西安丝路国际会议中心夜景鸟瞰 © CreatAR Images
西安丝路国际会议中心夜景 © CreatAR Images
阳光透过幕墙 © 是然建筑摄影
每每品读一座建筑,就如同聆听一首建筑之空间、形式、结构、技术、尺度等的协奏曲,随着乐章如画卷般展开,音乐之思想直击人心。此次“AT建筑”推出的西安丝路国际会议中心,就是这样一个令人回味的作品。在富于简洁性、秩序感、现代性的建筑形式背后,蕴藏着一种融艺术于技术之中的无限张力。在传统与现代、庄重与纯净、深厚与简洁的碰撞中,这种张力不仅在于微微起翘的上下月牙与其间有序排列的立柱形成的优雅立面中,更在于巨型钢结构桁架体系悬挑的超大尺度上月牙与悬挂的双排受拉立柱中;不仅在于飘浮的下月牙、均质柱廊与玻璃幕墙的轻盈、通透中,更在于悬挂体系精确的力流传递和尺度控制中;不仅在于小会议厅围绕中心3 层大会议厅的中正布局中,更在于九宫格的巨构式结构体系中;不仅在于超大、超高的无柱空间与纯净界面中,更在于依托结构系统的多专业高度整合中。就在这形式与技术的交互中,建筑师与结构工程师完美合奏了一曲令人感喟的复杂而独特、理性又诗意的建筑艺术之歌。
Reading an architecture is like to ad–mire a concert of architecture composed of space,form,structure,technology and scale.As the movement spreads like a pic–ture scroll,the idea of music directly strikes people's heart.Xi'an Silk Road International Conference Center is such an evocative work.Behind the architectural form of simplicity,order and modernity,there is an infinite tension in the integration of art and technology.In the collision between tra–dition and modern,solemn and pure,pro–found and simple,the tension lies not only in the elegant facade formed by the slightly arched upper and lower crescent and the orderly arrangement of columns,but also in the super–large upper crescent and the double row of suspended tension columns of the giant steel structure truss system.It is not only in the floating lower crescent,the lightness and transparency of the homoge–neous colonnade and glass curtain wall,but also in the precise force flow transmission and scale control under the suspension sys–tem.It is not only in the central layout of the small conference hall around the three–story large conference hall,but also in the giant structure system of the nine–palace grid.It is not only in the super–large and ultra–high column–free space and pure interface,but also in the highly integrated multi–specialty relying on the structural system.In this in–teraction between form and technology,the architects and structural engineers perfectly work together to play a song of complex and unique,rational and poetic architectural art.