■ 编者按
TC156/SC1中国专家组常务副组长 任振铎
TC156/SC1中国代表 李济克
2016年,中美两国联合提出的成立腐蚀控制工程全生命周期标准化技术委员会这一新领域TC的新提案(ISO/TS/P254),经一次172个ISO全体成员国投票和一次15个TMB全体成员投票通过,各国专家都肯定了新TC成立的必要性和可行性,当时TMB的日本代表给中国代表的邮件指出德国、英国、法国和日本等ISO成员存有对新TC和现有TC工作领域的潜在交叉和对新提案范围界定不清晰的疑虑,建议进一步协调说明后以便TMB决定是否临时或正式地批准成立新的TC(见附件1)。但TC156主席Goran Engstrom先生得知TMB已经同意成立腐蚀控制工程全生命周期新TC时,突然“提出这一领域已经包含在TC156中(声称见“TC156 战略规化”中的第一章“介绍”和第二章“业务环境”,特别是2.1中的第二点),只不过还没有一个活动工作项目”,并认为“TS/P254提案是非常富有成效的,但它应该作为一个新工作组或分技术委员会放在TC156下”(见附件2)。这迎合了当时部分成员国所担心会发生与现有TC的延伸、重复、覆盖的问题,加上ISO严格控制新标委会成立的背景,使得TMB会议不得不作出ISO/TMB75/2016号这样的决议(见附件3),暂时先作为TC156的分技术委员会开展新领域的工作。并且ISO/TMB75/2016号决议还是“要求ISO/TC156向TMB提交一项修改其范围的提案,使其能够包含ISO/TS/P254提出的新的技术领域;进一步要求ISO/TC156建立一个新的分技术委员会开展新领域的工作”。而TC156提交修改后的范围“金属和合金的腐蚀的标准化,包括腐蚀测试方法,防腐蚀方法和腐蚀控制工程全生命周期。ISO内部这些领域活动的总协调”,TC156修改后的范围显然不符合决议的要求,因为它本身就包含不了“TS/P254提出的新技术领域”。
我们始终强调的是,TS/P 254提案成立的新TC是以腐蚀控制工程为对象,研发、制定腐蚀控制的工程需要择优选用相应的多少因素、什么样的因素,通过什么样的集成方法、技术、模式等建成腐蚀控制的工程,实现从根本上全面对相应腐蚀实施进行全生命周期控制的标准。而TC156是以金属和合金的腐蚀为对象,研发、制定防护金属和合金不被腐蚀的方法、腐蚀的试验方法等的技术标准。两者并没有交叉、重复或冲突。腐蚀控制工程全生命周期作为一个工程,那就不单单牵涉择优选用耐蚀材料,还要针对腐蚀控制工程择优选用众多的相适应的技术、研发、设计、制造、施工与安装、贮存与运输、调试与验收、运行、测试检验、保养与维修、延寿与报废、文件与记录、资源管理、综合评估等因素,对这些因素,不仅因素内要进行择优选用,还要进行因素间以及全局间的相互协调而择优选用, 我们并不去制定这些众多因素的具体专业技术标准,仅制定要求去择优、协调选用现行的相应专业标准,确保腐蚀控制工程安全、经济、全生命周期和绿色环保运行的总目标,以便实现从根本上全面解决最大限度地减少腐蚀给人类造成的各种危害、避免或杜绝各种重大人身伤亡、重大环保安全事故的发生!这与TC156金属和合金的腐蚀的范围、对象、内容等都是完全不同的。经六年来的实践证明,除SC1外,原TC156自其成立以来没有且不可能主导提出任何一个其战略规划中的所谓已经包含SC1中的项目。
六年来SC1分技术委员会在非常困难的情况下开展新领域的工作,所制定的新领域的四项国际标准ISO23123:2020《腐蚀控制工程全生命周期通用要求》、ISO 23222:2020《腐蚀控制工程全生命周期风险评价》、ISO 23221:2020《管道腐蚀控制工程全生命周期通用要求》等三项国际标准于2020年11月正式向全世界发布!SC1及其所制定标准的范围既没有出现是TC156及其它相关现有TC的延伸、又没有出现和TC156及其它相关现有TC的重复、更没有出现被TC156及其它相关现有TC所覆盖!铁铮铮的实践充分证明了SC1及其所制定标准的范围是绝对不属于TC156的范围,也清楚地回答了某几个成员国担心延伸、重复、覆盖的疑虑。
1. 工程的定义:自然界任何存在物的形成,其相应(自然形成或人工形成或二者复合形成)链条上都需众多相关所有因素经过相应科学、技术有序有效相应整合、资源优化配置的集成全过程。
2. 中国有谚语:“有的放矢,”“有益为之,无益而不为。”国际腐蚀控制工程全生命周期标准化所以是以腐蚀控制工程全生命周期为对象,制定出能够有针对性有效性,从根本上全面解决“腐蚀”这个“的”的腐蚀控制工程全生命周期国际标准的这个“矢”,是基于对“腐蚀”本质有的放矢这个“的”的深刻认识、解析、研究的基础上而有益为之!那么就是以腐蚀控制工程全生命周期为对象,立足于全球腐蚀控制工程全生命周期领域全局的高度,集全世界腐蚀控制领域中所有相关的科技因素资源和非科技因素资源之大成,对影响其相应腐蚀控制工程抗拒相应的腐蚀源,确保人身健康和生命财产安全、国家安全和生态环境安全经济运行的基础上,求得经济、全生命周期和绿色环保的最佳效益为目标的全过程链条上的所有科技因素和非科技因素资源(如目标、腐蚀源、材料、技术、设计、研发、制造、施工与安装、贮存与运输、调试与验收、运行、保养与维修、延寿与报废、文件与记录、资源管理、综合评估等),开展其因素内、因素间及其全局间的择优性、协调性的选用;对其择优性、协调性选用的所有因素资源,通过运用科学、技术、有序有效性的工程化集成相应所有因素资源协调、优化配置的全过程中,制定出一套具有整体性、系统性、相互协调优化性、相互衔接、相互交织、相互支撑的全面综合程序性的标准,以实现其对相应腐蚀工程的有效性被动或主动的控制,被动或主动控制无效性时,即自动性报警!最终达到最佳最大限度地减少腐蚀工程给人类社会带来的各种危害,并能完全杜绝或避免隐蔽性、渐进性、突发性腐蚀工程所造成相应重大安全、环保等事故的发生!
3. 这里特别强调是以“腐蚀”为对象而进行独特的深入认识、解析、研究,而不是目前人们那种常规性的以金属、合金的腐蚀性或涂料、颜料的腐蚀性等为对象,而专业性的深入运用冶金学、电化学、物理学化学、热力学等进行相应具体的认识、解析、研究相应的腐蚀机理、腐蚀的检测方法、检测机具、检测技术等进行相应标准的制 定等。
