
2023-06-23 17:28韩扬芮绍平

韩扬 芮绍平

摘要:通過修改Levenberg-Marquardt (LM)参数,结合信赖域方法给出一种新的求解方程组的LM算法。在局部误差界条件下,证明了该算法具有局部快速收敛性。数值实验结果表明,此算法稳定、有效。


中图分类号:O221.1 文献标志码:A


4 结论



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Modified Levenberg-Marquardt Algorithm for Solving Systems of Nonlinear Equations

HAN Yang,RUI Shao-ping

(School of Mathematical Sciences, Huaibei Normal University, Huaibei 235000, China)

Abstract: A new modified Levenberg-Marquardt (LM) algorithm for solving systems of equations was presented by modifying Levenberg-Marquardt (LM) parameters and combining trust region method. Under the local error bound condition, it was proved that the algorithm has local fast convergence. Numerical results show that this algorithm is stable and effective.

Keywords: Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm; systems of equations; LM parameter; local fast convergence




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