
2023-06-04 17:28:15
生物安全学报 2023年4期

◎ 论坛

2:93 我国进境植物检疫性有害生物检疫鉴定标准浅析

刘博, 姜帆, 黄静, 李志红, 郭韶堃

3:193 基于功能性状多维性理解外来物种入侵的达尔文归化难题

王世雄, 何跃军, 王文颖

4:295 世界各国应对番茄褐色皱果病毒跨境传播采取的植物检疫措施分析及启示

马菲, 白娟, 孙双艳, 冯黎霞, 王刚, 赵明刚

◎ 综述论文

1:1 美国白蛾在我国发生的世代变化分析

卢修亮, 谢天, 程相称, 张睿轩, 汪波, 金娇, 王梦, 时勇

2:99 植绥螨科线粒体基因组研究进展

何港贤, 董文鸽

2:109 热激蛋白在昆虫生殖中的功能及作用机制

张旺和, 徐进, 李伟, 叶辉

2:118 栎枯萎病菌检测防控研究进展

吕燕, 张慧丽, 段维军

3:202 计算机虚拟筛选技术在害虫行为调节剂研究中的应用

付冠军, 黄聪, 周亚楠, 刘博, 刘万学, 钱万强, 万方浩

4:291 草地贪夜蛾综合防控技术研究进展

丁奎婷, 杜素洁, 杨念婉, 刘万学, 郭建洋

4:303 淡水入侵生物沼蛤的污损机制与防污措施研究进展

朱佳兰, 李世国, 张颖, 战爱斌

4:314 外来入侵植物刺萼龙葵的入侵特征与防治策略

周全来, 曹伟, 张悦, 金永焕, 王永翠, 马瑛培, 陈辉, 崔雪

◎ 生物入侵

1:8 警惕入侵物种盖罩大蜗牛随进境邮寄物的传入

刘若思, 高跃, 张丽杰, 江丽辉, 杨倩倩

1:12 我国首次截获检疫性有害生物美东最小齿小蠹

潘杰, 杨光, 吕飞, 周奕景, 许忠祥, 朱宏斌

1:16 云南省外来入侵植物的区系成分及多样性分析

殷根深, 张双双, 程文磊, 席辉辉, 董洪进

1:25 模拟氮沉降对鬼针草及其近缘本地植物的影响

韦春强, 李象钦, 唐赛春, 潘玉梅

1:33 莴苣属6种近似种瘦果形态的扫描电镜观察 ……

虞赟, 王德玲, 林谷园, 李敏, 沈建国, 于文涛, 马新华

2:126 口岸检疫性蚧类害虫疫情截获分析

徐强, 顾渝娟

2:133 外来入侵杂草假苍耳的形态学及DNA 分子鉴定

冯佳楠, 依米提·热苏力, 吴明媚, 史博, 张兴, 方艳, 马德英

2:139 无花果蜡蚧在云南省的发生情况

张永翥, 张媛, 王戌勃

2:146 常德地区外来入侵植物调查分析

杜云安, 陈林芳, 谢嘉婧, 刘皓然, 向国红

3:210 基于实验种群两性生命表的伊氏叶螨在番茄和龙葵上的适应性评价

钟隽, 陈凌娟, 高菲, 范青海, 尤民生, 蔡立君

3:218 入侵植物野胡萝卜浸提液对4种草坪草的化感效应… 廖博通, 陈琳, 刘志华, 刘阳华, 文明英, 向国红

3:226 深圳大鹏半岛薇甘菊的空间发生规律

唐尚杰, 杨龙, 刘美洁, 黄钰辉, 甘先华, 尹光彩, 孙中宇

3:235 海口城市空间差异对外来入侵植物分布格局的影响

李岚曦, 何荣晓, 杨帆, 陈俊, 曹凌仪

3:243 湖北省外来入侵植物初步调查

周威威, 程丹丹