附件1 TMB日本成员邮件
附件2 TC156主席、中央秘书处标准和政策主管、美国代表邮件记录
Goran TC156主席
2)ISO中央秘书处标准和政策主管 sophie将这封信转发给了郭主任和美国代表steven:
谢谢你的答复。至少从TC156来看他们认为这可以作为一个分技术委员会。我想我比较赞成这个解决方案,主要原因是如果我们能够在现有体系内来制定需要的标准,我们可以避免造成利益相关方困惑,并且与我们TMB任务组(TMB TF)的建议保持一致。
附件3 范围和决议
TMB要求ISO/TC156“金属和合金的腐蚀”向TMB提交一项修改其范围的提案,使其能够包含TS/P254提出的新的技术领域,进一步要求ISO/TC156建立一个新的分技术委员会开展新领域工作(秘书处由中国SAC 承担)。
不包含金属和合金腐蚀的领域的标准化(包括腐蚀测试方法和腐蚀阻止方法),涂料、颜料及相关产品(包括原材料)的标准化,有特殊要求的特定行业或 细分市场也不含在范围内。
1. 原范围
2. 修改后范围
腐蚀充满了整个世界,世界没有不腐蚀的地方,凡是有腐蚀的地方,必然有被腐蚀的物的存在,所以对腐蚀的斗争必须要站在全世界的高度,以世界性的共同事业为重任进行国际性的交流、探讨、合作,开展腐蚀的控制,这就是国际性的含义。腐蚀的控制不仅仅是单一性的科学技术及其标准,现实血的教训已经多次给人类敲响了警钟!我们从中深刻地认识到“腐蚀控制完全是一个工程”。工程的概念就是工程要素的集成过程、包括科学技术要素与非科学技术要素、是科学技术要素与非科学技术要素的统一体,两类要素又相互作用、相互制约,其中科学技术要素构成了工程的内核,非科学技术要素构成了工程的保证。工程的成功与失败也不仅仅是科学技术要素就能决定的,甚至更多的时候取决于非科学技术要素。这就是腐蚀控制工程概念的来源,这在中美联合提案中就已表述。而全生命周期仅仅是对腐蚀控制过程的寿命长、短,阶段、界限,目标的定位。而这里全生命周期是指像人的生命“从摇篮到坟墓”整个的一个全过程的目标进行控制 而已。
Dear Mr. Fritz Friedersdorf,
I am very glad to receive your reply in June, and I am sorry that I did not reply you in time, because we originally wanted to invite you to communicate face to facein China, but our plan was affected by the pandemic. Now that China is gradually opening up, we hope to invite you to China in the near future. In addition, we have been trying to solve the matter of ISO 24239 title during this period. With your support and help, ISO24239 finally was officially published on November 2nd in accordance with the original title. Here, we also sincerely thank you for your work.China and the United States, as co-proposer of the new field of Corrosion Control Engineering Life Cycle, have jointly promoted the international standardization in this field. In order to better develop our work in the future, we have also summarized the work from the establishment of SC1 to the present, and we would like to share it with you and hope it will be helpful to you, please find the attached document.The document contains some summaries and understandings of our international standardization work on corrosion control engineering life cycle. As we have always emphasized, the international standardization of corrosion control engineering life cycle is a new field that is still in its infancy and we hope that experts from all over the world will work together to continuously improve it. We also sincerely hope to invite you to China for exchange as soon as possible.
Best regards
Attachment:The establishment of ISO/TC156/SCandtheunderstanding of corrosion control engineering life cycle
Zhenduo Ren, executive deputy leader of China expert group of TC156/SC1,
