刘宪华,李佳璇,李嘉垚,谷春博,纪志永,孙 军
刘宪华1,李佳璇1,李嘉垚1,谷春博1,纪志永2,孙 军3
(1. 天津大学环境科学与工程学院,天津 300354;2. 河北工业大学化工学院,天津 300401;3. 中国地质大学(武汉)海洋学院,武汉 430074)
水质基准值是指污染物对生物或生态功能产生影响的最大容许浓度,研究萘的海水水质基准可以科学判断海洋生物萘暴露的风险,保护海洋环境免受萘的危害.目前,国内海水水质基准研究较为滞后,尚未建立萘的海水水质基准.本文采用物种敏感度分布(species sensitivity distribution,SSD)曲线法,结合利用筛选获得的文献数据和毒理试验获得的试验数据,推导了渤海湾萘的海水水质基准值.然后,对渤海湾及邻近海域萘的潜在生态风险进行了评价.本文可为渤海水生态区域化精细管理提供理论依据,并为修订海洋环境质量标准、预防和控制萘对水生生物及生态系统的危害提供科学依据.
渤海湾萘的水质基准推导数据来自于毒性数据库和文献数据库(ECOTOX、中国知网(CNKI)、Web of Science(WOS)). 在纳入的数据库中对萘毒性数据进行筛选和检索,参考《淡水水生生物水质基准制定技术指南》(HJ 831—2017)[14]从检索出的文献数据中获得萘胁迫下生物的急性毒性(EC50、LC50、IC50)和慢性毒性(NOEC、LOEC、NOEL、LOEL、MATC)的毒性效应终点.其中物种类别应该至少涵盖3个营养级,至少满足美国环境保护署规定的“3门8科”,主要以栖息或分布于渤海海洋环境的代表性海水水生生物为优选对象,确保是在适宜生长条件下测得的毒性数据.
在灭菌的人工海水中培养并选取驯养一周后活力较好的5门8科的渤海本土物种进行急性毒性试验,其中本土动物7种,本土植物1种.在正式试验前均通过预试验确定了合适的浓度范围,并验证了助溶剂的毒性.每一个急性毒性试验均设置了5个浓度梯度和1个空白对照,每个浓度梯度和空白对照分别设置3个平行.利用软件SPSS 25.0计算水生动物的LC50,利用软件Graph Pad prime 8计算小球藻的EC50.试验物种的试验条件以及物种来源的详细信息如表1所示.
表1 萘的急性毒性试验条件
Tab.1 Test conditions of acute naphthalene toxicity
本研究采用EPA SSD-Toolbox软件进行SSD模型拟合,依据SSD-Toolbox软件输出的贝叶斯值()、赤池信息准则(Akaike information criterion,AIC)、贝叶斯信息准则(Bayesian information criterion,BIC)、变异系数(coefficient of variation,CV)、标准误差(standard error,SE)和MATLAB 软件计算的决定系数(2)、均方根误差(RMSE)、回归平方和(SSR)、残差平方和(SSE)等参数,优选合适的模型.
式中:HQ<0.1为不存在明显的生态风险,0.1≤ HQ<1为低风险,1≤HQ<10为中等风险,HQ≥10为高风险.
2.3.1 短期水质基准
本文使用SPSS 25.0软件分别对种平均急性值(SMAV)和种平均慢性值(SMCV)的对数值(lg SMAV/lgSMCV)做正态性检验(K-S检验或D’Agostino-Pearson检验),>0.10,符合正态分布.将其对数值分别从小到大进行排序,结果如表3所示.
表2 萘对试验动物和植物的急性试验结果
Tab.2 Test results of acute naphthalene toxicity on labo-ratory animals and plants
表3 基于物种敏感度分布法的急性毒性数据排序
Tab.3 Ranking of acute toxicity data based on the species sensitivity distribution method
将上述实验和数据库筛选后获得的渤海湾萘的急性毒性数据(EC50或LC50),导入SSD Toolbox,分别进行基于metropolis-hastings(MH)方法和最大似然ML(maximum-likelihood)方法的Normal、Logistic、Triangular、Gumbel、Weibull和Burr 6种模型的拟合.拟合图和检验结果见图1和表4.图1中数字1~25对应表3中的物种.
