1Color of 2023—Viva Magenta“非凡洋红”被选为2023年度流行色
The Pantone Color Institute revealed its Color of the Year for 2023: ashade[色度] known as Viva Magenta, a hue[ 色彩] that is red but not too red,pink but not too pink. Described as “a nuanced crimson tone” thatbalances warm and cool, Viva Magenta is “an unconventional shade for anunconventional time”. Pantone said, “Viva Magenta is brave and fearless[无畏的],and a pulsating color whose exuberance promotes a joyous and optimisticcelebration, writing a new narrative. This year’s Color of the Year is powerfuland empowering. It is a new animated red that revels in pure joy, encouragingexperimentation and self-expression without restraint, also an electrifying,and a boundaryless shade that is manifesting as a stand-out statement.”Viva Magenta represents reassurance[ 安慰; 慰藉], confidence and connectionin a world tryingto get back on itsfeet, according toLaurie Pressman,vice president ofthe Pantone ColorInstitute.
色彩研究机构潘通公司公布2023 年度流行色为:非凡洋红。据介绍,非凡洋红是“一种微妙的深红色调”,在冷暖色间达到了平衡,是“非常规时代的非常规颜色”。潘通公司介绍:“非凡洋红勇敢而无畏,它是一种充满活力的颜色,这样的活力带来了乐观和欢乐,能够为我们开启新篇章。这一年度流行色强大而有力,是一种充满生机的红色,让人沉醉于纯粹的欢乐,鼓舞人们不断尝试,不受约束地表达自我;这是一种振奋人心、有着无限可能的色调,其鲜明强烈的个性总能令其脱颖而出。”潘通的副总裁劳里·普雷斯曼表示,非凡洋红代表着慰藉和信心,联结着一个试图回到正轨的世界。
Fill in the blanks:
____________ represents reassurance and confidence.
2Phrase of the year—You Ya嗶哩哔哩年度弹幕热词——优雅
Bilibili, a leadingvideo platform[ 平台],popular among China’syounger generation,announced the phraseof the year on its site tobe “You Ya”, or “elegant/elegance” when it istranslated literally. Elegant /elegance is often used to praise someone whois stronghearted or resilient[适应力强], or good at staying calm. No matter whatthe situation is, he or she can maintain a calm and steady mentality[ 心态].Traditionally, elegance is often associated with middle-class and highclassgroups or those with high academic backgrounds. But now, eleganceemphasizes an ability to control and balance life for ordinary people.
深受中国年轻人欢迎的视频平台“哔哩哔哩”宣布,其网站的年度弹幕热词是“优雅”,字面翻译为“elegant / elegance”。优雅通常用来赞扬一个人坚强、有韧性,或善于保持冷静。无论在什么情况下,他/ 她都能保持冷静和稳定的心态。过去,优雅通常与中高阶层群体或具有高学历的人联系在一起。但现在,对于普通人来说,优雅强调的是掌控和平衡生活的能力。
Fill in the blanks:
“Elegance” is often used to praise someone who has an ability to __________ and__________ life.
3 A special envoy for Sino-Japan friendship大熊猫永明被任命为“中日友好特使”
Eimei, a giant panda that has lived in Japan for 28 years, was appointeda special envoy[ 使者] for Sino-Japan friendship in western Japan. ChineseConsul General in Osaka Xue Jian announced the designation at a ceremonyheld in Adventure World, an amusement park in Shirahama of Japan’sWakayama Prefecture, where the panda dwells. Coming from China in 1994,it is the father of 16 giant panda cubs born at Adventure World, setting theworld record for being the oldest giant panda to have successfully bred incaptivity.
Noting that this year marksthe 50th anniversary[ 周年纪念日]of the normalization of China-Japan diplomatic relations andthe first visit by a giant panda toJapan, Xue said as a symbol offriendship between China andJapan, the giant panda plays a unique role in promoting friendship between the two peoples and developingbilateral relations. “I hope more Japanese people can turn love for pandasinto love of humanity,” said Xue, hoping that more Japanese people could feelcloser to China, the hometown of pandas, through friendly ties[纽带] betweenthe two countries built by pandas.
薛剑在致辞中说:“今年是中日邦交正常化50周年,也是大熊猫首次访日50 周年。大熊猫作为中日友好的象征,为促进两国人民友谊、发展两国关系发挥着独特作用,希望更多日本国民借助大熊猫构筑起的中日友好纽带,对大熊猫的故乡中国感到亲切。”
Fill in the blanks:
The special envoy for Sino-Japan friendship is a giant panda named __________.
4 The power of Chinese sponsors in the 2022 FIFA World Cup中国企业成为世界杯最大赞助商
Wanda Group, HisenseGroup, vivo and Mengniu are fourofficial Chinese sponsors of FIFA,while Wanda has become one ofFIFA’s seven corporate partners,along with Coca-Cola, Adidas,Hyundai-Kia, Qatar Airways, Qatar Energy and VISA. Data showed Chinesecompanies provided more sponsorship revenue than companies from any other country at the 2022 World Cup, ranking as the world’s top with nearly$1.4 billion, exceeding that of the US at $1.1 billion.
Apart from big companies, manufacturers from Yiwu, China’s smallcommodity hub, are also witnessing their growing influence during theworld-renowned sports event. From footballs, national flags and trophy[獎品]ornaments[ 饰物] to horns and whistles, over 60 percent of souvenirsare being produced in Yiwu for this years’ World Cup. Lusail, Qatar’sbiggest stadium to hold the World Cup final, was built by China RailwayConstruction Corp International, costing a total of $770 million. CCTVnews reported that Chinese companies mainly from Guangdong andZhejiang have also provided more than 10,000 container houses for theWorld Cup, used as accommodation[ 住处] for tourists and football fans.The World Cup sponsorship by a large number of Chinese companies is ademonstration[展示;证实] of China’s economic power, and makes the globefeel the power of Chinese brands.
除了大企业,来自中国小商品之都义乌的制造商在这场全球体育盛宴中的影响力也与日俱增。从足球、国旗、奖杯饰品到喇叭和口哨,本届世界杯60%以上的纪念品来自义乌。卡塔尔最大的体育场卢赛尔体育场是世界杯决赛场地,由中国铁建承建,耗资7.7 亿美元。据央视新闻报道,本届世界杯为游客和球迷提供了1万多个集装箱房作为住宿场所,这些集装箱主要来自中国广东和浙江的企业。大量中国企业赞助世界杯是中国经济实力的展示,让世界感受到中国品牌的力量。
Fill in the blanks
Chinese sponsors provided the___________with nearly $1.4 billion, ranking as the world’s top.