China representative of TC156/SC1
December 16, 2022
(I) The establishment of ISO/TC156/SC
In 2016, a new proposal (ISO/TS/P254) jointly proposed by China and United States was voted through two ballots including all ISO members vote and TMB vote, which the necessity and feasibility of establishing a new TC were agreed by most of ISO members. At that time, the Japanese representative of TMB sent an email to the Chinese representative pointing out that someISO members such as DIN, BSI, AFNOR and JISC had only concerns about the potential overlap of scope between the work areas of the new TC and the existing relevant TC/SCs, as well as the lack of clarityof proposed scope, and he thought that it is necessary for furtherrefinement and coordination before approving the establishment of a new TC either on a provisional basis or formally (see Annex 1). However, when then-chairman of TC156 Mr. GöranEngström learned that TMB had agreed to establish a new TC in the field of corrosion control engineering life cycle, he proposed that this field already was included in TC156, but without an active work item(See in the "Strategic Business Plan of ISO/TC156 "clauses"1. Introduction" and "2 Business Environment of the ISO/TC 156", especially the second bullet from the end in 2.1.)he also thought that the TS/P254 proposal was very fruitful, but it ought to be included in ISO/TC 156 as a new WG or SC (see Annex 2). This catered to the concerns of some member states that there would be extension, duplication, and coverage with the existing TC. Coupled with the background of the establishment of the new standard Committee under the strict control of ISO, the TMB meeting had to take TMB Resolution75/2016 (see Annex 3). Therefore, the new TC had to carry out the work in the new field as the sub-technical committee of TC156 temporarily. However, resolution TMB Resolution75/2016 still "Requests that ISO/TC 156 Corrosion of metals and alloys submits to the TMB a proposal to modify its scope in order to include the new field of activity proposed in TS/P 254, and further requests ISO/TC 156 to establish a new subcommittee to undertake the new work.” While TC156 submitted the revised scope "Standardization in the field of corrosion of metals and alloys including corrosion test methods, corrosion prevention methods and corrosion control engineering life cycle. General coordination of activities in these fields within ISO." Apparently, It does not meet the requirement of the resolution, because it does not include "the new technology field proposed by TS/P254".
