The importance of culture

2023-02-21 05:51王英杰
疯狂英语·新读写 2023年1期

主题语境:文化 篇幅:322词 建议用时:6分钟

1Culture refers to the way of life,especially the general customs and beliefs,of a particular group of people at a particular time.It is so valuable that it is followed by a certain generation and passed on to the coming generations.Let's learn about the importance of culture by taking a look at the following.

2Culture creates identification.The culture and the values followed in a particular community display its own unique identity.By practicing a set of rituals and traditions,the community gains a unique character and personality,simply because of the culture of the people belonging to it.Further,it is learned and passed on from the older generations to the newer ones,thereby keeping the culture alive and fresh.

3Culture bonds people.Culture is merely a bond or tie that keeps people belonging to a particular region or community together.Thus,people following similar rituals,customs,and values fall into one culture,thereby bonding them together.These include the festivals they celebrate,the kind of clothing they wear,the food they eat,and most importantly,the cultural values they stick to.

4Culture establishes principles.People coming from a particular culture exhibit distinguished standards and behaviors.Moreover,cultural values highly influence a person's principles and philosophies of life and his/her way of living.

5Culture helps people stand apart in foreign countries.In today's competitive world,most people migrate from their homeland to other regions in quest of a better living.It is only due to their sustaining of the cultural values that they stay connected with their family and community,in particular.Further,they maintain their unique customs so that they do not mix with foreigners and lose out on their traditions back home.

6All in all,nothing and no one should be allowed to attack or destroy our cultural traditions.It is always wise to remember that our cultures define our existence and make us who we are.A world without diverse cultures will not be as colorful as it is now.

Reading Check

Fill in each blank according to the text.

Language Study

Ⅰ.Discover useful structures in the text意为“如此……以至于……”,that引导结果状语从句

It is so valuable that it is followed by a certain generation and passed on to the coming generations.它是如此宝贵,以至于它被某一代人所遵循并传递给后代。

2.It is...that...强调句型

It is only due to their sustaining of the cultural values that they stay connected with their family and community,in particular.尤其是由于他们坚持文化价值观,他们才能与家人和社区保持联系。

Ⅱ.Text-centered chunks

refer to 指的是;涉及

pass on 传递(信息);将……传给

belong to 属于

one's way of living 某人的生活方式

in quest of 探索……;寻求……

due to 由于;因为

stay connected with 保持联系

in particular 尤其;特别

lose out(on sth)损失;吃亏

Britain's“Shark House”
Maintain a social distance and stay connected 保持社交距离,保持联系
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