Looking back at my younger years, I amsometimes amazed at how life has turned out.Nothing is exactly what I had originallyplanned for. The only thing that stays the sameis who I am, my values, and my interests. If Icould go back in time and hang out with myyounger self for a day, heres what I would tellher.
1. Everything happens for a reason.
Without mistakes and failure, you wouldnever have learned. Without pain, you wouldnever have grown. Once you understand this,you will know that everything comes in toserve a purpose. So dont stress or think thatlife is unfair, because everything happens for areason. And only time will tell what it willteach us.
2. Focus on one thing at a time. You canhave it all but not all at once.
It is not surprising that many of us are do-ing too many things at once. We need to makeends meet. But if you are working three jobs ata time, it is not likely that you will succeed atany of them. You have to keep your eyes on thebig picture. You have to ask yourself what ex-actly do you want to achieve for the next 10years? Focus on one thing at a time. Achieveyour goals one by one.
3. You can plan ahead, but your planwill definitely change when the time comes.
You can plan ahead because sometimes
我们中有很多人会同时做超多事情,这并不奇怪,我们需要养家糊口。但如果你同时做 3 份工作,每份工作你都不可能做好。你要着眼于大局,问问自己未来10年究竟想要达到什么目标。一次只做一件事,让目标一个接一个实现。
planning ahead can give you a clearer direction of where you want to go. However, plans will almost always change, so be prepared!
4. Trust your instincts.
Dont worry too much about a decision you have to make. Just do what feels right. You know what you want. You might consult other people. But deep down, you know what you want. Do what makes you happy. Because at the end of the day, even if you follow logic, you will want to quit and follow your heart.
5. Its okay to be unsure about your purpose in life.
You might be graduating or have hit a turn- ing point with your career. You might feel a bit lost and unsure of where to go. Its okay. Go out there and try as many different things as you can. Dont ever feel like youre wasting your time. Enjoy the journey. Dont rush. Ev- ery little path will lead you somewhere. And looking back, you will be able to connect the dots. It will all make sense.
6. Dont try too hard with people.
Dont worry if you feel like its hard to make new friends. Just be yourself and be as open as you can. It might take a while until you find new best friends and a mate for life, but when you do, you will know it. Its not hard work. So, just do your thing and be yourself.
7. Take of leap of faith in yourself.
Youve got nothing to lose but everything to gain. If you fail, youll become smarter; Ifyou succeed, youll gain even more self- confi- dence and the emotional and financial rewards. See life as a progressive journey. And youll most certainly achieve anything you set your mind to.