We have always emphasized that the new TC proposed by TS/P254 is aimed at the corrosion control engineering. The research, development and formulation of the corrosion control engineering need to select the appropriate number of factors, what kind of factors, and what kind of integration methods, technologies, modes, etc. to build the corrosion control engineering, so as to realize the standard of fundamentally and comprehensively implementing the whole life cycle control of the corresponding corrosion. TC156 takes the corrosion of metals and alloys as the object, develops and formulates technical standards such as methods for protecting metals and alloys from corrosion and corrosion test methods. There is no overlap, repetition or conflict between the two.The corrosion control engineering life cycle involves not only the selection of corrosionresistant materials, but also the selection of a large number of appropriate technologies, research and development, design, manufacturing, construction and installation, storage and transportation, commissioning and acceptance, operation, testing and inspection, maintenance and repair, life extension and scrapping, documents and records, resource management, comprehensive evaluation and so on. For these factors, it is not only necessary to select the best within the factors, but also to coordinate among the factors and the overall situation. We do not develop specific professional technical standards for these many factors, but only formulate requirements to select the best and coordinate the selection of the current corresponding professional standards, so as to ensure the overall goal of safety, economy, whole life cycle and green environmental protection operation of the corrosion control engineering, In order to achieve a fundamental and comprehensive solution, minimize the various hazards caused by corrosion to human beings, avoid or eliminate the occurrence of various major personal casualties and major environmental protection and safety accidents. The scope and object are different from the TC156. Therefore, it is proved by practice of past six years that there has been no NWIP proposal for a new field of work proposed by TC156 that was included in its Strategic Business Plan except SC1 itself.
In the past six years, SC1 has carried out work in new fields under very difficult circumstances. In this new field, among the four international standards under study, the following three standards were officially published worldwide in November 2020:ISO 23123:2020 "Corrosion control engineering life cycle - General requirements"、ISO 23222:2020 "Corrosion Control Engineering Life Cycle- Risk Assessment" and ISO 23221:2020 "Pipeline Corrosion Control Engineering Life Cycle General Requirements". Practice has fully proved that the developed standard is neither an extension of TC156 and other relevant existing Technical Committees, nor a repetition of TC156 and other relevant existing Technical Committees, nor is it covered by TC156 and other relevant existing Technical Committees! It is proved by practice that the scope of SC 1 and its standards doesn't fall within the scope of TC 156, and also answer clearly some members' worries about extension, duplication, and coverage with the existing TC.Through the communication and summary in recent years, we have a further understanding of corrosion control engineering life cycle.
(II) Understanding of Corrosion Control Engineering Life Cycle
1. The definition of Engineering: the formation of any existence in nature, its corresponding (natural formation or artificial formation or the combination of the two) chains require an integrated whole process that many related factors to be integrated in an orderly and effective manner through corresponding science and technology to optimize the allocation of resources.
