俗话说“知错能改,善莫大焉”。由狼先生(Mr Wolf)、蛇先生(Mr Snake)、狼蛛女士(Ms Tarantula)、鲨鱼先生(Mr Shark)和食人鱼先生(Mr Piranha)组成的“坏蛋联盟”(The Bad Guys)是史上最恶名昭彰的犯罪组织,多年来犯下无数劫案。最近,他们打算设计一场大骗局,让世人都以为他们是真的想洗心革面、改邪归正。但是在这个过程中,“大坏狼”却逐渐觉得,真正地去做好事也许能够让他得到一直以来偷偷渴望的东西,那就是受到世人的接受与认可……
I’m Mr Wolf. Mr snake is my best friend. We call Ms Tarantula “Webs”. Mr Shark and Mr Piranha are my friends too. We are the Bad Guys. But now we become the Good Guys.
My name is Diane. I am a fox. I was the best thief in the world, the Crimson Paw. But now I am the governor.
I’m Professor Marmalade. I’m a guinea pig.
I’m not a flower of goodness. I’m a true bad guy.
The Bad Guys rob again. They are on TV. Diane feels sorry for them. That makes Mr Wolf angry. Diane will present the Golden Dolphin to this year’s best citizen, Professor Marmalade. The Bad Guys want to steal the Golden Dolphin, but they fail.
Professor Marmalade will turn the Bad Guys into the Good Guys. A few days later, Mr wolf saves a cat and feels good. He wants to be a good guy. But Professor Marmalade steals the meteorite and lets the Bad Guys take the fall.
Diane helps the Bad Guys get out of the prison. They work together and destroy the meteorite. They make Professor Marmalade be the Crimson Paw. The Bad Guys have changed, Diane will set them free and give them a clean start.
坏蛋只能永远是坏蛋吗?电影《坏蛋联盟》告诉了我们答案: 只要愿意改变并不懈努力重新做回一个善良、美好的自己,人生就会迎来新的开始。我们对一个人不要轻易下判断,不要以貌取人,更不要带着成见去定义别人。每个人都可以拥有改过自新的机会,让自己变得更好。