4:323 我国锈色棕榈象遗传多样性及遗传结构分析

肖雨倩, 黄梦伊, 阎伟, 石娟

4:333 柑橘大实蝇精巢、精泵和精泵内骨骼的生长发育状况

汤建涛, 刘文茹, 桂连友, 刘梅柯, 周仁迪, 华登科, 姜振宇, 孙康林, 张国辉, 王裕雷, 蔡开源

4:341 鸭绿江口湿地外来入侵植物区系、生活型及种类特征

刘利, 张梅, 姚有庆, 季长波, 王鹏, 杨东霞

4:348 平潭无居民海岛外来入侵植物特征分析

郑建忠, 靳莎, 魏凯, 邓传远

◎ 转基因生物评价

1:38 转基因抗虫耐除草剂玉米MON87411精准定量检测方法的建立

李凌燕, 张旭冬, 陈子言, 王颢潜, 乌兰, 田锦,张秀杰, 陈红, 梁晋刚

3:250 常见水稻病虫害胁迫对转cry1C基因抗虫水稻Bt蛋白表达量的影响… 王欢, 曹征鸿, 叶恭银, 党聪

◎ 农用化学品

1:34 10种农业化学品对柑橘内生菌枯草芽孢杆菌L1-21的影响

李咏梅, 蒋佳容, Shahzad MUNIR, 何鹏飞, 吴毅歆, 谢金思, 潘祖贤, 何鹏搏, 何月秋

2:120 烟田中静电喷雾和电动喷雾下噻虫嗪的防效及对昆虫群落的影响

何明川, 敖仕元, 王志江, 詹莜国, 柯昌磊, 李微杰, 高熹, 吴国星, 谢永辉

2:126 普通豚草防控药剂筛选

丁世强, 付开赟, 丁新华, 何江, 吐尔逊·阿合买提, 张国良, 付卫东, 文俊, 加马力丁·吾拉扎汗, 郭文超

2:132 66.5%霜霉威盐酸盐水剂在黄瓜中的残留趋势

李蓉, 赵佳, 伍一红, 胡方凡

3:252 噻虫嗪和噻虫胺对鸟类的急性毒性与风险评估

魏杰, 陈蓓蓓, 何钰, 陈迎丽, 陈贵廷, 廖朝选

4:356 不同杀虫剂对锡兰玻壳蚧的室内毒力及田间防效

蒋华, 黄佳聪, 杨晓霞, 罗存贞, 李归林

◎ 风险评估

1:46 蓝莓瘿蚊入侵我国的风险分析

刘博, 付海滨, 闫超杰, 李鑫, 张宁, 王欢, 张敏, 刘旸旸

1:51 双雄雀麦传入中国的风险评估

徐瑛, 赵雷, 方亦午, 张吉红, 李修鹏

2:161 基于组合模型和GIS的白纹伊蚊广东省适生区预测

陈慈豪, 韦波

2:168 广西内陆水域外来鱼类入侵风险分析… 何佳洋, 吴志强, 黄亮亮, 陈中兵, 王冬杰, 孙扬言, 文浩, 宋琦亮

2:178 北京典型水域贝类和虾类生物多样性监测及入侵风险分析

郭伟, 王东霞, 常广悦, 王浩, 战爱斌, 李世国

3:258 青梅山天牛的风险评估及防控策略……杜尚嘉, 吴海霞, 陈国德, 卓上标, 符生波, 符溶, 符明珠, 吕朝军

3:262 陕西省枣疯病的潜在风险分析及管理对策

阎雄飞, 张权, 张鹏, 刘青钊, 郝哲, 李刚, 刘永华

3:268 乐山地区外来入侵植物风险评估

王鹏, 黄娇, 熊雪, 龙凤, 吴雨, 王雯

3:278 外来养殖鱼类的入侵风险评估及防控对策——以尼罗罗非鱼为例

徐旭丹, 刘强, 黄伟, 杜萍, 寿鹿, 曾江宁

4:362 气候变化对全球马缨丹分布影响的空间模拟……杨冬琼, 陈可薇, 刘明, 张国防, 刘宝, 陈世品, 阮少宁