2.Chinese proverbs say, ‘Shoot the arrow at the target’, and ‘Do what is beneficial, and do not do what is useless’. The international standardization of corrosion control engineering life cycle takes the whole life cycle of corrosion control engineering as the object, and formulates the international standards for corrosion control engineering life cycle treated as the "arrow"to effectively, and fundamentally solve the"target"that is"corrosion", which do what is beneficial based on the deep understanding, analysis, and research of the essence of "corrosion". This takes corrosion control engineering life cycle as the object, based on the overall height of the global corrosion control engineering life cycle field, integrates all relevant scientific and technological factor resources and non-technical factor resources in the field of corrosion control around the world. For all technological factors and non-technical factors resources in the chain of the corresponding corrosion control engineering life cycle, which affects the corresponding corrosion control engineering to resist the corrosion source, to achieve the best benefit goals of economy, full life cycle and green environmental protection on the basis of ensuring personal health, life and property safety, national security and ecological environment safety, economic operation, (such as object, corrosion sources, materials, technologies, design, research and development, manufacturing, construction and installation, storage and transportation, commissioning and acceptance, operation, maintenance and repair, life extension and scrapping, documents and records, resource management, comprehensive evaluation, etc.), it will carry out the selection and coordination among factors, between factors and the overall situation.For all the factor resources selected for optimality and coordination, through the use of science and technology, ordered and effective engineering integration of the entire process of optimizing the allocation of all factor resources, a set of integrated, systematic, mutually coordinated and optimized, comprehensive and comprehensive procedural standards that are connected, interwoven, and mutually supported was formulated. It will achieve its passive or active control over the effectiveness of the corresponding corrosion engineering. when the passive or active control is invalid, it will automatically issue an alarm immediately! Ultimately, it can best minimize the various hazards brought by corrosion engineering to human society, and can completely eliminate or avoid the occurrence of corresponding major safety and environmental protection accidents caused by concealed, gradual, and sudden corrosion engineering!Note: Effective control includes active control and passive control. Active control means controllingall incoming corrosion away from the protected object, and passive control means resisting all incoming corrosion. When the control is invalid, the automatic alarm can implement the plan to eliminate the major safety and environmental protection hazards before they happen!(It is to warn that passive control and active control begin to fail, and the protected object will begin to be damaged by concealed and progressive corrosion until major accidents such as safety and environmental protection occur. According to the calculation of corrosion rate, it is an international consensus that it takes about 5 years).3.Here, special emphasis is on "corrosion" as the object to carry out unique in-depth understanding, analysis, and research, rather than the current conventional practice of focusing on the corrosion of metals and alloys or coatings and pigments. It is a professional in-depth use of metallurgy, electrochemistry, physical chemistry, thermodynamics, etc. to carry out corresponding specific understanding, analysis, research on the corresponding corrosion mechanism, corrosion detection methods, detection equipment, detection technology, etc. to formulate corresponding standards, etc.
So, what exactly is independent "corrosion"? What factors cause independent "corrosion"? After looking throughout the history and across the world, we have carried out a unique and in-depth practical understanding, analysis, research, and conclusion that "corrosion" is completely a special important engineering that the interaction between substance and the environment to cause an insidious, gradual change in its properties during the progress. Therefore, it is a special and important engineering because it is completely concealed and gradual, and there are extremely serious risks of safety and environmental accidents. It is different from ordinary engineering and is often ignored and unknown by people. (note: characteristics of corrosion, properties of corrosion)! Only when the "target", "corrosion" is clearly understood, can it be more important to develop and formulate the "arrow" that fundamentally and comprehensively solves the "corrosion" and effectively controls it. This "arrow" is to solve and control all the factors that cause corrosion engineering in a targeted manner! The scientific and technological factors constitute the core of the engineering, which is the interaction of "substance and the corresponding environment". The direct source of corrosion is the medium that the substance bears, such as acid, alkali, salt, etc. the indirect source of corrosion is the working condition of the substance such as pressure, temperature, humidity, etc.; the source of environmental corrosion is the environmental conditions in which the substance is located, such as marine climate or continental climate, bridge structures, etc.; new corrosion sources may be generated during the interaction process, such as the intermediate product biuret produced in the urea production process. Other non-technical factors constitute the boundaries of engineering, including economics, politics, culture, society, and ecological civilization. This is our original intention of starting from the standard and uniting with the United States to establish the International Standardization Technical Committee for the Corrosion Control Engineering Life Cycle! This is an integrated innovation across disciplines and fields, not a "linear innovation" in the fields of design, materials, and technology. (Note: Integrated innovation refers to the combination of various elements of the engineering system, such as information, technology, objectives, materials, funds, methods, etc., to form comprehensive advantages, so that the engineering system as a whole can reach fairly complete degree, and on this basis to carry out the combination of total integration and intelligent system. This is the international engineering of 21st century with total integration of engineering elements and globalized intelligentization. Its significant characteristics are reflected in the global flow of elements, such as global engineering bidding, global materials procurement, global information sharing, global talent recruitment and other scientific and technological development competition goals and the highest level, strengthen and accelerate the implementation of this science and technology in the field of corrosion control engineering, to achieve the best benefits of corrosion control engineering life cycle!) It is based on substantial scientific principles, not myth or fantasy, but an innovative application of scientific principles, which is determined by the essence of disruptive technology. When new ideas and technologies emerge, a considerable number of people are generally not optimistic about them, disagree with them, or even fail to understand them. As Mr.Yasu, a member of TMB Japan, said in an email, "I believe it is worthwhile for ISO to ensure greater coordination and consistency of the technical work in this area, and ultimately to smoothly advance this interesting but difficult new project. I believe it is also a good investment in a better future for new projects."
