2021 年度林贵-刘子江优秀介入论文奖在南京正大天晴制药有限公司大力支持下,经过本人申请,编辑部初审,邀请国内各介入专业专家评审,共评选出2021 年度在《介入放射学杂志》和《介入医学杂志(英文)》上发表的优秀论文7 篇,其中一等奖1 篇,二等奖2 篇,三等奖4 篇。 现将名单公布如下:
一等奖(1 篇)
田庆华等. 经皮骨水泥椎间融合术与骨水泥椎间盘成形术治疗老年腰椎间盘突出症的疗效比较
二等奖(2 篇)
邵秋季等. Application of 3D T1-SPACE combined with 3D-TOF sequence for follow-up evaluation of stent-assisted coil embolization for intracranial aneurysm
刘家成等. A new choice of stent for transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt creation: Viabahn ePTFE covered stent/bare metal stent combination
三等奖(4 篇)
胡俊刚等. Retrograde embolization technique of the right gastric artery during the implantation of port-catheter system for hepatic arterial infusion chemotherapy
何 煜等. Comparison of the postoperative pain change and spinal stenosis rate between percutaneous vertebroplasty combined with radiofrequency ablation and with125I particle implantation in the treatment of metastatic spinal cord compression: A retrospective study
王满周等. 介入医学作为临床医学本科生必修课教学初探
顾 杰等. TACE 联合阿帕替尼对比单独TACE 治疗中晚期原发性肝癌的倾向性匹配分析