◎ 生态安全

2:153 网格尺度下外来入侵植物对高黎贡山生态系统服务影响的空间分析

肖俞, 胡金明, 段禾祥, 吴学灿, 王珺, 姜志诚

3:255 滇池湖滨区外来植物的分布格局及其与人类活动和乡土植物的关系… 张红丽, 郑成洁, 潘曲波, 王艳

4:374 干扰方式对香蕉园入侵杂草群落种间关联的影响

只佳增, 杜浩, 周劲松, 赵丽娟, 刘学敏, 张建春

4:384 白花鬼针草入侵对植物群落结构及物种多样性的影响

王小飞, 王涛, 王琦, 尹爱国, 杨晓绒, 岳茂峰

◎ 生物防治

1:56 昆虫病原线虫对草地贪夜蛾幼虫的致死率及田间防治效果…蔡佳仪, 张小涵,刘奇志, 李星月, 唐照磊

1:63 2种中草药对福寿螺的灭杀效果及对肝脏影响

王蝉娟, 陆浩磊, 赵志淼, 鲁仙, 韩浩宇, 张饮江

2:141 松天牛小首螨对极端温度耐受性的驯化效应及低温存储研究

朱禹臻, 黄晨燕, 李俊楠, 付煜, 吴松青, 张飞萍

2:146 红脉穗螟寄生蜂寄主选择研究

吕朝军, 钟宝珠, 李朝绪, 凌青, 张楚毓, 赵建超

2:151 飞机草浸提液对斜纹夜蛾生长发育及种群参数的影响

杜浩, 只佳增, 赵丽娟, 周劲松, 刘学敏

2:156 南美蟛蜞菊霜霉病病原鉴定及系统发育分析

李华洪, 何成成, 习平根, 姜子德, 李敏慧

3:263 嗜菌异小杆线虫H06品系对红棕象甲致病力的时间效应及对血淋巴的影响

吕朝军, 张楚毓, 钟宝珠, 赵建超, 陈拓

3:270 黏质沙雷氏菌AHPC29对松树萎蔫病的防治效果及其增菌条件

黄晨颖, 张艳芬, 吴守欣, 赵莉蔺, 石娟

◎ 植物保护

1:68 茶谷蛾成虫触角感器超微结构观察

王雪松, 曲浩, 罗梓文, 李晓霞, 龚雪娜, 玉香甩, 罗美云, 龙丽雪, 龙亚芹

1:74 青岛发现危害黑松新害虫——松曲毛小蠹Cyrtogeniusluteus(Blandford)

王子豪, 王婷婷, 曹鹏, 闫飞宏, 万方浩, 王俊平

2:163 7种内共生病毒对柑橘木虱生殖力的影响

张岳乐, 李智强, 陈倩

2:171 水晶梨病虫害防治预测模型研究

王兴旺, 郑汉垣, 金凤雷

4:393 基于线粒体COⅠ基因的三江源草原毛虫金小蜂分子鉴定与系统发育分析

王海贞, 刘昕

◎ 技术前沿

2:179 基于种特异性SS-COⅠ技术快速鉴定瘤胫实蝇

黄振, 郭琼霞

2:185 2种石房蛤毒素完全抗原交联方法的比较及多克隆抗体的制备

陈睿, 高烨宏, 赵学楠, 杨敏仪, 吴惠娟, 王荣智, 汪世华

3:277 新疆外来入侵杂草豚草属LAMP 快速检测技术的建立

于海鑫, 付开赟, 丁新华, 贾尊尊, 吐尔逊·阿合买提, 王兰, 郭文超

3:282 基于多色彩空间的YOLOv5松枯死树检测方法

游子绎, 王文瑾, 邵历江, 郭丹, 吴松青, 黄世国, 张飞萍

◎ 简报

2:188 警惕新外来入侵害虫——股带针蓟马Hercinothripsfemoralis(缨翅目:蓟马科)

