Yino Su, Houling Di, Lihun Kung, Jizhen Liu, Dzho Gu, Cineng Zou, Hixi Hung
a Energy and Mining Engineering Division of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Beijing 100088, China
b China National Petroleum Corporation, Beijing 100007, China
c North China Electric Power University, Beijing 102206, China
d China Energy Investment Co., Ltd., Beijing 100011, China
The authors regret to inform that the first author should change to Yinao Su,and would like to add an author Haixia Huang to the author list.The correct order of the authors should be Yinao Su,Houliang Dai,Lichun Kuang,Jizhen Liu,Dazhao Gu,Caineng Zou,and Haixia Huang.
The authors would like to apologize for any inconvenience caused.