5 Of The Best Films To Watch In June

2023-08-03 07:18:47凯伦
语数外学习·初中版 2023年6期


Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse

In 2018,Spider- Man: IntotheSpider-Verse brought together numerous different ani-mationstylestoformamesmerisingpop- artmasterpiece. It also brought together numerousdifferent Spider-People. The wall-crawlers fromvarious alternate realities included a new Spider-Man, Miles Morales (Shameik Moore), a famil-iar one, Peter Parker (Jake Johnson), and a Spi-der- Woman,GwenStacy (HaileeSteinfeld).And that was just the beginning. Thesequel isdue to span six parallel universes, and to feature240 characters,manyof themSpider- related:Oscar Isaac, for instance, provides the voice ofthe Spider-Man of the year 2099.

Transformers: Rise of the Beasts

Five yearsonfrom thelastTransformersfilm,thealienrobotsarebacktocausemorepropertydamage,althoughthisepisodeintheHasbro toy franchise is something of a reboot.The first five films were all directed by MichaelBay,whereasthisoneisdirectedbyStevenCaple Jr, who made Creed II. He has brought inthe Maximals, who disguise themselves as ani-malsratherthancarsandtrucks,addedsomenew humancompanions (Anthony RamosandDominiqueFishback),andsettheactionin1994, when Optimus Prime, the Autobots lead-er, was still learning the ropes.


2018年的《蜘蛛侠:平行宇宙》将多种不同动画风格交汇在一起,组成了一部迷人的波普艺术杰作。这部电影还让多个不同的蜘蛛侠齐聚一堂。来自各个平行空间的蜘蛛侠包括新蜘蛛侠迈尔斯·莫拉莱斯(沙梅克·摩尔配音)、大家熟悉的彼得·帕克(杰克·约翰逊配音),还有女蜘蛛侠格温·斯黛西(海莉·斯坦菲尔德配音)。这只是个开始。续集将会横跨 6 个平行宇宙,出现 240 个人物,其中很多人物都与蜘蛛侠有关。举个例子,奥斯卡·伊萨克配音的人物就是来自 2099年的蜘蛛侠。


在距离上一部《变形金刚》五年之后,这帮来自外星的机器人又要回来大砸特砸了。《变形金刚》是孩之宝公司玩具衍生的系列电影。不过这部新片更像是重启之作。前五部都是由迈克尔·贝导演的,而这部是由小斯蒂芬·卡普尔(代表作《奎迪:英雄再起》)执导的。他的这部新片中将出现巨无霸变形金刚,巨无霸会变形为野兽而非汽车和卡车。新片中还会出现新的人类同伴(安东尼·拉莫斯和多米尼克·菲什巴克饰演)。故事发生在 1994年,当时汽车人的首领擎天柱还在熟悉地球的情况。


Pixar slatestcartoonissetinElementCity,a metropolis whereeveryoneis madeof one of the four classical elements: earth, water, air and fire. But what happens when a watery man(voiced by Mamoudou Athie) isattracted toafiery woman(Leah Lewis)?Could things getsteamy?Thecleveranthropomorphiccon- ceptistypicalof thestudiothatmadeInside Out, but the director of Elemental, Peter Sohn, saysthathisculture- clashromanceisreally aboutbeingthesonof Koreanimmigrantsin the Bronx, and then going on to marry a woman who wasn t Korean.

The Flash

There are two superhero blockbusters com- ing out this month in which the characters flit between alternate universes. Marvel s offering is Spider-Man: Across the Spider- Verse. DC s is The Flash, in which the speedy Barry Allen accidentally creates a reality in which the Earth hasnosuperhumans.CanhedefeatGeneral Zod (Michael Shannon), the Kryptonian villain from Man of Steel, who is alive and well in this new reality?

Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny

HarrisonFordmay betwodecadesolder than Sean Connery was when the latter played In- dy s doddering dad in Indiana Jones and The LastCrusade,butthe80- year- oldFordhas plopped on his brown fedora for a fifth and final archaeological escapade. This time he s accom- paniedbyhisgod-daughter,PhoebeWaller- Bridge, as he races around the globe, desperate to find an ancient mathematical device before it fallsinto the hands of the villainous Mads Mikkelsen.




本月有两部超级英雄大片的人物都會在平行宇宙中穿梭。漫威的是《蜘蛛侠:纵横宇宙》,而DC 的则是《闪电侠》。快如闪电的巴里·艾伦意外创造出一个平行世界,在这个世界里地球上没有超人,但是却有来自《超人:钢铁之躯》的氪星人反派佐德将军(迈克尔·珊农饰演)。闪电侠能够打败佐德将军吗?



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