A study comparing swabs taken from chimp nests with those from human beds found that peoples sheets and mattresses harboured far more bacteria from their bodies than the animals beds did from theirs.
The researchers say their findings suggest that our attempts to create clean environments for ourselves may actually make our surroundings “less ideal”.
More than a third—35 percent of the bacteria in human beds comes from our own saliva, skin and faecal particles. By contrast, chimps—humans closest evolutionary relatives—appear to sleep with few such bacteria. “We found almost none of those microbes in the chimpanzee nests, which was a little surprising,” said Megan Thoemmes, lead author of the paper.
人类床铺上超过三分之一(35%)的细菌来自于唾液、皮肤以及排泄物残留。相反,黑猩猩——人类的近亲,它们周边的细菌反而更少。论文的主要作者Megan Thoemmes称:“令人有些惊讶的是,我们发现黑猩猩的窝里根本没有这些细菌。”
The researchers collected samples from 41 chimpanzee beds or nests in Tanzania and tested them for microbial biodiversity. At 15 primates nests, researchers also used vacuums to find out whether there were arthropods, such as insects, spiders, mites and ticks. “We also expected to see a significant number of arthropod parasites, but we didnt,” said Ms Thoemmes.
In addition, the team were shocked to find very few fleas, lice and bed bugs— ectoparasites—in the chimp nests. Although they sleep surrounded by fewer bodily bacteria, chimps had a more diverse range of other natural bacteria from their leafy surroundings, the research found. Ms Thoemmes said she believes humans susceptibility to autoimmune diseases and allergies could be linked to these differences.
另外,團队还惊讶于他们在黑猩猩的窝里只找到了数量很少的跳蚤、虱子以及臭虫等体表寄生虫。研究发现,尽管黑猩猩睡觉时周围的身体细菌较少,但它们在多叶环境中有更多种类的其他天然细菌。Thoemmes 女士称,她认为人类自身免疫系统的敏感性以及过敏反应与这些差异息息相关。
Word Bank
swab /sw?b/ n. (用拭子采集的)化验样本
Take a swab in the nose and send it to the lab.
arthropod /'ɑ?θr?p?d/ n. 节肢动物
The world largest arthropod is the Japanese Spider Crab.
ectoparasite /ekt?'p?r?sa?t/ n. 皮外寄生物,外寄生虫