Taxi lf Terror

2023-06-07 00:58:57
科普童话·学霸日记 2023年3期

Phillip Burrows

Mark Foster

Good Luck Jack.

Dont forget us, Jack.

Are you excited about your new job?

Youre going, Jack. Im sorry.

Heres a leaving card from us all.

Thank you for the card. My new jobs great. But Im sorry because Im leaving you.

Quiet, please. I want to say something.

Bang! Bang!

Jacks leaving and were all very unhappy. Heres a present for you.

You can use it in your new job.

A mobile phone! Thanks, very much. Youre all very kind.

How does it work? Do you know?


Oh, its talking to me.

Now I can phone you all from my car! This is a very good present.

Thank you very much.

Good luck, Jack.

Everybody is having a good time.

Goodbye, everyone. Thank you, again, for my present.

See you soon.

Take care. Enjoy yourself.

Its late,but I dont have to work tomorrow. Now, how do I get home?

Its cold. Wheres a taxi?

Jack can not find a taxi. He walks for a long time and gets very tired. At last, Jack sees a taxi.

I live at 57 Park Road. Can you take me there?

Of course. Get in. You look tired.

Yes, Im very tired.

Its very quiet tonight, sir. Youre only my second passenger ……Sir?Its late. He needs his bed.

The taxi stops at a traffic light. Suddenly ……

What the……

Say nothing.

Do what I tell you …… or youre dead.When the lights are green, drive fast.

Im watching you. Dont be clever.

Go left and then right.

Left here, fast……then right next to the hospital.What do you want? Ive got some money, but not very much. Take it.

I dont want your money. I……


Oh no! Get out of the way.




Dont shoot! Were driving too fast. Can we drive slowly?

Quiet! OK. Just drive……carefully.

Whats happening?He has a gun! I dont understand.

Am I dreaming?

At the round about turn right.

The taxi driver drives very carefully now.

OK. I must keep calm. Everythings OK. He cant see me here.I must do something……but what?

Taxi 250. Can you hear me?

This is taxi 250. They want to talk to me.

Well, they cant.


Jack is not tired now. Suddenly, he has an idea.

I know what to do. People do this on television. I can do it.

G-g-give me the gun……slowly. I dont want to hurt you.

Stop the taxi.Dont do that. I dont like surprises.

Now, get out of the taxi.


Driver, open the boot of the taxi.

What?Just do it!

How can we get home? Look theres a taxi.

Ive got a gun. You havent! Do you want me to shoot?

No. Please. Dont shoot.You get in the boot.

Its too small.

Get in, you dog, or I shoot.


Now drive! Fast!


Theyre going fast.

Hes holding a gun!

A gun? No! Its a banana.

A banana?Its too small in here and my leg hurts. Im not clever. What can I do?

Somethings hurting me. What is it? I must move it.

Its my new phone. Yes! I can phone for help.

I must stop to get some petrol.

OK, you can stop but you must stay in the taxi.Im taking the keys. I dont want you to drive away.


Whats that? Is there something wrong with your car?



Youre not paying!Now, I want the police.



Hello. Police.

Yes! It works. Were all right now.

Jack phones the police station and talks to a policewoman.

Can I help you?

A mans in our taxi. Hes got a gun. I dont know where he wants to go. Hes very dangerous.OK, keep calm. Whats your name and where are you?

Im Jack and Im in the boot of the taxi.OK, Jack. Tell me about the man.

Hes little and thin, and he has a bad eye and red hair. He has a little beard.

You know who that is? Its the Wolf.

Jack, that mans very dangerous.

Hes called the Wolf and were looking for him. Be careful. We must find where you are. Can you

see anything?I cant see anything but I hear a clock. It sounds very loud and very near.


Can you see a big clock?

There are lots in the town.

Were going through a tunnel, I think.

Were driving over lots of bumps.

Is it a railway crossing?Look! Heres a big clock. Heres the tunnel. And heres a railway crossing. They must be on this road.

Now I can hear lots of seagulls.

Are we near the sea?

Were wrong. The sea isnt on that side of town. Its over here.No! Look! We are right. The city rubbish dumps next to the road. Just here. There are always seagulls on the dump. Also, the dumps near the airport!

Quick, lets catch the Wolf.


Its about five minutes to the airport. We must stop the Wolf.

Drive to the airport. I must get on that plane.

The Wolf races into the airport.

The car isnt moving now. I can hear planes. I think were at the airport!


Get out of my way!

Are you hurt?

Oh! What a bad man!

Wait! Ive got a ticket. I must get on that plane.Screech!

Theres the taxi.

Quick. Hes in the airport.

Come on. Lets go!Are you looking for that bad man with the beard? Hes over there.Police!


Out of the way!

Later the police bring the Wolf back into the airport building.

I dont like you. Youre a very bad man.


Ouch!Nice work, everyone.

Theres a telephone call for you, madam.


Can someone open the boot?

Thats ?16.50 please.