曹婧钰, 刘若思, 王军


General Contents of Vol. 32

(Figures before title are No. and page respectively)


2:93 Analysis on the phytosanitary identification standards of quarantine pests of imported plants in China…

LIU Bo, JIANG Fan, HUANG Jing, LI Zhihong, GUO Shaokun

3:193 Understanding Darwin′s naturalization conundrum of alien species invasion based on multidimensional nature of functional traits

WANG Shixiong, HE Yuejun, WANG Wenying


1:1 Change in voltinism increases the spread ofHyphantriacuneain China

LU Xiuliang, XIE Tian, CHENG Xiangchen, ZHANG Ruixuan, WANG Bo, JIN Jiao, WANG Meng, SHI Yong

2:99 Research progress on mitochondrial genomes of Phytoseiidae

HE Gangxian, DONG Wenge

2:109 Function and mechanism of heat shock proteins in insect reproduction

ZHANG Wanghe, XU Jin, LI Wei, YE Hui

2:118 Research progress on detection and control of oak wilt caused byBretziellafagacearum

LÜ Yan, ZHANG Huili, DUAN Weijun

3:202 Application of computer virtual screening technology in the research of pest behavior regulators

FU Guanjun, HUANG Cong, ZHOU Yanan, LIU Bo, LIU Wanxue, QIAN Wanqiang, WAN Fanghao

4:291 Research progress on comprehensive control techniques of the fall armyworm,Spodopterafrugiperda, in China

DING Kuiting, DU Sujie, YANG Nianwan, LIU Wanxue, GUO Jianyang

4:303 Research progress on the fouling mechanisms and anti-fouling strategies of the freshwater invasive golden musselLimnopernafortunei

ZHU Jialan, LI Shiguo, ZHANG Ying, ZHAN Aibin

4:314 Invasion characteristics of the alien invasive plantSolanumrostratumand its control strategies

ZHOU Quanlai, CAO Wei, ZHANG Yue, JIN Yonghuan, WANG Yongcui, MA Yingpei, CHEN Hui,CUI Xue


1:8 Precaution of a potentially invasive pestHelixpomatiainvaded by mail

LIU Ruosi, GAO Yue, ZHANG Lijie, JIANG Lihui, YANG Qianqian

1:12 A first interception of quarantine pestIpsavulsus(Coleoptera: Scolytinae) in China

PAN Jie, YANG Guang, LÜ Fei, ZHOU Yijing, XU Zhongxiang, ZHU Hongbin

1:16 Analysis on the floristics and diversity of invasive alien plants in Yunnan Province

YIN Genshen, ZHANG Shuangshuang, CHENG Wenlei, XI Huihui, DONG Hongjin

1:25 Simulated nitrogen deposition exacerbates the effects of invasive speciesBidenspilosaand its native congener

WEI Chunqiang, LI Xiangqin, TANG Saichun, PAN Yumei

1:33 SEM study on achenes micro-morphological characters of six similar species in the genusLactuca

YU Yun, WANG Deling, LIN Guyuan, LI Min, SHEN Jianguo, YU Wentao, MA Xinhua

2:126 Information analysis of quarantine scales from import products

XU Qiang, GU Yujuan

2:133 Morphological and DNA molecular identification of invasive alien weedCyclachaenaxanthiifolia(Nutt.) Fresen.

FENG Jianan, YIMITI·Resuli , WU Mingmei, SHI Bo, ZHANG Xing, FANG Yan, MA Deying

2:139 A preliminary study on the occurrence ofCeroplastesrusciin Yunnan Province

ZHANG Yongzhu, ZHANG Yuan, WANG Xubo

2:146 Investigation and analysis of alien invasive plants in Changde area

DU Yun′an, CHEN Linfang, XIE Jiajing, LIU Haoran, XIANG Guohong

3:210 Evaluation of the adaptability ofTetranychusevansitoSolanumlycopersicumandS.nigrumbased on two-sex life tables

