A More Beautiful World一个更美好的世界

2023-05-19 09:48:17萨拉·苏利文赵敏/译
英语世界 2023年5期

萨拉·苏利文 赵敏/译

Eleven years ago—to the day—I was in your shoes at my own commencement. Its not so long ago, so I can still remember the victories and the late late nights, the tests and the setbacks, the near misses and wins that Im sure have brought you to today. Maybe you are overcoming generational odds2 to get here. Maybe you have faced more personal challenges than I could assume or imagine. All of you have done it within the context of the isolation and frustration, disruption and polarization of the last few years. Youve done it in the context of a world that can sometimes feel on fire, where Im sure its hard to imagine how this class or this paper will matter in the end. But you endured still and somehow because you must know that the advancement of your own mind always matters in the end. Now, thanks to how you have persisted, you get to sit here in your triumph. What a miracle. Congratulations.


I studied sociology because I want to live in a more beautiful world. I studied sociology because I have the wild idea that maybe we can get to that world if we understand each other a little better.


For the 11 years since I graduated, I have been trying my best to contribute to making a more beautiful world. Ive gotten to see change happen at a scale and speed that is hard to fathom.


In 2016, the US Government was months behind schedule of meeting its target of clearing3 85,000 refugees for entry into the country, and tens of thousands of eligible refugees werent going to make it in time. President Obama asked my team to look at the problem. We met with frontline staff across 10 federal agencies to ask them what was wrong. When my colleagues talked to real people on the ground, we found out that expert DHS officers were spending part of their precious time flying around the world to physically sign paperwork. They werent allowed to sign forms digitally. This cost the government millions and kept refugees in camps longer than they needed to be. My colleague got the digital signature approved, DHS officers stopped flying around the world to sign forms, and 85,000 refugees left refugee camps and came to the US that year.


In 2020, I led a team of researchers to understand the experiences of young people who had recently been institutionalized4 in foster care. We talked to 78 young people who had recently been taken from their homes and placed in what are often prison-like settings. They shared their heartbreaking stories, poems, and art with us. Then, we published what we found in a book called Away From Home, and called for an end to the institutionalization of foster youth. When leaders in child welfare heard this information, they wept. Then, they changed. Within hours, two states came forward and said they were ending these institutions in their states. Within weeks, over 20 states said the same. Many people have told us that this report is the most important contribution to child welfare in 20 years.


Im convinced that talking to those most impacted by our problems is the fastest way to solve them. The good news is that this is exactly what you have been training to do.


My career has been around government. But all of our problems need the mind of a sociologist at the table. Whatever your job, whatever your field: be the sociologist at the table, and center the voices of real people in your work.


As you do, here are a few practical tips Ive found for changing the world:


1. Find the Truth. Tell the Truth.


Change making requires that you tell the purest truth you can in the calmest voice you can. But first, youve got to find the truth. Go talk to the people who are most impacted by our problems. Hear what they are saying. Find the patterns. Cultivate a curious, neutral mind that can understand reality from their perspective, not yours. See reality with the crispest, clearest eyes you can.


2. Open your Heart.


Academia is skittish5 about the heart, but changing the world has everything to do with your capacity to love. We cannot hate each other into unity. We cannot hate the world into its beauty. Believe me, if this could work, it would have worked already. Change making requires a vigorous, devotional practice of opening your heart—especially in moments you do not want to. Open your heart to people who think differently than you, who you want to hate and judge6, to systems that you feel you just cant tolerate and definitely cant understand.


3. Strengthen your capacity to hope.


Some of you have an allergic reaction to Hope because you think that cynicism is the way. Others of you will confuse optimism with Hope. But cynicism and optimism are equally delusional. They both fail to see reality as it actually is. Hope is the way of the pragmatist. It is hope that opens your mind and your heart at the same time. It is Hope that says: I dont know how… But I believe there is another way. Strengthen your capacity to hope.


I dont know if studying sociology is wise. But I do know that it is brave. To stare into the face of our most daunting social problems without looking away or closing the heart is a brave thing to do. And it might be the only thing that can set us free.


It is my personal belief that our souls did a lot of work in other realms to earn our place on planet Earth right now. I dont believe its an accident that we are here together today. We need exactly you to make the more beautiful world we see in our dreams. Youre my colleagues now. Ill be by your side.


环球时报(2016-10-17)2016-10-17 07:55:18