
2023-09-11 02:47:20梁小明
中学生英语·中考指导版 2023年7期


Once upon a time, a long time ago, inthe Pacific Northwest, there lived amagical bird named Raven. Raven was ashape shifter3. He could turn himself intoa man and then back again into a birdsimply by pulling his beak4 over his head,like a mask.

Raven practiced and practiced untilhe could turn himself into any animal.Raven could fool other animals intothinking he was, well, just anybody.

Raven was very smart. He was also athief and a liar. Raven used his charm tomake his lies sound like truth. Animalswho trusted Raven often found themselvesin big trouble. But Raven did not care.Raven was as selfish5 as he was clever.

One day, Raven looked up at the sky.“Winter is coming,”he said, in a surprisedsort of way. “The snows will fall soon. I bet6Squirrel has stored up lots of food by now.”

But when he flew by Squirrels house,Squirrel shouted at him, “Go away, Raven.You are not stealing food from me. Not onesingle nut7.”

Raven spread his wings and soared8away.“Bear will have food,”he thought. Butwhen Raven arrived at Bears cave9, Bearwas sound asleep for the winter. All Bearsfood was stored in Bears belly10.

Raven soared off to the top of a tree tothink things over. An idea took shape in hismind. Raven soared off in search of Crow11.Crow was Ravens cousin.

“Crow! ” Raven called out when hefound him. “Everyones talking about yourbeautiful voice! They cant wait to hear yousing. You should have a potlatch! ”

Crow knew Raven was selfish. Crowknew that Raven was a thief. He knew thatRaven often lied. Just the same, it was hardto resist12 Ravens compliment13. Crow didhave a beautiful voice, as Raven well knew.

“A potlatch is a huge party! ”saidCrow.“It would take all my winter storage14of food to feed my guests. And what aboutall the cooking and cleaning?”

“Ill help you get ready!”Raven smiledwarmly at his cousin. “Oh, Crow. Im soproud to be related to you. Everyone wantsto hear you sing! ”

That very night, Crow and Raven begancooking. The next day, while Crow cookedand cleaned and practiced his singing,Raven flew all over the forest, invitingeveryone to“his”potlatch.

“Im having a potlatch,”Raven told allthe animals in the forest.“At Crows house.Come to the back door. That way, you wonthave to wait with the crowd to get in.”

Crow worked and worked, cooking andcleaning, while Raven flew all over theforest, inviting everyone he saw.

Finally, the big day arrived. Everyonecame to Ravens potlatch except the animalsthat had flown south for the winter and theanimals that were snoozing15 away in theircaves. Everyone that is except Squirrel.Raven had not invited Squirrel.

“Theres Elk,” Raven called out.Raven soared off, supposedly to see whoelse was approaching16. Instead, Ravencircled around and landed behind Crowshouse. Raven used his magical powers toturn himself into Elk. He hurried to Crowsfront door.

“Welcome to my potlatch, Elk! ”

Crow welcomed Raven who pretended tobe the Elk excitedly.

“Thank you for inviting me, Crow,”

replied Raven, who was pretending to be Elk.“I cant wait to hear your beautiful voice! ”

Raven the Elk lowered his head and enteredCrows house.

Raven flew out the back door, andchanged himself into Rabbit. He hopped17around to the front of Crows house.

“Welcome, Rabbit! ”cried Crow excitedly.

“Thank you for inviting me! ” saidRaven, who was pretending to be Rabbit.“Icant wait to hear you sing! ”

And so it went. Crow stood by his frontdoor, welcoming what he thought were all theanimals in the forest. But really, each andevery animal was only Raven in disguise18.

As for Raven, when he wasnt busytricking Crow, Raven stood at the back door,welcoming all the gueststo“his”potlatch. Ravenwas a bit winded19 fromall his running about,but he found the wholeprocess enjoyable!

When all the realguests had entered through Crows backdoor, Raven dragged20 Crow away fromCrows front door, and pushed him into themiddle of the room.

“Crow is going to sing for us! ”Ravenshouted over the noise of the party. Crowssinging received huge cheers. “One moresong, Crow,”called Raven, over and over.Crow was very happy. He sang and sang untilhis voice was hoarse21.

It was a wonderful party. Everyonelaughed and ate and cheered Crows songs.At the end of the party, each guest received apackage of food to take home.

“Thank you for inviting me to yourpotlatch,”each guest thanked Raven.

Crow felt puzzled22. He tried to tell hisguests that this was his potlatch. But Crowsvoice was gone.

That winter, as he knew he would,Raven received invitations to manypotlatches. Raven had a wonderful time,laughing and eating. At each potlatch, hereceived a package of food to take home.But no one invited Crow. After all, Crowhad never invited them to a party. Whyshould they invite him?

Poor Crow. To eat that winter, he hadto beg scraps23 of food from the People.Crow could not even tell anyone whatRaven had done. Crow had lost hisbeautiful voice forever. The only sound hecould make was a “caw24”. And that didnot help him at all.





一天, 渡鸦仰望天空。“冬天来了。”他有点惊讶地说,“ 很快就要下雪了。









“ 夸富宴是一场盛大的聚会!”乌鸦说,“招待客人会用掉我所有储存过冬的食物。还有所有的做饭和打扫怎么办?”























1. raven 渡鸦

2. potlatch 夸富宴;以炫耀财富为目的的公开仪式

3. shape shifter 神话;民间传说中的变形人、变形怪

4. beak 鸟嘴;喙

5. selfish 自私的

6. bet 打賭;赌博

7. nut 坚果

8. soar 高飞;翱翔

9. cave 洞穴;山洞

10. belly 腹部;肚子

11. crow 乌鸦

12. resist 阻挡;抵抗

13. compliment 赞扬

14. storage 储存;贮藏

15. snooze 小睡;打盹儿

16. approach 靠近

17. hop 齐足;或双足;跳行

18. disguise 伪装物;伪装

19. winded 喘气的;通风的;有风的

20. drag 拖;拽

21. hoarse  嘶哑的

22. puzzled 困惑的

23. scrap 吃剩的东西;残羹剩饭

24. caw 鸦叫声;呱呱叫

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