公安机关打击缅北涉我电信网络诈骗犯罪获突破性战果2349名缅北电信网络诈骗犯罪嫌疑人一次性移交我方 等三则

2023-02-17 07:19
现代世界警察 2023年11期

公安机关打击缅北涉我电信网络诈骗犯罪获突破性战果2349 名缅北电信网络诈骗犯罪嫌疑人一次性移交我方

公安机关针对缅北涉我电信网络诈骗犯罪始终紧盯不放,在持续开展多轮次打击行动,坚决铲除诈骗窝点、依法缉捕涉诈人员的基础上,近日,云南普洱公安机关与缅甸相关地方执法部门开展边境警务执法合作,抓获2349名中国籍电信网络诈骗犯罪嫌疑人并移交我方。这是开展打击缅北涉我电信网络诈骗犯罪行动以来,单次移交人数最多的一次,其中包括网上在逃人员111 名。

在前期工作基础上,云南公安机关与缅甸相关地方执法部门不断加强边境警务合作,持续通报最新研判的诈骗窝点和人员线索,并于近日密集开展抓捕行动,一大批电信网络诈骗犯罪嫌疑人相继落网。10 月14 日,2349 名嫌疑人移交我方并分别由云南昆明以及江苏、河南、山东、湖南、重庆等地公安机关陆续押回,全力开展案件侦办工作。截至目前,在云南多地公安机关不懈努力下,已有4666 名缅北涉我电信网络诈骗犯罪嫌疑人移交我方,其中包括网上在逃人员205 名。今年8 月以来,全国电信网络诈骗案件发案数、造成财产损失数同比分别下降24%、20.5%。


Myanmar Hands over 2,300 Telecom Scam Suspects to China

BEIJING, Oct.16 (Xinhua) -- In an ongoing crackdown on telecom fraud originating from northern Myanmar and targeting Chinese citizens, 2,349 more suspects have been transferred from Myanmar to Chinese custody, the Ministry of Public Security (MPS) announced Monday.

This new success represents the largest number of suspects transferred since the crackdown campaign began.

The suspects, including 111 fugitives, were handed over on Oct.14 in a recent border law-enforcement collaboration between public security authorities in the city of Pu'er, Yunnan Province, and relevant law-enforcement departments of Myanmar.Yunnan, in southwest China, shares a border with northern Myanmar.

So far, a total of 4,666 telecom fraud suspects in northern Myanmar have been delivered to the Chinese side, the MPS said,adding that since August, the country saw a 24-percent decrease in the number of cyber and wire fraud cases, and a 20.5-percent drop in the property losses incurred by such cases.■

云南公安机关打击缅北涉我电信网络诈骗犯罪再添新战果706 名电信网络诈骗犯罪嫌疑人分三批移交我方

针对缅北涉我电信网络诈骗犯罪严峻形势,云南公安机关不断强化与缅甸相关地方执法部门的边境警务合作,持续开展多轮打击行动。近日,在前期工作取得显著成效基础上,打击行动再添重大战果,497 名电信网络诈骗犯罪嫌疑人分两批移交临沧公安机关,209 名电信网络诈骗犯罪嫌疑人移交普洱公安机关,其中网上在逃人员26 名,有力打击了境外诈骗分子的嚣张气焰。

今年9 月以来,云南西双版纳、普洱等地公安机关通过与缅甸相关地方执法部门开展边境警务执法合作,一大批境外诈骗窝点被成功铲除,一大批电信网络诈骗犯罪嫌疑人被移交我方。为持续掀起打击声势,纵深推进打击行动,在云南省公安厅的指挥部署下,普洱公安机关进一步扩大战果,209 名电信网络诈骗犯罪嫌疑人于10 月1 日成功移交我方。同时,临沧公安机关边境警务执法合作取得重大进展,缅甸相关地方执法部门分别于9 月25 日和10 月7 日,先后两批向我方移交电信网络诈骗犯罪嫌疑人497 名。这是继西双版纳、普洱公安机关之后,云南公安机关开展边境警务合作取得的又一重要突破。

目前,相关犯罪嫌疑人已由内蒙古、黑龙江、浙江、安徽、福建、河南、重庆等涉案地公安机关押回。公安机关将彻查其全部犯罪事实,在依法严厉打击诈骗犯罪的同时,深挖境内黑灰产等关联犯罪,确保全链条打击,依法严厉惩处。经过持续有效打击,已有2317 名缅北涉我电信网络诈骗犯罪嫌疑人被成功抓获并移交我方,其中幕后“金主”、组织头目和骨干23 名,网上在逃人员94 名,有力挤压了境外诈骗分子生存空间,近期全国电信网络诈骗案件发案呈现明显下降趋势。


Another 706 telecom scam suspects from northern Myanmar handed over to China

In an ongoing crackdown on telecom fraud originating from northern Myanmar and affecting Chinese citizens, 706 more suspects have been transferred from Myanmar to Chinese custody, the Ministry of Public Security announced Monday.

