The “Twenty-four Solar(太阳的) Terms(术语)” originated(起源于) and was first used in China. It was created thousands of years ago on the basis of practical(实用的) needs of agriculture(农业). Its determined(决定) by the changes of the suns position(位置) in the zodiac(黄道十二宫) throughout(贯穿) the year, with two segments(节,段) each month. Ancient(古代的) Chinese people used it to guide agriculture production(生产), special climate(气候) signs such as floods and drought(干旱), cultural ceremonies(仪式), family gatherings(聚会) and even healthy living tips. Nowadays(现今) the “Twenty-four Solar Terms” is still being used by farmers and followed in many other parts of the world apart from China.
Spring Begins(立春), The Rains(雨水), Insects Awaken(惊蛰), Vernal Equinox(春分), Clear and Bright(清明), Grain Rain(谷雨) are all in spring.
Summer Begins(立夏), Grain Buds(小满), Grain in Ear(芒种), Summer Solstice(夏至), Slight Heat(小暑), Great Heat(大暑) are all in summer.
Autumn Begins(立秋), Stopping the Heat(处暑), White Dews(白露), Autumn Equinox(秋分), Cold Dews(寒露), Hoar-Frost Falls(霜降) are all in autumn.
Winter Begins(立冬), Light Snow(小雪), Heavy Snow(大雪), Winter Solstice(冬至), Slight Cold(小寒), Great Cold(大寒) are all in winter.
Let's Try!
( )1. Nowadays the “Twenty-four Solar Terms” is not being used by farmers.
( )2.The Rains, Clear and Bright, Grain Rain are all in spring.
( )3. Grain Buds, White Dews are in summer.
( )4. Autumn Begins, Slight Heat are in autumn.
( )5. Winter Begins, Light Snow, Great Cold are all in winter.