斯凯·斯库利 薛洪君/译
A business name is more than just words—it is a representation of your company and brand. The process of choosing a business name may seem simple at first, but there are many factors that play into creating a successful one.
Having a name that resonates1 with your consumers can save you money, since you wont have to spend advertising dollars clarifying a muddled2 message. A good name can also lift you above competitors, help you reach new markets and open doors to further growth.
What a good business name should include
While there are various rules and exceptions on what should be included in a good business name, experts agreed on some common elements. First and foremost3, a business name should focus on the message you want to portray.
“The name chosen should reflect the attributes that you want to transmit to the customer,” said David Poulos, director of marketing at Pinnacle Advisory Group, “The best names are so indicative of a customers needs that it seems obvious.”
A good name should be short—two to four syllables and easy to pronounce, because they tend to be very brandable and easy for consumers to remember.
While your name can include new or existing words, there are pros and cons4 with each option. Invented words—think Exxon—reduce the risk of confusion with competitors, but it can take a lot of time and marketing before your meaning is established with customers.
选取的企业名称可包含新创或现成字词,但每种选择都各有利弊。新创词——想想Exxon (埃克森)——降低了与竞争对手混淆的风险,但可能要耗费相当多时间和营销成本,才能让消费者认同该名称的立意。
Existing names come with established meanings, but those terms are also likely to be used by some of your competitors. A paramount5 concern about using a common term as part of your businesss name is whether trademark and domain names are available, and many common words are already taken in these areas.
To help business owners identify the main elements of a good name, Alexandra Watkins, founder and chief innovation officer of naming firm Eat My Words, developed a 12-point evaluation checklist: the Scratch and Smile Test. Her philosophy used to develop the checklist was built on the idea that a business name should make you smile rather than scratch your head.
为帮助企业主辨识好的企业名称所具备的要素,起名公司Eat My Words 的创始人兼首席创意官亚历山德拉·沃特金斯研究出一份“十二条”评估清单:Scratch与Smile测试法。她制定这一清单所遵循的基本思路是,企业名称应使人会心一笑而非挠头不解。
SMILE: The five qualities of a super sticky6 name
Suggestive: It evokes something about your brand.
Memorable: It is rooted in the familiar.
Imagery: It is visually evocative to aid in memory.
Legs: It lends itself to7 a theme for extended mileage.
Emotional: It moves people.
SCRATCH: The seven deal breakers of a name
Spelling-challenged: It looks like a typo8.
Copycat9: It is similar to competitors names.
Restrictive: It limits future growth.
Annoying: It is forced or frustrates customers.
Tame10: It is flat, undescriptive or uninspired.
Curse of knowledge11: Only insiders get it.
Curse of knowledge(知识诅咒):只有内部人士才能领会。
Hard to pronounce: It is not obvious or is unapproachable.
Hard to pronounce(诘屈聱牙):生僻或高冷。
How to come up with a business name
There are a variety of methods you can use to devise a name for your company. Poulos and his team found the most successful one to be a customer-centric naming method.
Poulos recommends starting the process by gathering an aggregate12 of various department staff or consultants to develop a list of characteristics that you want your company to stand for. This brainstorming session should result in a series of on-brand13 character traits that you can then match with a set of words that are implied by each trait.
With the implied words, craft a series of word combinations that bring out the various character traits and work them into a name that has meaning for the customer. This should evolve into a long list of first-round business name ideas.
After you have your first set of potential business name ideas, Poulos suggests polling potential customers to rank each name from 1 to 20, based on how well they fit or describe your business. Use the consumer poll to narrow your list down to the top five candidates. Verify that these top candidates, culturally and linguistically, will not create a conflict in the countries where you want to operate.
A critical next step that many business owners skip is to research each of your top names for corporate registry, trademarks, patent and domain name availability. Warren Diggles, president and creative director of Diggles Creative, said you should choose a name with an available .com domain.
“Unless you are a government, educational institution, or a nonprofit, you definitely want a .com,” said Diggles. “Your customers will automatically assume that your website is a .com because it is the most widely recognized name on the internet.”
He said the best option is to choose a name that allows you to register for all versions (.com, .net, .biz), if possible, to protect your company name.
他认为,如果可能的话,最佳方案是能用所选名称注册所有版本的扩展域名(“.com” “.net”“.biz”),从而保护你的公司名称。
Common business-naming mistakes
Many owners name their businesses after a specific product or service they provide. However, this can create issues later when the company offers goods or services unrelated to its name. Similarly, if the name of your business seems completely unrelated to the goods or services you provide that, too, can have a negative effect.
“Too literal or plain can only work if the logic holds and the business doesnt plan to evolve or change direction under that name,” said Poulos. “Too fancy, and the audience wont know what it means or what business theyre in. Too inside, and you limit your target audience and push away those outside the core business, even if they have a use for your products or services on a peripheral14 basis.”
Along the same lines, creating a name with an odd or uncommon spelling can also be troublesome. Names with unusual spellings can cause issues, particularly with online searches. You can potentially miss out on new leads15 if consumers try to look you up online and cant find you.
It is unlikely that the perfect business name will come to you immediately. Evaluate names for their potential rather than choosing one based on personal preference. Although the process of naming your business can be a challenging one, the end result will be worth the effort.
“You have to live with [your business name] for quite a while, so it should be something youre proud of, comfortable with and that makes sense to the audience youd like to reach,” said Poulos. “Dont pick your first choice without working through some sort of process to research and vet16 its viability in your market.”