The suspects, including 26 fugitives, were handed over to public security authorities in the cities of Lincang and Pu'er of southwest China's border province of Yunnan on Sept.25 and Oct.7.

Chinese authorities have pledged to thoroughly investigate the suspects' criminal activities and crack down on telecom fraud with strict adherence to the law.They also plan to delve into related domestic crimes in order to ensure a comprehensive crackdown throughout the entire chain of criminal activities.

The number of telecom fraud cases has declined significantly in recent months, with a total of 2,317 suspects to date captured and transferred to China from Myanmar,according to the ministry.

Public security authorities have vowed to continue their efforts to crack down on telecom fraud and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the people.■

中国警方与印尼警方持续深化国际警务执法合作153 名实施跨境裸聊敲诈的电信网络诈骗犯罪嫌疑人从印度尼西亚被押解回国

9 月20 日晚,随着三架中国民航包机分别降落在北京大兴国际机场和济南遥墙国际机场,前期中国警方和印度尼西亚警方通过警务执法合作抓获的153 名实施跨境裸聊敲诈的电信网络诈骗犯罪嫌疑人,被北京、山东公安机关从印尼押解回国,涉及全国多个省市的百余起跨境裸聊敲诈案件成功告破。

针对当前裸聊敲诈犯罪多发高发态势,公安部组织部署北京、山东等地公安机关紧盯重点案件,加强研判分析,强化线索摸排,初步掌握了盘踞在印尼境内的特大跨境裸聊敲诈犯罪团伙相关情况。今年8 月,公安部派员率北京、山东公安机关民警组成工作组赴印尼开展工作,在我驻印尼使馆的大力支持和警务联络官的协调下,配合印尼警方于8 月29 日成功捣毁相关犯罪窝点,一举抓获88 名实施跨境裸聊敲诈的电信网络诈骗犯罪嫌疑人,查扣大批电脑、手机、银行卡等作案工具。随后,工作组经循线深挖,又发现藏匿于印尼巴淡岛、加里曼丹等地的多个裸聊敲诈犯罪窝点,在掌握相关犯罪事实和证据的基础上,配合印尼警方组织开展第二轮收网行动,抓获犯罪嫌疑人65 名,狠狠打击了犯罪分子的嚣张气焰。


Police bring back 153 online fraud suspects from Indonesia

A total of 153 online fraud suspects who allegedly carried out cross-border "naked chat" extortion operations from Indonesia were returned to China on Wednesday evening.

A total of 153 online fraud suspects who allegedly carried out cross-border "naked chat" extortion operations from Indonesia were returned to China on Wednesday evening, the Ministry of Public Security said.

The suspects were brought back by Chinese police on chartered flights, the ministry said.Their capture marks the resolution of more than 100 cross-border naked chat extortion cases filed in China, it added.Naked chat scams usually involve blackmailing or extorting money from an online victim by placing them in a compromising position.

Given the current surge in online naked chat extortion crimes, the ministry deployed public security bodies in Beijing and Shandong province to closely monitor major cases and strengthen analysis.After launching investigations, the police gathered information about major transnational extortion criminal groups operating in Indonesia.

In August, the ministry sent a special team comprised of officers from Beijing and Shandong to Indonesia to cooperate with local police on investigating the scams.On Aug 29,local police, with the support of Chinese officers, captured 88 suspects involved in transnational online extortion scams and seized a large number of devices used for committing such crimes.

Shortly after that, they uncovered several more extortion criminal hideouts in various locations in Indonesia, including Batam and Kalimantan.Then they launched another round of operations, and apprehended 65 more suspects.

An official from the ministry said law enforcement agencies will maintain their high-pressure crackdown on such crimes, deepen international law enforcement cooperation and increase efforts to combat these illegal activities to effectively safeguard the property and legal rights of the people.■
