and not affected by the number of series batteries because the number of parallel balance targets reaches the maximum.

The equalizer adopts modular design, which determines the scalability of the equalizer and the stability of its performance parameters and hardware parameters after expansion. The performance parameters include balance efficiency and balance speed. The hardware parameters include all the hardware and parameters of the equalizer, among which the most important is the rated voltage parameters of the switching devices. Because of the same structure and independent equalization modules in each layer, the shortest energy path, and the maximum number of parallel balance targets, the equalizer has high balance efficiency and fast balance speed, and these superior performances are not affected by the number of series batteries. The selection of the rated voltage of the switching devices in the equalizer is independent of the voltage level of the entire battery system. Therefore, when the scale of the battery system increases, only the number of balance modules needs to be increased. Once the rated voltage parameters of the switching devices are determined, they will remain unchanged. The equalizer is easy to expand and has a wider application range because of the modular design.

The experimental platform with eight series batteries is built for balance experiments, which can verify the advantages of the equalizer in the three aspects of balance efficiency, balance speed and modularity. In the balance experiment, the number of balance targets reaches the maximum, the balance efficiency reaches 97% and 95.1%, the rated voltages of the switching devices are 20 V and 40 V, and the rated voltage parameters are fixed and are independent of the battery system voltage level. The balance experiment proves that the balance efficiency is high and the numerical value is stable, the balance speed is fast and is not affected by the number of series batteries. The modular design makes the equalizer easy to expand. When the scale of the battery system becomes larger, only the number of balance modules needs to be increased, and the hardware and parameters of the equalizer remain unchanged.

In the balance experiment, the number of balance targets is maximized, the balance efficiency is 97% and 95%, the rated voltage of the switching device is 20 V and 40 V, and the rated voltage parameters are fixed. The experimental result proves that the balance efficiency is high and the numerical value is stable, the balance speed is fast and is not affected by the number of series batteries. The modular design makes the equalizer easy to expand. When expanding the use, only the number of equalizer modules needs to be increased, and the hardware and parameters of the equalizer remain unchanged.

Battery, equalizer performance, balance speed, balance efficiency, modulation






刘红锐 女,1982年生,博士,副教授,研究方向为电动汽车电池管理系统、动力蓄电池能量均衡。E-mail:liuhongr888@163.com(通信作者)

李海瑞 男,1997年生,硕士研究生,研究方向为电池管理系统和电池均衡技术。E-mail:1692107512@qq.com

(编辑 郭丽军)
