关"键"词:不动点; F-型压缩; b-度量空间; 柯西列
Common fixed point theorems of a new class of F-type contractive mappings
GUAN Hongyan, WANG Qiancheng
(College of Mathematics and Systems Science, Shenyang Normal University, Shenyang 110034, China)
Abstract:The Banach contraction mapping principle plays an important role in nonlinear analysis. It is an effective method to solve the problem of the existence and uniqueness of fixed points in complete metric space. It has a wide range of applications in basic mathematics and applied mathematics, and has been promoted from various angles. In the setting of b-metric spaces, we study a new class of common fixed point theorems for F-type contraction mappings. Firstly, a new class of F-type contractive condition is introduced. After that, a new sequence is constructed by using the inclusion relation of two mappings. Using the properties of type F-functions, mathematical induction and contractive conditions, it is proved that the limit of the distance between adjacent terms is zero, then the sequence is Cauchy sequence. Secondly, combining the completeness of the space and contraction conditions, we prove that the two mappings possess a point of coincidence, and then they have a common fixed point by using of weak compatible conditions. At the same time, an example is provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the results.
Key words:fixed point; F-type contraction; b-metric spaces; Cauchy sequence
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