One Health practice in Hainan, China

2023-08-16 07:30:14TingchanLiangHongTanYuanQi

Tingchan Liang, Hong Tan, Yuan Qi✉

1One Health Bulletin Editorial Office, Hainan Medical University, 572600 Haikou, China

2Office of Science and Technology Development, Hainan University, 572600 Haikou, China

The devastating COVID-19 pandemic over the past three years has made One Health a trending philosophy not only as a regional and national initiative but also as transboundary efforts calling for multilateral cooperations.Mwatondo et al.presented One Health Networks in a recent article published in The Lancet, calling for further promotion of the One Health approach[1].Likewise, recent studies in developing countries described the rapid adoption of One Health concepts globally and the major advances in practice of One Health in the past two decades[2-4].In this perspective, we highlight a pilot One Health program China spearheaded by the World Bank and the provincial government of Hainan.This pilot program aims to boost our awareness of preventing and combating emerging infectious diseases using the One Health approach[5].

Hainan, the southernmost province in China of tropical climate, has recently been designated by the Central Government as an provincewide free trade port, similar to Hong Kong and Singapore, and is expected to rapidly transition from a dormant tourist attraction to an international hub of commerce.



The World Bank Hainan initiative will fund collaborative scientific projects on emerging infectious disease surveillance and prevention including sentinel surveillance of zoonotic diseases,active surveillance of antibiotic resistance patterns, monitoring and mitigating the impacts of climate change on health, and food security.The initiative also facilitates government interagency coordination, and reform of existing governance mechanisms in pursuit of One Health objectives.The efforts are also supported by the World Health Organization, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, and the World Organization for Animal Health.

This study receives no extramural funding.

Conflict of interest statement

The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest.

As part of the World Bank Hainan initiative and the first academic journal in the field of One Health in China, One Health Bulletin was launched with an aim to expand interdisciplinary collaboration and communication on human, animal and environmental health.We intend to disseminate the latest research findings on public health policies, emerging infectious diseases, antimicrobial resistance, food safety and security, biosafety and biosecurity, environmental health,management and early warning, etc.

As mapped out in the One Health initiative, research platforms on animal-derived food safety, full-chain bacterial resistance, new drug creation technology and product research and development are to be set up by 2025.A risk-based monitoring system for zoonotic diseases and other health threats, and a One Health data collecting and exchanging platform will also be established.Concurrently,the initiative will continue to strengthen the emergency response capacity of medical institutions, establish a control mechanism for antibiotics misuse and overuse as well as One Health environmental programs, and prevent the cross-border spread of epidemics.As a demonstrative area of One Health practice, Hainan will share the stories of One Health solutions and best practices nationwide and worldwide.

The authors contributed to this article in their personal capacity.The views expressed are their own and do not necessarily represent the view of the institutions they are affiliated with.

Presently, Hainan Province is building a "One Health" system in institutional and mechanism innovation, interdisciplinary collaborative research, talent training, and international cooperation.Hainan has by far conducted various cooperation projects with domestic and international universities, and established a think tank of more than 100 renowned experts across the globe, and two cooperation organizations of One Health.



从表1看出,黄土高原各生态区植被覆盖度多年平均变化最小的是祁连山森林与高寒草甸草原生态区(Ⅲ-1),最大的是黄土高原农业与草原生态区(Ⅰ -12)。从图4看出, Ⅰ-12的植被覆盖变化幅度最大,2001-2007年为第1阶段缓慢上升,且变浮不大,在2007-2011年上升幅度较前一阶段有所加大,而2011-2013年植被覆盖上升到最大值0.595,2013-2014年开始下降; Ⅲ-1的植被覆盖则一直较平稳,从2001年到2007年缓慢上升,2007年到2011年出现波动,有增有减。2011-2014年则几乎持平,变化不大。


试验仔猪在同一幢封闭式育仔舍饲养,采用高床饲养,床栏面积180 cm×180cm,舍温保持在22~25℃,由专人负责饲喂全价颗粒饲料,试验猪自由采食和自动饮水,每天清扫粪便两次,免疫程序按猪场常规进行,每天观察记录猪只死亡腹泻情况。

TL and YQ organized the content and conducted literature search,TL wrote the main text and polished the language, and HT revised the text and checked the details.

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