ZHONG Jun, CHEN Lingjuan, GAO Fei, FAN Qinghai, YOU Minsheng, CAI Lijun

3:218 Allelopathic effects of the extracts of the invasive plantDaucuscarotaL. on four turf grasses

LIAO Botong, CHEN Lin, LIU Zhihua, LIU Yanghua, WEN Mingying, XIANG Guohong

3:226 Spatial pattern of the occurrence ofMikaniamicranthain Dapeng Peninsula, Shenzhen

TANG Shangjie, YANG Long, LIU Meijie, HUANG Yuhui, GAN Xianhua, YIN Guangcai, SUN Zhongyu

3:235 Effects of urban spatial differences in Haikou on the distribution pattern of invasive alien plants

LI Lanxi, HE Rongxiao, YANG Fan, CHEN Jun, CAO Lingyi

3:243 Preliminary investigation on invasive plants in Hubei Province

ZHOU Weiwei, CHENG Dandan

4:323 Genetic diversity and structure analysis ofRhynchophorusferrugineus(Olivier) in China

XIAO Yuqian, HUANG Mengyi, YAN Wei, SHI Juan

4:333 Study on the growth and development of testis,ejaculatory pump and ejaculatory pump endoskeleton in male adult,Bactroceraminax(Enderlein)(Diptera: Tephritidae)

TANG Jiantao, LIU Wenru, GUI Lianyou, LIU Meike, ZHOU Rendi,

HE Zhangzhang, YANG Xuan, HUA Dengke, JIANG Zhenyu, SUN Kanglin,ZHANG Guohui, WANG Yulei, CAI Kaiyuan

4:341 Species characteristics, life forms and flora of alien invasive plants in the Yalu River estuary wetland

LIU Li, ZHANG Mei, YAO Youqing, JI Changbo, WANG Peng, YANG Dongxia

4:348 Analysis on the characteristics of invasive alien plants in the uninhabited islands of Pingtan

ZHENG Jianzhong, JIN Sha, WEI Kai, DENG Chuanyuan


1:38 Establishment of accurate quantitative detection method for insect-resistant and herbicide-tolerant maize MON87411

LI Lingyan, ZHANG Xudong, CHEN Ziyan, WANG Haoqian, WU Lan, TIAN Jin, ZHANG Xiujie, CHEN Hong, LIANG Jingang

3:250 Bt protein expression of transgeniccry1Crice under the stress of common rice pests and diseases

WANG Huan, CAO Zhenghong, YE Gongyin, DANG Cong


1:34 Effect of ten agrochemicals on the indigenous endophyteBacillussubtilisL1-21 in citrus leaves

…LI Yongmei, JIANG Jiarong, Shahzad MUNIR, HE Pengfei, WU Yixin, XIE Jinsi, PAN Zuxian, HE Pengbo, HE Yueqiu

2:120 Effects of electrostatic spraying and electric spraying on thiamethoxam control and insect community in tobacco fields

HE Mingchuan, AO Shiyuan, WANG Zhijiang, ZHAN Youguo, KE Changlei, LI Weijie, GAO Xi, WU Guoxing, XIE Yonghui

2:126 Screeing of herbicides for controllingAmbrosiaartemisiifoliaL. in Xinjiang, China

DING Shiqiang, FU Kaiyun, DING Xinhua,

HE Jiang, AHMAT·Tuerxun, ZHANG Guoliang, FU Weidong, WEN Jun, WULAZAHAN·Jiamaliding, GUO Wenchao

2:132 Residual trend of 66.5% propamocarb hydrochloride aqueous solutions in cucumber

LI Rong, ZHAO Jia, WU Yihong, HU Fangfan

3:252 Toxicity and risk assessment of thiamethoxam and clothianidin on birds

WEI Jie, CHEN Beibei, HE Yu, CHEN Yingli, CHEN Guiting, LIAO Chaoxuan

4:356 Toxicity and field control efficacy of different insecticides againstDrepanococcuschiton

