If you've ever watched a dog sleep, you may wonder if animals dream. It's a difficult question. We still dont know why humans dream, or why dreams might be important. Studying animal dreams is even harder. Dogs cant tell us what made them whine1 or run during a snooze2.
What cats dream about
House cats were some of the first animals studied in the dream research. In REM sleep3, human muscles don't move much though the brains are ver active in our dreams. The body doesn't act out our dreams no matter how real they seem.
With their brains deep in REM sleep, the cats began to move as if awake, hunting,jumping,and fighting. This provided a window into what was happening in the catssleeping brains.
Rats recall maze4 memories
After rats run a maze during the day, they can rerun the same course while asleep,research has shown. When awake,a rats hippocampus5,a part of the brain responsible6 for making and storing memories, remembers the neuron7 pattern8 of running the maze.
Later when asleep, the brain reproduces the pattern, suggesting the rat remembers or relearns the maze all over again. This 2001 finding was one of the first to suggest that animals had complex dreams. And it was just the beginning.
A lot of things suggest during sleep rats will have lots of experiences, which happened when they are not sleeping. The interesting part is,if thats whats going on,what does it mean? That maybe ratsdreams.
Zebra finches9 remember songs
Known for their songs, zebra finches aren't born singers. The birds must learn by listening, practicing, and, perhaps, by dreaming. In 2000 researchers leamed that while the birds sleep, their brain replicates10 the songs they heard and sang that day. It suggests the birds remember and practice songs in their sleep.
After further research over 20 years, finches were the first non-mammalsll found to have a similar sleep as humans, including REM sleep. More recent work shows that the birds also move their vocal muscles to match the music in their brains. They can be made to sing a song played to them in their sleep.
Fishes can also sleep
Zebrafish also experience REM-like sleep. While sleeping, these fish lose muscle tone12, develop arrhythmic13 heartbeats14, and show brain activity that looks like that of an awake fish.
One big difference from humans, though not all other animals, was that the fish didn't move their eyes. The finding suggests that REM sleep, the state when most dreams start, may have evolved15 at least 450million years ago.
Twenty years ago, people would say that fish dont even sleep. But why does dreaming matter? Does REM sleep conservation16 across evolution17 mean that even fish might dream?
Dreaming can be the preparing work our brain does for the coming day. It is not surprising if actual dreams were found in animals. At the end people will be able to show that by science.
People did something in the daytime,and the brain will replay it,integrate18 it, and mix it with other experiences. Well know that were not the only ones who can remember and learn some day.