Annex 1
Dear Chenguang,
I appreciate very much for your further explanation about this new work item proposal. We now see the global market relevance of this new project as clearly indicated by the result of ISO member voting. On the other hand, when scrutinizing the comments from ISO members including DIN, BSI, AFNOR and JISC, I as a TMB member, recognize that those ISO members expressed not only concerns about potential overlap of scope between the new TC and the existing relevant TC/SCs but also significant concerns about lack of clarity of proposed scope, and therefore, I would think that it is rather necessary for the TMB to take one more advance step to request the proposer of this new work item to refine the scope and work programme in coordination with the relevant TC/SCs, and to submit them to the TMB before our approving the establishment of a new TC either on a provisional basis or formally. I do believe that it is worthwhile to taking this kind of advance step for ensuring greater coordination and coherence of technical work at ISO in this field and eventually for smooth progress of this interesting and difficult new project. This may be a good investment for better future of this new project, I believe.
Hope you could understand my good will.
Best regards,
Annex 2
1) Mail from TC156 Chair to TPM
Dear Stéphane,
I have been informed that TMB have accepted to establish a new ISO/TC on Corrosion control engineering life-cycle.
I my opinion is that this field already is included in ISO/TC 156, but without an active work item. See in the "Strategic Business Plan of ISO/TC 156" clauses "1. Introduction" and "2 Business Environment of the ISO/TC 156", especially the second bullet from the end in 2.1 .
My opinion is that the proposal TS/P 254 is very fruitful, but it ought to be included in ISO/TC 156 as a new WG or SC.
Is it possible now to change the decision in TMB so the decision can be to insert the proposal TS/P 254 in ISO/TC 156 or what can we do?
I will rise this question on the meeting of TC 156 in Prague in June 2016. Before that I would like to have an advise of you.
Best regards
2) Mail from the Director of ISO/CS/Standardization and Technical Policy to TMB members of SAC and ANSI
Dear Chenguang, dear Steven
This email has just been forwarded to me by the TPM ( who will answer based on facts). I was wondering if you already contacted the 2 SAC secretaries ( TC256 and new TC) for discussion.
Anyway, this is more for your information.
Kind regards
3) Mail from TMB member of ANSI to the director of ISO/CS/Standardization and Technical Policy and TMB member of SAC
Hi, Sophie and Chenguang,
I have already communicated to Chenguang that from an ANSI perspective, we are flexible and feel that we could effectively co-lead an SC with SAC within TC 156 for this work if that is the preferred approach.
Thanks, and cheers!
4) Mail from the Director of ISO/CS/Standardization and Technical Policy to TMB member ofANSI Hi Steven
Thanks for your input. At least from TC156 they believe it could be a new SC.
I think I would favour this solution mainly because if we can develop the standards needed in an existing structure we avoid confusing the stakeholders and we are in line with the recommendations from our TMB TF on coherent approach
I am waiting for Chenguang feedback
Kind regards
Adopted at the 66th meeting of the Technical Management Board, Geneva (Switzerland), 15-16 June, 2016
Enlargement of the scope of ISO/TC 156 to incorporate a new field of technical activity on Corrosion control and engineering life-cycle (TS/P 254)
The Technical Management Board, Requests that ISO/TC 156 Corrosion of metals and alloys submits to the TMB a proposal to modify its scope in order to include the new field of activity proposed in TS/P 254, and
Further requests ISO/TC 156 to establish a new subcommittee to undertake the new work (with the secretariat allocated to SAC (China)).