JIANG Hua, HUANG Jiacong, YANG Xiaoxia, LUO Cunzhen, LI Guilin


1:46 Risk analysis ofDasineuraoxycoccanaJohnson in China

LIU Bo, FU Haibin, YAN Chaojie, LI Xin, ZHANG Ning, WANG Huan, ZHANG Min, LIU Yangyang

1:51 Weed risk assessment for great brome (Bromusdiandrus) into China

XU Ying, ZHAO Lei, FANG Yiwu, ZHANG Jihong, LI Xiupeng

2:161 Predicting the potential distribution ofAedesalbopictusin Guangdong Province based on the combined models and GIS

CHEN Cihao, WEI Bo

2:168 Risk analysis of alien fishes invasion in inland waters of Guangxi

HE Jiayang, WU Zhiqiang, HUANG Liangliang, CHEN Zhongbing, WANG Dongjie, SUN Yangyan, WEN Hao, SONG Qiliang

2:178 Biodiversity monitoring and invasion risk analysis for shellfish and shrimp in typical waters of Beijing

GUO Wei, WANG Dongxia, CHANG Guangyue, WANG Hao, ZHAN Aibin, LI Shiguo

3:213 Potential suitable distribution ofAcanthoscelidesobtectus(Say) based on the MaxEnt model

XU Yangcheng, LIU Xiaoxian, WANG Ting, LI Dongyu, GAO Guizhen

3:258 Risk analysis and control strategies ofMassicusvenustusPascoe in Hainan Province

DU Shangjia, WU Haixia, CHEN Guode, ZHOU Shangbiao, FU Shengbo, FU Rong, FU Mingzhu, LÜ Chaojun

3:262 Risk analysis and management of jujube witches′ broom disease in Shaanxi Province, China

YAN Xiongfei, ZHANG Quan, ZHANG Peng, LIU Qingzhao, HAO Zhe, LI Gang, LIU Yonghua

3:268 Risk assessment of invasive alien plants in Leshan

WANG Peng, HUANG Jiao, XIONG Xue, LONG Feng, WU Yu, WANG Wen

3:278 Risk assessment and control of the exotic farmed fish, the Nile tilapia (Oreochromisniloticus)

XU Xudan, LIU Qiang, HUANG Wei, DU Ping, SHOU Lu, ZENG Jiangning

4:362 Prediction of global range shifts of the invasive giantLantanacamara

YANG Dongqiong, CHEN Kewei, LIU Ming, ZHANG Guofang, LIU Bao, CHEN Shipin, RUAN Shaoning


2:153 Spacial analysis of invasive alien plants impact on ecosystem service value in Gaoligong Mountains, southwest China at the grid scale……XIAO Yu, HU Jinming, DUAN Hexiang, WU Xuecan, WANG Jun, JIANG Zhicheng

3:255 Distribution patterns of exotic plants in the lakeside area of Dianchi Lake and its relationship with human activities and native plants

ZHANG Hongli, ZHENG Chengjie, PAN Qubo, WANG Yan

4:374 Interspecific association of invasive weeds community on different disturbance modes in banana fields

ZHI Jiazeng, DU Hao, ZHOU Jinsong, ZHAO Lijuan, LIU Xuemin, ZHANG Jianchun

4:384 Effects ofBidensalbainvasion on structure and species diversity of plant community

WANG Xiaofei, WANG Tao, WANG Qi, YIN Aiguo, YANG Xiaorong, YUE Maofeng


1:56 Larval mortality and field trial effect caused by entomopathogenic nematodes onSpodopterafrugiperda…

CAI Jiayi, ZHANG Xiaohan, LIU Qizhi, LI Xingyue, TANG Zhaolei

1:63 Molluscicidal activity and liver effect of two Chinese herbal medicines onPomaceacanaliculata

WANG Chanjuan, LU Haolei, ZHAO Zhimiao, LU Xian, HAN Haoyu, ZHANG Yinjiang

2:141 Acclimation induces tolerance to extreme temperatures and low storage temperature conditions inParacarophenaxalternatusXu and Zhang

