There is a Chinese map in my room. It looks like a big rooster. “它”昂首挺胸,十分威武。小时候,爸爸经常会和我讲,这张地图上有很多有趣的地方。I want to go everywhere on the map.一天,我指着“公鸡”的尾巴说: “I want to go here.” “Ah, this is Xinjiang.”从此, 我对新疆充满了好奇和向往。This summer holiday, our family made a trip to Xinjiang. 我終于如愿以偿了。
We drive along Duku Highway(独库公路)and enjoy the beautiful scenery. 你知道吗?在一天的时间里我们居然经历了四个不同的季节。From “spring”to “winter”, from sunny to snowy, its such a special day for me!前一秒太阳公公还在送来温暖,下一秒“白雪仙女”已经挥舞起她的魔棒。Its so magical! Xinjiang is like a magician(魔术师)and brings us such a surprise.
One of my dreams is riding a white horse on the grassland. Wow! It becomes true now. 此刻,我多么像一个凯旋的将军! I sit on the back of the horse and look forward. I laugh, sing and hug the wind. 远处的山丘高高低低的,仿佛正在比赛谁离天更近。Suddenly, a blue and green lake comes in front of me. 湖面波光微漾。这就是著名的“赛里木湖”,当地人告诉我们,它是“大西洋的最后一滴眼泪”。
We can find so much delicious food in Xinjiang. 看!有哈密瓜、大枣、葡萄干、羊肉串、黄酥油、奶疙瘩。I like Kawasi(卡瓦斯) best. 它的味道像酒酿一样香甜可口。The most famous food in Xinjiang is mutton strings(羊肉串). 它们在烧烤架上发出“嗞嗞”的响声,香气扑鼻。How yummy! 这味道只有亲自品尝过才会知道呢!
What a wonderful trip! We had a good time in Xinjiang. I like Xinjiang so much. 到去新疆走一走,看一看,尝一尝,一定会让你觉得不虚此行,收获满满哦!
(邓琦婧 供 稿)