图1 渤海湾萘的短期水质基准模型拟合曲线
表4 萘的短期水质基准模型拟合结果
Tab.4 Fitting results of the short-term water quality criteria model of naphthalene
2.3.2 长期水质基准
表5 基于物种敏感度分布法的急慢性比计算
Tab.5 Acute-chronic ratio calculation based on the species sensitivity distribution method
表6 渤海湾海域表层海水中萘浓度
Tab.6 Naphthalene concentration in the surface seawater of Bohai Bay
水质基准的基础研究从20世纪初已经开始[39].我国近年才开始水质基准研究,起步较晚,且基准推导以借鉴、引用其他国家水质基准理论和方法为 主[40]. 现行的《地表水环境质量标准》和《海水水质标准》在制订时主要依据的是美国、日本及欧洲等国家以及国际组织的相关水质标准和水生态基准数据,难以切实有效地为我国生态系统提供适当的保护.本文推导基准的数据源既包含严格筛选的文献数据,还包括针对渤海湾本土物种的毒性试验数据,所以保证了建立的海水水质基准能够符合我国海湾的生物特征,因而更适合我国当前海洋环境管理的需求,可以有效避免“欠保护”和“过保护”.
本文推导的萘的长期水质基准值(0.0886mg/L)大于澳大利亚和新西兰颁布的海水中萘的最大容许浓度(70μg/L),小于美国环境保护署颁布的萘的人体健康水质基准(143μg/L).由于水质基准推导方法和表征形式、使用的物种均存在差异,导致不同国家制订的萘的基准均存在一定差异(表7).1999年加拿大环境部(CCME)发布的《水生生物保护水质指南》[41]中提到海水中萘的最大容许浓度为1.4μg/L.其推导过程基于评价因子法,并规定了推导基准值时的最小数据集要求[42-43].2000年澳大利亚和新西兰颁布了《淡水和海洋水质指南》,其中规定海水中萘的最大容许浓度为70μg/L.该基准采用指导性触发值(慢性暴露,TVs)对水生生物进行保护,其推导一般采用SSD法,数据不充足时也可以用评价因子 法[44].荷兰的Kalf等[45]基于Log-Logistic概率分布模型的生态毒理学数据外推方法提出萘的最大容许浓度为1.2μg/L.2001年荷兰颁布了“关于推导环境风险限值的指导方针”,建议在推导基准时要考虑污染物的二次毒性以及在水和沉积物中的分配平衡,然后采用SSD法确定环境基准值[46].
表7 各国颁布的萘的水质基准以及推导方法
Tab.7 Water quality criteria for naphthalene promul-gated by various countries and their derivation methods
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Derivation of Water Quality Criteria for Naphthalene in Seawater and Potential Ecological Risk Assessment in Bohai Bay
Liu Xianhua1,Li Jiaxuan1,Li Jiayao1,Gu Chunbo1,Ji Zhiyong2,Sun Jun3
(1. School of Environmental Science and Engineering,Tianjin University,Tianjin 300354,China;2. School of Chemical Engineering,Hebei University of Technology,Tianjin 300401,China;3. Ocean College , China University of Geosciences(Wuhan),Wuhan 430074,China)
Bohai Bay is an important offshore oil and gas exploration base in China,and its coast is dotted with densely populated and developed cities. Protecting the ecological health of the marine environment is crucial for the sustain-able development of the economic circle around Bohai Bay. Naphthalene is one of the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons,which is also a class of persistent organic pollutants found in seawater. Its potential ecological risk has attracted significant attention due to sudden marine accidents and land-based emissions. Current research on seawater quality criteria in China lags behind,and little is known about the ecological risk posed by naphthalene in seawater. Naphthalene quality standards for seawater have not yet been defined. In this study,published data on the ecotoxicity of naphthalene to marine aquatic species were collected,and acute toxicity tests were performed on five phyla and eight families of marine aquatic organisms that are prevalent in the Bohai Sea. Combining literature data selected from databases and experimental data obtained from toxicological tests,the short-term water quality criteria(SWQC)for naphthalene in seawater were derived using the species sensitivity distribution(SSD) model,whereas the long-term water quality criteria(LWQC)were derived using the extrapolation method of final acute-chronic ratio. The potential ecological damage of naphthalene in Bohai Bay and its adjacent waters was evaluated using the quotient method based on the seawater quality criteria obtained from the literature and the measured levels of naphthalene in the surface water of Bohai Bay. The results show that the SSD model based on Gumbel’s distribution best fits the data;using this model,the SWQC for naphthalene in seawater are 0.3014mg/L,and the LWQC are 0.0886mg/L. Under normal environmental conditions,both the short-term and long-term ecological risks of naphthalene in Bohai Bay and its adjacent waters are at a low level. However,sudden incidents cannot rule out the possibility of naphthalene posing ecological risk to water bodies. This study can provide valuable information for controlling pollution and protecting aquatic organisms in Bohai Bay. This can also be used as a reference for figuring out standards for the quality of seawater in other areas.
Bohai Bay;naphthalene;long-term water quality criteria(LWQC);short-term water quality criteria (SWQC);ecological risk
刘宪华(1974— ),男,博士,副教授.Email:m_bigm@tju.edu.cn
the National Key Research and Development Program of China(No. 2019YFC1407800), Tianjin Key Research and Development Project in Social Development and Agriculture(No. 21YFSNSN00180).
(责任编辑:田 军)