ZHU Yuzhen, HUANG Chenyan, LI Junnan, FU Yu, WU Songqing, ZHANG Feiping

2:146 Study on host choice ofTirathabarufivena(Walker) parasitic wasp

LÜ Chaojun, ZHONG Baozhu, LI Chaoxu, LING Qing, ZHANG Chuyu, ZHAO Jianchao

2:151 Effects of extracts fromChromolaenaodorataon growth and population parameter ofSpodopteralitura

DU Hao, ZHI Jiazeng, ZHAO Lijuan, ZHOU Jingsong, LIU Xuemin

2:156 Pathogen identification of downy mildrew onSphagneticolatrilobataand its phylogenetic analysis

LI Huahong, HE Chengcheng, XI Pinggen, JIANG Zide, LI Minhui

3:263 Virulence-time correlation and effects to haemolymph ofHeterorhabditisbacteriophoraH06 strain toRhynchophorusferrugineus

LÜ Chaojun, ZHANG Chuyu, ZHONG Baozhu, ZHAO Jianchao, CHEN Tuo

3:270 Control effect ofSerratiamarcescensAHPC29 on pinewood wilt disease and optimization of culture conditions for the bacteria

HUANG Chenying, ZHANG Yanfen, WU Shouxin, ZHAO Lilin, SHI Juan


1:68 Ultrastructure of antennae sensilla ofAgriophararhombataMeyr

WANG Xuesong, QU Hao, LUO Ziwen, LI Xiaoxia, GONG Xuena, YU Xiangshuai, LUO Meiyun, LONG Lixue, LONG Yaqin

1:74Cyrtogeniusluteus(Blandford)(Coleoptera: Scolytinae), a new pest of thePinusthunbergiifound in Qingdao

WANG Zihao, WANG Tingting, CAO Peng, YAN Feihong, WAN Fanghao, WANG Junping

2:163 Effect of seven viral endosymbionts on the fecundity ofDiaphorinacitri……ZHANG Yuele, LI Zhiqiang, CHEN Qian

2:171 Study on prediction model of disease and pest control of crystal pear

WANG Xingwang, ZHENG Hanyuan, JIN Fenglei

4:393 Molecular identification and phylogenetic analysis ofPteromalussanjiangyuanicusYang based on the mitochondrial COⅠgene

WANG Haizhen, LIU Xin


1:80 Establishment of PCR detection forLymantriaxylinamultiple nucleopolyhedrovirus

LIU Yonglong, SUN Yue, CHEN Jianing, QU Liangjian, ZHANG Feiping, WANG Rong

1:85 Research on remote sensing monitoring methods of alien invasive plantEichhorniacrassipes

LI Shuzhen, XU Dawei, CHEN Baorui, ZHAO Yue, LI Jingsi, WANG Xu

2:179 Rapid identification ofBactroceratuberculata(Diptera: Tephritidae) by species-specific SS-COⅠtechnique

HUANG Zhen, GUO Qiongxia

2:185 Comparison of two complete antigen conjugation methods for saxitoxin and preparation of polyclonal antibody

CHEN Rui, GAO Yehong, ZHAO Xuenan, YANG Minyi, WU Huijuan, WANG Rongzhi, WANG Shihua

3:277 Establishment of loop-mediated isothermal amplification for rapid detection of the exotic invasive weedAmbrosiaL. in Xinjiang

YU Haixin, FU Kaiyun, DING Xinhua, JIA Zunzun, TURERXUN·Ahemaiti, WANG Lan, GUO Wenchao

3:282 Dead pine detection by multi-color space based YOLOv5

YOU Ziyi, WANG Wenjin, SHAO Lijiang, GUO Dan, WU Songqing, HUANG Shiguo, ZHANG Feiping


2:188 New alien invasion banded greenhouse thripsHercinothripsfemoralis(Thysanoptera: Thripidae) in China

CAO Jingyu, LIU Ruosi, WANG Jun