2) Scope of new field proposed by TS/P254
The standardization of the corrosion control engineering life cycle, including the terms and definitions, general requirements, and evaluation of the corrosion control engineering life cycle. The engineering life cycle is defined as a system view of the structure to be protected from corrosion that includes the initial design and development based on material selection and protective measures through the construction, inspection, assessment, maintenance, and decommissioning at the end of life of the structure.
Excluded is work in the field of corrosion of metals and alloys including corrosion test methods and corrosion prevention methods and standardization in the field of paints, varnishes, and related products, including raw materials. Specific industry or market segments due to their special requirements are also excluded from the scope.
3)Scope of TC156
a) Original scope: Standardization in the field of corrosion of metals and alloys including corrosion test methods and corrosion prevention methods. General coordination of activities in these fields within ISO.b) Current scope: Standardization in the field of corrosion of metals and alloys including corrosion test methods, corrosion prevention methods and corrosion control engineering life cycle. (Note: ISO/CS pointed that this is still read as related to only “metals and alloys” at the virtual meeting on May 6.) General coordination of activities in these fields within ISO.
1) The characteristic of corrosion
The characteristic of corrosion is its universal existence, which means that corrosion is full of the earth. There is no place on the earth without corrosion. Where corrosion exists, there must be corrosion objects. This shows that the corrosion can never exist independently. Its existence, generation, elimination is accompanied by corroded matters, even a point, a needle eye is also like this. Even a corroded dot could cause disaster. Therefore, our earth is always jeopardized by corrosion, only the degree of corrosion and harm are different. Because the interaction degree and factors between the corroded matter and environment are different, even a point, a line, a surface, a body on the corroded matter and the degree of interaction between the environment is different, the factors are different! Therefore, it is necessary to have a deep and clear identification for the universality of corrosion. With accurate identification, clear identification and complete identification, that identifying the presence location is a very important problem to solve the corrosion problem fundamentally.
2)The properties of corrosion
The properties of corrosion are hidden, gradual engulfing, sudden destruction, and there is always the hidden danger of major accidents like personal injury, environmental pollution and other major accidents. In this regard, as engaged in corrosion control personnel need to have a calm, sober, deep thinking. There is a saying that" It is easy to dodge an open spear thrust, but difficult to guard against an arrow in the dark". It is more difficult to solve the very hidden corrosion than to solve the geometric size, structure, strength, hardness and other difficulties on the surface of the device and facility, which is the first difficulty. The second difficulty is to deal with the progressive devouring property. There is also the third difficulty of always having irregular and nonconstant properties. At the same time, the factors that cause corrosion are mostly dynamic, which is the fourth difficulty. Not only that, the hidden danger of major accidents, like personal injury, environmental pollution and other major accidents, is the fifth difficulty. We must always be vigilant. This is the third problem, which must be deeply thought, research and so on, to fundamental and comprehensive solve to the corrosion.
The whole world is full of corrosion. There is no part of the world that is not corroded. Wherever there is corrosion, there must be corroded things. Therefore, the fight against corrosion must stand at the height of the whole world, and carry out international communication, discussion and cooperation with the goal of the common cause of the world, so as to carry out corrosion control, which is the meaning of international. Corrosion control is not only a single science and technology and its standards, the lesson of reality has sounded the alarm for human many times! We learned that "corrosion control completely is an engineering". The concept of engineering is the integration process of engineering elements, including science and technology elements and non-science and technology elements, is the unity of science and technology elements and non-science and technology elements. These elements interact and restrict each other, among which the scientific and technological elements constitute the core of the engineering and the non-scientific and technological elements constitute the guarantee of the engineering. The success or failure of engineering is determined not only by scientific and technical elements, but also more often by non-scientific and technical elements. This is where the concept of corrosion control engineering comes from, as stated in the China-US joint proposal. The life cycle is only the positioning of the life length, stage, range and target of the corrosion control process. And here the life cycle refers to the goal of control during the whole process which is similar to the human life that is from the cradle to the grave.