兰斯顿·休斯 青闰/译
“I wish that spring would come more often now that it is here,” said Simple.
“How could it come more often?”
“It could if God had made it that-a-way,” said Simple. “I also wish it would last longer.”
“It looks as if you would prefer spring all the year around.”
“Just most of the year,” said Simple. “As it is now, summer comes too soon and winter lasts too long. I do not like real hot weather, neither cold. I like spring.”
“Spring is too changeable for me—sometimes hot, sometimes cold.”
“I am not talking about that kind of spring,” said Simple. “I mean June-time spring when it is just nice and mellow—like a cool drink.”
“Of what?”
“Anything,” said Simple. “Anything that is strong as the sun and cool as the moon. But I am not talking about drinking now. I am talking about spring. Oh, it is wonderful! It is the time when flowers come out of their buds, birds come out of their nests, bees come out of their hives, Negroes come out of their furnished rooms, and butterflies out of their cocoons.”
“Also snakes come out of their holes.”
“They are little young snakes,” said Simple, “else big old sleepy snakes that aint woke up good yet till the sun strikes them. That is why I do not like summer, because the sun is so hot it makes even a cold snake mad. Spring is my season. Summer was made to give you a taste of what hell is like. Fall was made for the clothing-store people to coin money because every human has to buy an overcoat, muffler, heavy socks, and gloves. Winter was made for landladies to charge high rents and keep cold radiators and make a fortune off of poor tenants. But spring! Throw your overcoat on the pawnshop counter, tell the landlady to kiss your foot, open your windows, let the fresh air in. Me, myself, I love spring!
“Why, if I was down home now, daddy-o, I would get out my fishing pole and take me a good old Virginia ham sandwich and go set on the banks of the river all day and just dream and fish and fish and dream. I might have me a big old quart bottle of beer tied on a string down in the water to keep cool, and I would just fish and dream and dream and fish.”
“You would not have any job?” I asked.
“I would respect work just like I respected my mother and not hit her a lick. I would be far away from all this six A.M. alarm-clock business, crowded subways, gulping down my coffee to get to the mans job in time, and working all day shut up inside where you cant even smell the spring—and me still smelling ether and worried about my winter hospital bill. If I was down home, buddy-o, I would pull off my shoes and let my toes air and just set on the riverbank and dream and fish and fish and dream, and I would not worry about no job.”
“Why didnt you stay down home when you were there?”
“You know why I didnt stay,” said Simple. “I did not like them white folks and they did not like me. Maybe if it wasnt for white folks, I wouldve stayed down South where spring comes earlier than it do up here. White folks is the cause of a lot of inconveniences in my life.”
“Theyve even driven you away from an early spring.”
“It do not come as early in Harlem as it does down South,” said Simple, “but it comes. And there aint no white folks living can keep spring from coming. It comes to Harlem the same as it does downtown, too. Nobody can keep spring out of Harlem. I stuck my head out the window this morning and spring kissed me bang in the face. Sunshine patted me all over the head. Some little old birds was flying and playing on the garbage cans down in the alley, and one of them flew up to the Third Floor Rear and looked at me and cheeped, ‘Good morning!
“I said, ‘Bird, howdy-do?
“Just then I heard my next-door roomer come out of the bathroom so I had to pull my head in from that window and rush to get to the toilet to wash my face before somebody else got there because I did not want to be late to work this morning since today is payday. New York is just rush, rush, rush! But, oh, brother, if I were down home.”
“I know—you would just fish and dream and dream and fish.”
“And dream and fish and fish and dream!” said Simple. “If spring was to last forever, as sure as my name is Jess, I would just fish and dream.”